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Enhance Z39 functionality with new access and transformation tools, improved configuration options, and optimized handling of library holdings information. Explore the latest features and configurations for seamless Z39.50 server and gateway integration.
Z39 Server and Z39.50 Gateway
Z39.50 Server • Bath Profile conformance has been added to the Z39 Server. • Z39 server supports Structure Attribute 1(phrase) and 2(word), as follows: • ·Functional Area A, Level 0 Basic • Bibliographic Search and Retrieval - • full conformance. • ·Functional Area A, Level 1 Basic • Bibliographic Search and Retrieval - • partial conformance. Z39 Configuration
Z39.50 Server • Processing holdings information is • no longer dependent on expand. • There is a new service which • converts holdings information into OPAC record syntax format. Z39 Configuration
Z39.50 Server - Configuration • Allconfiguration files were • moved to • ./alephe/tab/z39_server Z39 Configuration
Z39.50 Server - Configuration • It is possible to define character • conversion for input and output: • ./alephe/tab/z39_server/z39_server_base • COL.2 -Routine for input character conversion • COL.3 -Routine for output character conversion • Example: • HEBREW_SEARCH 8859_8_TO_UTF UTF_TO_8859_8 USMARC Z39 Configuration
Z39.50 Gateway • From ALEPH 500_14.1, • the Z39.50 Gate is part of the larger • Ex Libris Universal Gateway, and • therefore has new features and new • definition files. Z39 Configuration
The Z39 Gateway as Part of the Universal Gateway ALEPH GUI Clients Z39 Gateway ALEPH - Z39.50 Translation PC Server UNIVERSAL Gateway WWW Clients Z39.50 Protocol WWW Server ALEPH library Non ALEPH library Z39 Configuration
The Z39 Gateway as Part of the Universal Gateway • The structural change allowed: - The introduction of new features, including the ability to optimize search queries (e.g., the normalization of Find and Scan requests) Z39 Configuration
The Z39 Gateway as Part of the Universal Gateway • To implement handling of holdings information obtained from the remote target (OPAC record syntax) Z39 Configuration
Z39 Gateway & the Universal Gateway: Structure and Configuration Configuration components: • Old (no change) ./alephe/tab/z39_gate The /alephe/tab/z39_gate.conf files define Z39.50 attributes, and these files have not changed in structure or intent. • New ./alephe/gate The new alephe/gate contains *.conf files which define term transformation (input normalization). Z39 Configuration
Z39 Gateway & the Universal Gateway: Structure and Configuration Structural change: - The Z390n libraries, which were used for formatting tables and storing records retrieved through the z39_gate, are no longer in use. Z39 Configuration
Z39 Gateway & the Universal Gateway: Structure and Configuration The new structure is : • EXT0n libraries, which contain formatting tables (EXT01 – USMARC, EXT02 – UNIMARC etc.) • VIR01 library, which is used for temporary storage of records retrieved through the gate. • VIR00 library, which is used for Oracle tables required for the Universal Gate (mainly for future use) Z39 Configuration
Z39 Gateway & the Universal Gateway: New Features and Configuration VIR01 should be "emptied out" regularly (on a weekly basis). This can be performed by : - invoking util-x-8 (Clean Virtual library utility)or - entering a line such as the following in the UTIL E/15/1 job_list file: • 00 03:00:00 Y VIR01 clear_vir01 VIR01 Z39 Configuration
Z39 Gateway & the Universal Gateway: New Features and Configuration Holdings information display: 1. $alephe_gate/target.conf must have the following definition: holding-method OPAC 2. ./extnn/tab/edit_doc_999.lng must contain the following tag: • ## ITM6 D LItem remote Y E Z39 Configuration
Z39 Gateway & the Universal Gateway: New Features and Configuration • ITM6 - link for formatting remote holdings items data. • Relevant only within EXTnn libraries. Z39 Configuration
Z39 Gateway & the Universal Gateway: New Features and Configuration Input normalization: It is possible to normalize input sent to the remote server in the following cases: - Find request - Scan request - Find performed on the remote database after the scan results are presented Z39 Configuration
Z39 Gateway & the Universal Gateway: New Features and Configuration Input normalization: Normalization is performed by the UNIVERSAL Gateway. Normalization components: 1. Transformation routines 2. Definitions in ./alephe/gate/target.conf Z39 Configuration
Z39 Gateway & the Universal Gateway: New Features and Configuration Example: loc.conf Z39 Configuration
Z39 Gateway & the Universal Gateway: New Features and Configuration Example of a transformation routine: • Transformation: 7 • Parameters: special chars • Purpose: remove part of the term starting from any special • char from Parameters • Example: the term before transformation: (Givat Ram [1999]) • parameters: ([(<) * .the term after transformation: (Givat Ram) • Note: If the term starts from a special char, it is left unchanged. Z39 Configuration