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Organize, manage, and cite references effortlessly with Mendeley software. Learn how to import, organize, and share documents efficiently. Mendeley offers free academic tools and cross-platform compatibility for seamless research workflow. Get started today!
Table of Contents: Part A • Background/Location • Signup/Login • Import References • Organize (Manage) References
Table of Contents Part BManaging Documents & References • File organizer • Citing references • Creating bibliographies/Using MS Word Plugin • Sharing documents and references
Typical researcher writing a paper… Source: flickr/toennessen
Problem statement… article Your topic: article Your paper article article book book citations conference paper conference paper conference paper reference list/bibliography • Lots of typing • Lost references • Mistakes
Use a reference management tool! article article Your article article article EndNoteWeb Mendeley Etc. book citations book conference paper conference paper conference paper reference list/bibliography
Reference management softwares Tools that help scholars to create and manage their lists of references for research projects. Most tools are designed to organize citations into specific formats for the preparation of manuscripts and bibliographies. Many search tools provide ways to download references into reference management tools.
What is Mendeley? Organize your documents + references Collaborate by joining + creating groups Discover statistics + recommendations Stay up to date + Learn more [12/08/2014]
What is Mendeley? • Free Academic Software • Cross-Platform (Win/Mac/Linux) • All Major Browsers Mobile Desktop Web
This is the Web version of Mendeley which is used to manage your papers online. Tabbed menu or Resources Main menu or Function menu References My Library/ Collections
References Desktopversion of Mendeley which is used to manage, annotate and cite your research papers offline. Collections Reference details Filters
Mendeley for iOS which is used to manage, annotate and cite your research papers on-the-go.
The basic version of Mendeley Web is free with 2 GB Personal Web Space, 500 MB Shared Web Space, 5 collaborators, 5 groups and 500 MB group library space. You can also upgrade to their premium plans with additional storage and features for a fee.
To use Mendeley, go to the following address: http://www.mendeley.com From the Mendeley homepage, click on Create a free account.
Mendeley will automatically detect the operating system that you are using. Click Save so you can use the file again if you decide to install it in your other computers or laptops.
To be able to share your profile and make it searchable to all users of Mendeley, you should verify your account. Open the email address that you use during the sign up/registration.
Click on the URLor the link provided in the email to verify your Mendeley account.
After clicking on the URL or link, you will be sent to this page that verifies your account.
If you decide to use your Facebook account to Sign in, you have to provide your email and password.
Exercise 1 1. Open your preferred web browser (IE, Firefox, Chrome, etc.) 2. Go to the website: www.mendeley.com 3. Create a free account and download the Mendeley Desktop.
Creating your Mendeley Library There are several ways: Add a PDF Add a folder of PDFs Drag and drop PDFs in Mendeley Desktop Import/export to and from other reference management software Add reference manually Watch folders to automatically add PDFs to Mendeley Desktop One-click Web Importer Search references within the Mendeley website
Click Literature Search. Type your keywords in the search box and press the enter key.
Click the grey dot next to the reference to add it in your library. Check marks indicate that the references are added to your library.
Log in to your Mendeley Web account then click the Papers tab. Type your keywords in the search box then click the search icon.
Click Save PDF/reference to library to add references to your library. Check marks indicate that the references are added to your library.
If you want to have access to your PDFs from anywhere, activate the file synchronization feature. By enabling this feature you are able to access your PDF files in your Mendeley Web library. Note: Always use the Sync in Mendeley Desktop everytime you use the Mendeley Web to add references to your library.
Click Add Files, browse to the location of the pdf then, click the Open button.
This slide shows that the pdf has been added to your library. Mendeley will attempt to automatically detect the document details (bibliographic data). Any documents whose details Mendeley is uncertain about will be added to the Reference details section for manual verification.
Click the dropdown arrow and choose Add Folder. Then browse to the location of the folder and click the Ok button.
This slide shows that all PDFs have been added to your library. Two were added. Mendeley will attempt to automatically detect the document details (bibliographic data). Any documents whose details Mendeley is uncertain about will be added to the Needs Review section for manual verification.
Drag & drop PDFs in the Reference section to add them to your library.
Export and Import to and from other reference management software
Add Entry manually lets you add references to Mendeley Desktop by completing a form.
Exercise 2 1. Click Literature Search and type your keywords in the search box then press the enter key. 2. From the search results, select five (5) articles that is of interest to you and save to your library.
Creating your Mendeley Library There are several ways: Add a PDF Add a folder of PDFs Drag and drop PDFs in Mendeley Desktop Import/export to and from other reference management software Add reference manually Watch folders to automatically add PDFs to Mendeley Desktop One-click Web Importer Search references within the Mendeley website
Click Add Files, browse to the location of the pdf then, click the Open button.
This slide shows that the pdf has been added to your library. Mendeley will attempt to automatically detect the document details (bibliographic data). Any documents whose details Mendeley is uncertain about will be added to the Reference details section for manual verification.
Click the dropdown arrow and choose Add Folder. Then browse to the location of the folder and click the Ok button.
This slide shows that all PDFs have been added to your library. Two were added. Mendeley will attempt to automatically detect the document details (bibliographic data). Any documents whose details Mendeley is uncertain about will be added to the Needs Review section for manual verification.
Drag & drop PDFs in the Reference section to add them to your library.
Export and Import to and from other reference management software
Add Entry manually lets you add references to Mendeley Desktop by completing a form.
Exercise 2 1. Log in to your Mendeley Web account then click the Papers tab. 2. In the search box, search for the article: The scientific foundation for tobacco harm reduction, 2006-2011 by Brad Rodu 3. Save it to your library. 4. Open your Mendeley Desktop and click Sync. The article should be displayed.
Exercise 3 1. In Mendeley Desktop, click File - Add Entry Manually. 2. Select Book and enter the following: Title: Tuberculosis Control in the Western Pacific Region - 2010 Report Author: World Health Organization. Regional Office for the Western Pacific Publisher and publication date:WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific, 2011. 3. Click Save.
Exercise 4 Download the following article and save to your desktop: Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis today by A Matteelli et al. Click to get full text pdf 2. Drag and drop the pdf file in the Reference section of your Mendeley Desktop. 3. Review the details of the article before clicking the button - Details are Collect.
Exercise 5 Try to export any of your references from the reference management software which you are currently using (i.e., BibTeX, EndNote, RIS and Zotero). Then Save it in your desktop. In Mendeley Desktop, click File – Import – [Choose the format of the exported file]and then locate the file you exported then click Open.
Use Watch folders to automatically add PDFs to Mendeley Desktop. When you place a document in a watched folder, it will be automatically added to Mendeley.