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How human activities impact the Earth's ecosystems I

How human activities impact the Earth's ecosystems I. Standard 4 Key Idea 7 PI 7.1 MU 7.1 c , PI 7.2 MU 7.2a – 7.2c. Bell Ringer Question. Give examples of environmental problems that you have heard from newspapers or TV news. Greenhouse effects Air pollution Nuclear energy wastes

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How human activities impact the Earth's ecosystems I

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  1. How human activities impact the Earth's ecosystems I Standard 4 Key Idea 7 PI 7.1 MU 7.1 c , PI 7.2 MU 7.2a – 7.2c

  2. Bell Ringer Question • Give examples of environmental problems that you have heard from newspapers or TV news. Greenhouse effects Air pollution Nuclear energy wastes Water pollution, etc

  3. Summary of what we are going to learn this class and next class • Biodiversity crisis • Land use and pollution • Global warming • Ozone layer depletion • Energy crisis Today Next class

  4. 1. Biodiversity crisis 1) Adding or removing specific organisms intentionally or unintentionally • e.g. planting large expanses of one crop reduces the biodiversity of the area. • e.g. Zebra mussels introduced by a foreign ship dominated the Great Lakes, killing other native mussel shells.  U.S. spent about $ 5 billion each year to recover the environment. http://undertheriffles.com/tag/zebra-mussels/

  5. 1. Biodiversity crisis con’t 2) Commercial harvest/ unregulated hunting http://www.talking-naturally.co.uk/egypt-unregulated-bird-hunting-and-the-malta-connection/

  6. 1. Biodiversity crisis con’t 2) Habitat fragmentation Breakup of large areas of habitat into small segments. http://wildflowerturfblog.wildflowerturf.co.uk/2012/02/16/habitat-fragmentation/

  7. Why is biodiversity important? (handout) • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HA3xNMJnFuo

  8. 2. Land use and pollution • Human population increase occupy more land as living space or farmland. • Less natural habitat for many native species. • Soil erosion : less available habitat for many species http://troutstreamresearch.safl.umn.edu/

  9. Water pollution: Causes • Heat • Sewage • Fertilizers (i.e. chemical phosphate) • Pesticides • Heavy metals (i.e. mercury) • Dioxin • Bacteria • Etc. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/01/090118200636.htm

  10. Water pollution con’t http://waterstse.wordpress.com/world-impact/

  11. Video: Water pollution (Answer questions on the handout.) • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxZ4IMpM45Y

  12. Discuss the following problem with your partner. Regents June 2013 # 64

  13. Possible answers — Increase plant growth might block sunlight from penetrating the water, killing off other plant species. — Increase plant growth could disrupt the food chain by blocking light to the ecosystem. — There will be a change (increased/decreased) in the oxygen supply for fish. — There will be a change (decreased/increased) in the food supply for herbivores. — can result in more decaying material causing the lake to fill in. — Excessive plant growth can limit animal movement/alter habitat.

  14. Air pollution • Burning fossil fuels  pollutants such as carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, and particulate matter. • When these pollutants are combined with water, they make acid rain. http://sayiamgreen.com/blog/2009/09/the-10-most-polluted-cities-in-the-world/

  15. Video: Air pollution (Answer questions on the handout.) • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOk5G5vd2lw

  16. 3. Global warming • Global warming: a gradual increase in the average temperature of Earth as a result of greenhouse gases

  17. Global warming http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/graphs_v3/Fig.A2.gif

  18. Global warming: Causes Greenhouse effects Burning fossil fuels emits carbon dioxide, and other gases these gases trap the sunlight, causing the greenhouse effect. http://afraidoftree.blogspot.com/2011/01/assigment-forest-ecology-greenhouse.html

  19. Video: Global warming(Answer questions on the handout.) • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROZJmX73FF4

  20. Exit ticket Regents Exams

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