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PE / DVT. Andrea Wilson May 20/ 2004. Virchow’s triad. Hypercoagulability Stasis Venous injury. Hypercoagulability Previous DVT/PE Malignancy Inflammatory conditions (SLE, IBD, PVD) Nephrotic syndrome Sepsis HIT Coagulation disorders Factor V Leiden mutation
PE / DVT Andrea Wilson May 20/ 2004
Virchow’s triad • Hypercoagulability • Stasis • Venous injury
Hypercoagulability Previous DVT/PE Malignancy Inflammatory conditions (SLE, IBD, PVD) Nephrotic syndrome Sepsis HIT Coagulation disorders Factor V Leiden mutation Resistance to activated Protein C Protein S deficiency Protein C deficiency Antithrombin deficiency Disorders of fibrinogen or plasminogen Antiphospholipid antibodies (lupus anticoagulant and anti-cardiolipin) Increased estrogen (causes urinary loss of protein S and AT III) Pregnancy & Post-partum < 3 months Elective abortion or miscarriage OCP or other estrogens Intimal damage Intravenous drug abuse Trauma /Recent surgery Central lines Multifactorial Trauma Recent surgery Immobilization >3 days Long trips > 4hr in past 4 wks Age > 60 Cardiac disease: MI, CHF Obesity CVA, neurotrauma Lower limb arteriopathy Risk factors (EMR)
Pathophysiology: • most start in calf, extend proximally (~90%) • 70% PE have DVT evidence at autopsy • Symptomatic DVT in popliteal or prox veins in >80% cases • Most pts with symptomatic prox DVT but no chest sx have PE (40% high probability scans)- Kearon • Anand 1999 says 50% Clive Kearon, CMAJ 2003 Tintinalli
History • Many No Sx • Leg pain in 50% -> nonspecific • Amount pain / tenderness do not correlate to severity • What questions would you ask?
History • 1. Have you or anyone in your family ever had a blood clot in their leg or lung? • 2. Have you been on a long trip (e.g., car, plane, etc.)? • 3. Have you recently been bedridden for more than three days? • 4. Have you had surgery or trauma in the last 2-3 months? 5. Have you been pregnant in the last three months (Therapeutic abortion, miscarriage, current pregnancy)? • 6. Are you on birth control pills and do you smoke? • 7. Do you have any medical problems (e.g., malignancy, SLE, CHF)? • 8.Have you had chest pain or shortness of breath? Colucciello SA. Protocols for Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT): A State-of-the-Art Review Part I: Risk Factor Assessment, Physical Examination, and Current Diagnostic Modalities. www.EMR online
Physical • No ONE reliable history / physical finding • Sensitivity 60-96%, Specificity 20-72% • Need to look @ combination of factors • Anand SS, Wells PS, Hunt D, Brill-Edwards P, Cook D, Ginsberg JS. Does this patient have deep vein thrombosis? JAMA. 1998 Dec 2;280(21):1828-9.
Physical • Edema (unilateral) (> 3cm) • Homan’s (50% sens) = USELESS • Superficial thrombophlebitis (up to 40% can have) • Fever (>39.5, something else) • Phlegmasia cerulea dolens • Swollen purple leg re venous engorgement • Cyanosis re massive venous obstruction • Phlegmasia alba dolens • Whitish inflammation associated with arterial spasm 2nd to massive venous obstruction • Worry about arterial occlusion
Anand SS, Wells PS, Hunt D et al. Does This Patient Have Deep Vein Thrombosis? JAMA 1998; 279: 1094-1099.
DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS • cellulitis • abscess • Baker’s cyst • CHF • MSK injury • lymphedema • postphlebitic syndrome • malignancy • superficial phlebitis • factitious • fracture • AV fistula • compartment syndrome • acute arthritis • nerve root irritation • myositis Colucciello SA. Protocols for Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT): A State-of-the-Art Review Part I: Risk Factor Assessment, Physical Examination, and Current Diagnostic Modalities. www.EMR online
Clinical Presentation:DVT • Calf-popliteal • 80-90%, many asymptomatic • pain & swelling • spreads proximally • Ileofemoral • pain in buttock, groin • thigh swelling • 10-20% cases
Case • 55-year-old woman • pain, swelling, warmth, and redness R calf. • She denies injury to the leg, or previous DVT. • On IV chemotx for ovarian carcinoma dx 6 mos ago. Extensive pelvic LN involvement, R>L, was present at diagnosis, • ?due to extrinsic compression of the right iliac vein • Now… no LNs palpable & recent pelvic U/S showed a reduction in the adenopathy. • Pitting edema, erythema, increased warmth of R calf (> 3.5 cm greater than L), & tenderness of the popliteal vein. Anand SS, Wells PS, Hunt D et al. Does This Patient Have Deep Vein Thrombosis? JAMA 1998; 279: 1094-1099.
