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Join the art competition with various challenges like creating a hot air balloon, egg drop, rockets, and more! Follow instructions carefully and have fun showcasing your skills in different fields. Remember to clean up and respect others throughout the competition.
ART COMPETITION PERIOD 0 A213 • Check in with Mr. Boyle. Judges: Science and Art Teachers • You must have your art checked in before 7:15 AM in the physics room. You will have a sign-up sheet and take a number to place your piece around the room
HOT AIR BALLOON-Softball Field-PERIOD 0 AND 1 • Judge: Mr. Addison, Mr. Boyle (late) • You will have to carry your heat sources to the football field • Set up materials early (Someone will be here at 6:45) • Make sure your balloon is tethered • No sharing of heat sources • Make sure you clean up your area avoid fires!
EGG DROP-PERIOD 1-NEW COMMONS • Judge: Mr. Strait, Mr. Fitch, Mr. Bertelsen • You will have a ten-minute time frame to construct your capsule from 30 straws 0.5 m of masking tape and one raw egg.
LIGHTS OUT!-PERIOD 2-OLD COMMONS • Judges: Mr. Boyle, Mr. Strait • A judge will check to see if you have the 3 types of energy transformations and the 3 types of machines. A provided steel ball and a standard candle you provide will be used. • You are guaranteed one trial in front of the judge. Additional trials will be given as time permits. If you don’t extinguish the candle, a write-up will be done for full credit
ROCKETS-PERIOD 2-FOOTBALL FIELD • Judges: Mr. Addison, Mr. Bertelsen, Mr. Fitch • You will have 2 launches for your rocket with A8-3 engines. Make sure your rocket is safe and has a parachute.
AIRPLANES-PERIOD 3-Softball Field • Judge: Mr. Bertelsen • Airplane needs to fly for 4.0 seconds. The airplane earns 80% from 3-4.0 seconds
CATAPULTS-PERIOD 3-FOOBALL FIELD • Judges: Mr. Addison, Mr. Boyle • Chemistry students will line up on the north side of the football field (closest to the auto driveway). Physics students will line up on the south side. You must carry your catapult to this area • The judges will start at each goal and work our way inward. We will meet and work are way outward for a total of two launches • When you are being judged, you will have a flag placed in front of you that is 20 m away. You can be anywhere around a 5.0 m radius around it.
MOUSETRAP CAR-PERIOD 4-TENNIS COURTS • Judge: Mr. Boyle • There will be two test tracks. One contestant will ready themselves while the other is going • Timing for placing will occur on this one trial only • Qualification (crossing the finish line) will occur after places are awarded until the end if the period if necessary
BALLOON CAR-PERIOD 4-TENNIS COURTS • Judge: Mr. Bertelsen • The balloon car must travel a distance of 2.0 meters in a maximum time of 5 minutes • A 7” round balloon will be used
KINETICS PERIOD 5-FLAGPOLE MAIN ENTRANCE • Judges: All but Mr. Boyle • A course map follows and is posted on line • You will run in heats posted in class or on-line • You will receive your heat number today • Make sure to clear the competition area after you finish. Don’t stop at the finish line • CLEAN UP! Take all vehicles home
PHOLLIES/CHAOS ADVICE • Accept the results of the judges, no matter how unfair that it might be. Everything can be discussed after the event in the Phollies/Chaos post-evaluation • Clean up. If there is anything left over, you jeopardize your grade. If you brought it, take it home. • Don’t acquire an unexcused absence in another class • Don’t be rude to other teachers or classmates • Have fun and enjoy the day