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PRIUM SLOVENIAN CASE STUDY UNIVERSITY OF MARIBOR Rector: Prof. Dr. Ivan ROZMAN University of Maribor, November 200 8. Maribor. Maribor. University of Maribor - History. 1859 First School of Theology, established by bishop Anton Martin Slomšek
PRIUMSLOVENIAN CASE STUDYUNIVERSITY OF MARIBORRector: Prof. Dr. Ivan ROZMANUniversity of Maribor, November 2008
University of Maribor - History 1859 First School of Theology, established by bishop Anton Martin Slomšek 1959-1961 Independent Higher Education Institutions 1975 University of Maribor – Faculties Independent Legal Entities 1993 University of Maribor – Only Legal Entity 2008 University of Maribor – Present Stage
University of Maribor - Members Faculty of Business and Economics Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Chemical Engineering Faculty of Civil Engineering Faculty of Electrical EngineeringComputer Scienceand Informatics Faculty of Agriculture Faculty of Law Faculty of Education Faculty of Organizational Sciences Faculty of Criminal Justice Faculty of Medicine(established in 2004) Faculty of Logistics (established in 2005) Faculty of Health Sciences Faculty of Arts (brand new) Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics(brand new) Faculty of Energetics (brand new)
International Framework • Bologna Declaration 1999. • European Research Area. • Glasgow Declaration 2005 (doctoral training will meet the needs of an employment market that is wider than academia,through the development of research competence and transferable skills, lasts 3 to 4 years of full time work, doctoral candidates as students and as early stage researchers, joint programmes). • Salzburg 2005 (Ten Basic Principles). • EUA 2005: Doctoral Programmes for the European Knowledge society – Report on the EUA Doctoral Programmes project.
National Framework • Higher Education Act 2004 (structure of study will be changed no later than acad. year 2009/2010): The third level has one type of study programme - doctorate of science. The general entrance requirement is a completed second-level study. Programmes last three years, study obligations are worth 180 ECTS, 60 ECTS of them presents the organized educational process. • Accreditation regulations. • National Accreditation regulations for evaluation of study programmes according to ECTS (based on ECTS Users Guide, EU 2004). • Professional and Academic Titles Act.
Institutional Framework • Statute of the University of Maribor. • Model of a doctoral study adopted by the Commission for Study affairs. • Regulations on preparation procedure and defence of a doctoral thesis. (October 2008). • New study programmes at the third level either substitute existent ones or are completely new.
Characteristics of the doctoral training in Slovenia • Almost classical study programmes - structured doctoral education with min. 60 ECTS of the organized educational process, determine student’s individual workload, selectivity. • “Open” admission requirements (second-level graduates enrol in a doctoral programme, each field is appropriate). • Massification (entrance examinations). • Different role of supervision and assessment. • Internationalisation.
Process of the implementation of doctoral programmes at the University of Maribor • New doctoral programmes are prepared by faculties (more or less) according to the Model of a doctoral study. • Study affairs office gives advice to faculties when preparing new study programs during all accreditation procedure (revisions of application for study programmes’ accreditation, writing remarks, discussions with proposers). • Programmes are discussed at the Commission for Postgraduate study and Senate of the UM and adopted by the Counsel for Higher Education. • At least two Internal experts and opinions of future employees are needed.
Doctoral education in numbers • Study year 2005/06: enrolment of first generation of students in new third degree study programme at a Faculty of Medicine UM. • Until now: 6 third degree study programmes accredited.
Key status definitions • The University of Maribor is a corporate body, university members don’t have legal subjectivity. Rector represents university with full authorization. • Public founds, gained by university and its members from the Republic of Slovenia state budget meant for public services, are managed at the university’s account and separate at members’ sub-accounts. • Upon university member dean’s proposal, rector decides on employment status of all higher education teachers, scientific workers, higher education collaborators and other employees with contracts for an indefinite time. • Rector is elected, deans, vice deans, secretary general, member’s secretary general, ...are appointed by the rector.
Organs of the University of Maribor Rector Professional Leader and Manager of the University Senate Highest Academic and Professional Organ of the University (elected higher educational teachers and students, rector) Highest Management Organ (3 repr. of founder, 4 repr. of UM, 1 student, 1 repr. of employers Management Board Student Council Discussesquestions important for students, (elected students, student vice-rector)
Forms and ways of formal and informal linking with faculties • Central led application and enrolment procedure. • Integrated university’s information system. • Common development projects on university level. • Central directed financial operations. • University members are present in UM boards and comissions. • University management board consists of university headquaters and its offices.
Forms and ways of formal and informal linking with faculties • Regular rector’s meetings with members’ deans. • Regular secretary general’s meetings with member’s secretary generals. • Regular meetings with heads of office for student affairs. • Meetings with mambers’ heads of accounting. • Meetings with members’ Erasmus coordinators. • Preparing of some common public competitions for all members. • Joint solving of conflicts and other legal matters. • Joint preparation of acts, valid for the whole university.
Higher education financing system • 1993 (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, no. 67/93, 17.12.1993) - accepted new Act on Higher Education set basis for an autonomic and integrated university. • Act on Higher Education recognizes university as a corporate body. This status was put into effect a long period of time, as along with it, a new system of financing was being developed and came into force with Decree on budgetary financing of higher education and other university member institutions, from 2004 till 2008, 1.1.2004. • Main problem with putting the new status into effect was, how to develop and effective university financial management. • Goal of new way of financing is that decentralised and legally valid management structures enable falulties collaboration in the best possible degree in decision making, although separate members’ interests can vary.