Wells Criteria for Probability of DVT LOW PROB < 0 points MOD PROB 1 or 2 points HIGH PROB >3 points
What if • 60 yo man with calf swelling and active cancer • ? • D-dimer + • ? • Duplex U/S negative • ?
MODERATE PROBABILITY DVT D-Dimer Neg Positive STOP CUS legs Normal DVT CUS leg in 1 week TREAT Normal Positive STOP TREAT
HIGH PROBABILITY DVT CUS legs Normal DVT Venography TREAT Normal Positive STOP TREAT
D-Dimer • Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays, latex agglutination assays, and a whole blood agglutination test • PPV poor; NPV excellent • NOT to r/o PE in high PTP
DIAGNOSIS: BLOOD TESTS • D-dimer • degradation product of cross-linked fibrin • measured by whole blood agglutination (SimpliRED), latex agglutination, and ELISA • advantages: rapid, 93% sensitive for proximal DVT • disadvantages: low specificity, false positives in patients with recent surgery/trauma, hemorrhage,recent MI/CVA, acute infection, DIC, pregnancy/recent delivery, active collagen vascular disease, liver disease, metastatic Ca, 90% +ve >80 yrs old • highest NPV in low risk patients
Alveolar dead space? • Alveolardeadspace should increase after PE as a result of arterial vascular occlusion because some pulmonary segments are ventilated but not perfused. • Kline et al (JAMA) evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of alveolar dead space determination + d-dimer assay for dx of PE. • combination of tests performs slightly better than either test alone (negative likelihood ratio). Niemann JT. Diagnostic Accuracy of a Bedside D-Dimer Assay and Alveolar Dead-Space Measurement for Rapid Exclusion of Pulmonary Embolism: A Multicenter Study. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2001; 38 (6)
Ultrasound • Duplex doppler ultrasound • combines Doppler flow with 2D scanning • Doppler component evaluates blood flow for proximal obstruction, color flow provides most accurate images, and 2D scan provides 2D image of vein and surrounding structures • non-invasive, portable • loss of compression = DVT • We don’t look below popliteal
Diagnostic Imaging for DVT • Duplex / compression U/S +ve in 30-50% PE; 5% non-dx V/Q scans • 97% sensitive for acute thrombi above the knee, 94%specific (Tintinalli) • Only 58% sensitive in asymptomatic DVT (Anand) • also good for other causes of leg swelling • limitations: expensive, operator dependent, less sensitive for: clots below knee (73%), pregnancy, and nonoccluding thrombi, acute vs chronic
Serial Venous U/S • may avoid angiography in ?PE • In low-risk: an initial N U/S or 2 done 1 wk apart carries a <1% risk of symptomatic proximal DVT or PE at 3 mos. • You can hold the anticoagulant if initial U/S negative (safe) • 1-2% +ve in 2 weeks (?PE)
Anand et al 1999 • Making the point that if results are discordant then further testing needed. • A lot of venography / different than ours.
Impedance Plethysmography • measures change in lower extremity volume as a function of venous outflow in response to certain stimuli • changes in calf circumference, cutaneous blood flow, or electrical resistance occur when there is obstruction of venous return • Does not allow direct visualization of veins • suggests that DVT is present when significant outflow obstruction present, (if no extrinsic venous compression or conditions associated with elevated central venous pressure). • operator dependent
Impedance plethysmography • IPG • false positives occur in the setting of post phlebitic syndrome, abdominal tumors, pregnancy, and CHF • sensitivity 73-96% , specificity 83-95%, 97%NPV (Tintinalli) • sensitivity over a 10d-2 week follow-up period approaches that of ultrasound, thus used for outpt F/U (Calgary protocol is day 1, 4, 7, and 10 after negative U/S at day 0) • Not good for calf clots either
IPG vs. Doppler • N=985 • PPV U/S=94% (CI 87-98%) • PPV IPG =83% (CI 75-90%) • P=0.02 • Harriet Heijboer, Harry R. Buller, Anthonie Lensing, Alexander Turpie, Louisa P. Colly, and Jan Wouter ten Cate. A Comparison of Real-Time Compression Ultrasonography with Impedance Plethysmography for the Diagnosis of Deep-Vein Thrombosis in Symptomatic Outpatients NEJM Volume 329:1365-1369November 4, 1993Number 19.
