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Verbs followed by to... or ...-ing

Verbs followed by to... or ...-ing. Verbs followed by to + infinitive or ....-ing. We can have four main types: 1.- Verbs followed by to + infinitive He offered to help. 2.- Verbs followed by V (ing) He enjoys visiting his friends

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Verbs followed by to... or ...-ing

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  1. Verbs followed by to... or ...-ing Charo Gil

  2. Verbs followed by to + infinitive or ....-ing • We can have four main types: 1.- Verbs followed by to + infinitive He offered to help. 2.- Verbs followed by V (ing) He enjoys visiting his friends 3.-Verbs that can take either, with a slight change in meaning I like going/Iwould like to go 4.- Verbs that can take either, with a big change in meaning He remembered to see him/He remembered seeing him Charo Gil

  3. Verbs followed by to + infinitive • They usually express: - Hopes and expectations • Decisions • Concern with the future • Agreements • Offers and plans Charo Gil

  4. Agree Attempt Arrange Deserve Decide Demand Expect Hope Learn Manage Mean Offer Pretend Promise Refuse Want Wish Threaten...... Verbs followed by to + infinitive Charo Gil

  5. Verbs followed by V+...ing They express: • concern with the present • postponement of an event in the future. • enjoyment and dislike • Interrupting, ending,continuity Charo Gil

  6. Avoid Delay Deny Dislike Enjoy Finish Give up Go on Keep on Can´t help Can´t stand Don´t mind Put off Miss Postpone Stop Suggest.... Verbs followed by V+...ing Charo Gil

  7. Verbs followed by to... or...-ing, with a small change in meaning • They usually express preference, or beginning and continuity • The difference in meaning: followed by the infinitve: specific occasion; followed by –ing: general statement: He hated to go there/He hates going to school every day Verbs of preference used with would imply a specific event: we can only use the to infinitive form: I would like to go Charo Gil

  8. Verbs followed by to... or...-ing, with a small change in meaning • Like • Love • Prefer • Hate • Can’t bear • Begin • Start • Continue Charo Gil

  9. Verbs followed by to... or...-ing, with a big change in meaning • Four verbs: remember, forget,regret and try • She remembered to visit her grandmother. (1: she remembered, 2: she visited ) • She remembered visiting her grandmother (1:she visited, 2: she remembered the day she visited....) Charo Gil

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