Review on higher education financing development • Slovenian government (MŠZŠ) operated up to year 2004 on principle of assigning means by faculties and budget items. • Financing was based on an activity programme or study programmes’ announcement programme of separate faculties, approved by the ministry. University didn’t take part in that process and didn’t have influence on founds’ disposal to faculties. • Ministry financed the university and their function of coordinating, faculties contributed by covering on agreed expenses on university level in compliance with accepted development plan. • Because of this system, faculties’ integration into university was slow. With the new way of financing, there was a change from financing on budget items to financing based on sum total. This shift means increase of university’s financial autonomy.
Integrated university • Integrated university will be more cost efficient. • Centralized structure of finance management shouldn’t present an obstacle for a decentralized assets disposal. Integration demands from all faculties trust in processes of dacisions made on university level. • This situation requires reestablishment of financial management, which will be able to perform an efficient strategy and policy in acquiring means for education and research from public and private sources. It is essential to act efficient with available assets. It is necessary to develop mechanisms for a transparent planning and supervision on university level. • Faculties are not yet aware of additional advantages, offered by university as a multidisciplinary unit, which is more attractive for a profitable cooperation with private sector and for creating connections with economy.
Financing system of integrated university • After Decree On the public financing of higher-education and other university member institutions from 2004 till 2009, public assets for study activities are set as collective assets of university or independent higher education institution. (integral financing). • Study activity of higher education institutions is: - pedagogical (educational and related scientific research and artistic activities of higher education teachers and scientific coworkers), - library related, information and other professional activities, - organisational, administrative and infrastructural activities.
Financing system of integrated university • Annual funds for study activities of a higher-education institution (AF) are composed of basic annual funds (BAF) and standard annual funds (SAF). AF= BAF+ SAF • Basic annual funds (BAF) for a higher-education institution in 2009 total 60 percent of annual funds from 2008, increased for annual inflation grade of past year. • Standard annual funds (SAF) for higher-education institution are set with consideration of the annual initial value (AIV), the total number of students(S) and the number of graduates(G) multiplied by the weighting (Ud – normally 4) and the factor for study group f(s).
Financing system of integrated university Thefactorofthestudygroup f(s)expressestheratiobetweenthefundsallocatedfortheprovisionofstudy in thestudygroupcompared to thefirststudygroup. There are sixstudygroups: 1. (31) social andbehaviouralsciences, (32) journalismandinformation, (34) businessandadministrationand (38) law: f = 1,0; 2. (14teacher trainingandeducationscience, (22) humanities, (72) health, subgroup 725 – healthtechnologyand 726 – therapyandrehabilitation, (76) social services, (81) personalservices, (84) transport servicesand (86) securityservices: f = 1,75; 3. (48) computing, (52) engineeringandengineeringtrades, withoutsubgroup 524 – chemicaltechnologyandprocessengineering, (54) manufacturingandprocessing, (58) architectureandbuilding, (72) health, subgroup 723 – nursingandcareand (85) environmentalprotection: f = 2,50; 4. (42) lifesciences, (46) mathematicsandstatistics, (62) agriculture, forestryandfishery: f = 3,00; 5. (44) physicalsciences, (52) engineeringandengineeringtrades, subgroup 524 – chemicaltechnologyandprocessengineeringand (72) health, subgroup 727 – pharmacyandpharmacology : f = 3,50; 6. (21) arts, (64) veterinaryand (72) health, subgroup 721 – medicine and 724 – odontology: f = 4,50.
Financialmanagement – 25th articleofDecree • Higher education institution allocates annual assets for study activities according to the criteria (rules), accepted by Management Board and notifies the ministry. • Rule bound is also the share of assets for common tasks of higher education institution, share of assets for study activity and dispensation of this share. • UM Management Board accepted UM Standards for Assets Disposition from Educational Budgetary financing. • Deviding and needed rearranging of annual assets is proposed by the rector. Proposal is certified in concordance with deans’ collegiate body by UM Management Board.
Financial management – work programme, annual report • Work programme, financial plan and annual report of a higher education institution have to be prepard in concordance with financial regulations and ministry’s regulations, competent for finance, and Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology directives. • Work programme and financial plan are accepted by Management Board 60 days after Slovenian state budget. Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology is acquainted with it. With work programme planned annual estimates are defined. • Annual report accepts Management Board and delivers it to the ministry by February 28th at the latest.
Financialmanagement – ministry’s supervisionandmeasures • Financial supervision over assets’ spending, allocated after ordinance on the basis of annual reports about assets’ spending (salaries and other expenses for employees, expenses for goods and services, investments and investment maintenance). • Supervision of individual elements of normative annual assets calculations. • Review of higher education institutions’ annual reports. • Other prescribed methods of checking assets’ spending of indirect estimate’s consumers. • Data sent by higher education institutions can be verified by the ministry anytime at the higher education institution, which has to allow the ministry an insight into evidences and other documentation, connected with operation.
Financialmanagement – supervisionandmeasureswithintheuniversity • University’s internal acts, that allow supervision and measures: • UM Rules on Financial Operations. • UM Rules on Accounting. • UM Rules of Internal Auditors. • UM Rules on Liquidity Provisions, Assets Borrowing and Loading. • UM Standards for Assets Disposition from Educational Budgetary financing. • Other guidelines for separate fields.
Basic financial data for University of Maribor in year 2008 • UM budget in 2008: 104,9 mio EUR • 66,1 % Study activity (MVZT) • 9,9 % research activity(ARRS) • 16,1 % other sources for performing public service (mainly part time study) • 7,9 % other(other budget means, non-budget means and EU means)