U/S • What if the U/S or IPG is inconclusive or there was a potential for false + or false - results? • With tx of proximal DVT, residual thrombosis is evident on U/S scans in ~50% of pts after 1 yr • Contrast venography or MRI
Venography • “?Gold Standard?” • Invasive • Contrast • Need experienced readers • Non-diagnostic up to 25% • May induce DVT in 3% (Anand)
DIAGNOSIS:IMAGING • Venography • gold standard, but: • radiologists’ interpretations differ 10% of the time • 5-15% are inadequately done • 2-5% of patients develop phlebitis (sup. or deep) • risk of anaphylactoid reactions exists +able to distinguish between acute and chronic events as well as collateral channels +test of choice for the post-surgical patient as U/S not sensitive enough +useful if U/S inconclusive
Anand SS, Wells PS, Hunt D et al. Does This Patient Have Deep Vein Thrombosis? JAMA 1998; 279: 1094-1099.
Treatment • Goal: prevent PE
TREATMENT • Unfractionated heparin • works on intrinsic pathway • activates antithrombin III to prevent conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin • prevents extension of thrombus but does not remove existing thrombus • narrow therapeutic window • significant bleeding in 7-30% of patients • thrombocytopenia in 3% • use weight based nomogram instead of fixed dosing (more patients therapeutically anticoagulated within 12 hours) • largely replaced by LMWH for treatment of DVT
TREATMENT • Low molecular weight heparin • primarily inhibits factor Xa more so than IIa, therefore, doesn’t affect PTT and no need for therapeutic monitoring • greater bioavailability and more predictable therapeutic anticoagulant effect • tinzaparin (Innohep) approved for use in Canada for DVT, enoxaparin (Lovenox) in the U.S. • Can still test for hypercoagulable states • reversible with protamine 1 mg/100 U LMWH • continue until INR therapeutic for 2 consecutive days, then stop • safety of home administration well-established
Treatment of VTE:Anticoagulation • LMWH superior to UFH? (Gould 1999) • More predictable anticoag effect, easier, lower incidence of major bleeding and HIT, lower mortality, reduction in clot extension, fewer recurrent thromboembolic events • out-pt Rx safe in PE (Kovacs, 2000) • Cost-effective (Gould 1999) • Only measure anti-Xa levels in renal failure pts. • Avoid if CR > 180 umol/L
Anticoagulation • Enoxaparin 1mg/kg bid or 1.5mg/kg od (max 180 mg) • Tinzaparin 175 anti-Xa u/kg od (max 18,000 U) • Weight-based dosing (actual not ideal weight) • start warfarin 5mg on day 1 • d/c LMWH when INR >2.0 x 2 days • Rx 3 mos if 1st and reversible cause • 6 mos if non-reversible • indefinite if recurrent, CA, genetic • Anticoagulation Clinic
TREATMENT • Warfarin • acts on extrinsic pathway (factor VII) to inhibit vitamin K dependent factor synthesis (II, VII, IX, X) • started same day as heparin • theoretical risk of worsening thrombosis if started before heparin in patients with protein C or S deficiency (procoagulant effect) but studies have demonstrated safety of starting in ED • INR between 2-3 provides adequate anticoagulation without serious increase in bleeding risk
TREATMENT • IVC – controversial: no survival benefit • If anticoag C/I, major bleed, HIT, persisting DVT or embolization after 1-2 wks therapeutic anticoag. • Thrombolytics • may have decreased risk of post-phlebitic syndrome over patients treated with heparin? • increased risk of hemorrhagic complications over heparin has prevented its widespread use • should be used for phlegmasia dolens if heparin fails (also consider thrombectomy) • Consideration for extensive iliofemoral thrombosis and UEDVT: SK or tPA + heparin
Indications for Admission • Unable to ambulate • Poor social support • Unreliable follow up • Unable to educate re: drug administration • Need for lytic or invasive tx • Query arterial ischemia, cellulitis or pelvic mass • (Tintinalli)
SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS • Superficial phlebitis • while isolated cases are benign and can be treated with NSAIDs and compression bandages, • Incidence of DVT from extension of a superficial thrombus ~3% but incidence of embolization very low • recommended that all patients be followed serially with U/S or IPG to ensure no propagation to deep venous system • Do F/U U/S in 1 week • (Tintinalli)
SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS • Upper extremity DVT • 2-4% of all DVT in axillary or subclavian V • can cause PE (originally thought to be benign) • etiology: “effort thrombosis” in physically active people, thoracic outlet syndrome, cervical rib, central line, malignancy • 25% Paget-von Schroetter syndrome • Exertional DVT • Caused by underlying MSK deformities
Upper Extremity DVT • N=58 Sx UEDVT • IPG, Doppler, venography • Test Sens & Spec: • compression ultrasonography (96% and 93.5%) • color flow Doppler imaging (100% and 93%) • 27 (47%) + UEDVTPE “Objectively” found in 36% • 2 yr F/U: 2 recurrent VTE • RF: • CVC • Thrombophilia • Previous VTE • Prandoni P, Polistena P, Bernardi E, et al Upper-extremity deep vein thrombosis. Risk factors, diagnosis, and complications. Arch Intern Med. 1998 Sep 28;158(17):1950-2.