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Explore Stalin's ruthless pursuit of power, his focus on creating a command economy, and the impacts of his industrial policies on Soviet society. Learn about the drastic changes and human costs of Stalin's leadership in this concise overview of Stalinist Russia's transformation.
Comment Staline s ’empare-t-il du pouvoir? Par la force en éliminant ses opposants. Que représente cette caricature? Les compagnons de Lénine en train de se battre pour le pouvoir. Chercher Staline sur cette caricature? Quel défaut de Staline est ici montré? Il est au centre au pied de l ’estrade en train de frapper ses camarades.Il semble plutôt agressif.
TOTALITARIANISMStalinist Russia • After Lenin died, there was a power struggle for control of the Communist Part. • Stalin, Lenin’s successor, transformed the government and country by controlling every aspect of citizen’s lives.
BUILDING A TOTALITARIAN STATEStalin Focuses on Perfecting Communism in Russia • Totalitarianism – a government that takes total control over every aspect of public and private life. • This form of government goes against the democratic values of freedom, human dignity, and the worth of the individual. • Stalin transformed the Soviet Union into a totalitarian state to realize his vision.
D ’après ce texte , qu ’est-ce que Lénine avait déjà deviné ? Que Staline chercherait à s ’emparer du pouvoir par la force…. en éliminant ses concurrents….ce qu ’il fera !
COMMAND ECONOMYStalin Seizes Control of the Economy • Stalin’s economic policies involved total state control. • Command Economy – a system in which the government makes all economic decisions. • Under this system, political leaders identify the country’s economic needs and determine how to fulfill them.
LARGE NEED FOR CHANGE • Stalin announced, “We are fifty or a hundred years behind the advanced countries. We must make good this distance in ten years. Either we do it or we shall be crushed.” • Country would take drastic steps to promote rapid industrial growth and to strengthen national defense.
INDUSTRIAL POLICIES • Impossibly high quotas, to increase the output of steel, coal, oil, and electricity. • The government limited the production of consumer goods. • severe shortages of housing, food, clothing, and other necessary goods. • The government chose the workers, assigned them jobs, and determined their working hours • Needed police permission to move
Quels choix économiques, Staline impose-t-il à l ’URSS ? EXPLIQUER LES MOTS SUIVANTS: -Pays agraire et débile : - pays agraire et débile -Pays agricole, rural et arriéré - pays agricole, rural , arrièré et analphabète. - indépendant des caprices du capitalisme mondial - capable de s ’auto-suffire, donc de vivre en autarcie. - petite économie rurale morcelée - petites exploitations agricoles privées - la grande économie collectivisée - la suppression de la propriété individuelle, tout est remis entre les mains de la collectivité.
Quels choix économiques , Staline impose-t-il à l ’URSS ? La planification, la collectivisation forcée des terres, et l ’industrialisation…lourde. Expliquer les mots suivants : - industrie lourde - industrie de base, permettant la fabrication des moyens de production( exp:la sidérurgie) - pays arriéré et pauvre - pays utilisant des techniques dépassées, mal adaptées, aux rendements faibles, pauvres - les forces intérieures de notre pays - la population active surtout agricole, encadrée par le parti communiste….qui devra financer l ’industrialisation, donc faire des sacrifices. - sans crédits asservissant,sans emprunts extérieurs: - sans aides financières étrangères
A quels prix? Quelle catégorie de gens a disparu en 1939? Les bourgeois et grands propriétaires. Quelles sont les 2 catégories de travailleurs les plus nombreuses en 1939 ? Les ouvriers, employés et les paysans kolkhoziens.
Comment évoluent les productions agricoles ? Elles baissent considérablement jusqu ’en 1932, puis semblent remonter un peu jusqu ’en 1940 mais sans atteindre pour le bétail le niveau de 1928…l ’agriculture semble avoir été « sacrifiée »! Quels secteurs ont considérablement augmenté ? Le charbon et l ’acier…ont été multipliés par 4…..l ’industrie a doncété privilégiée!
Three Five Year Plans • First plan (1928 to 1932) • Concentrated on expanding industry, transport and the power supply • Second plan (1933 to 1938) • Focused on more manufactured goods, in addition to first plan • Third plan (began in 1939 but interrupted by outbreak of war) • Production of ‘luxuries’ like bicycles and radios
AGRICULTURAL POLICIES • In 1928, the government seized over 25 million privately owned farms in the Soviet Union. • It created collective farms – large government owned farms that each had hundreds of workers producing food for the state. • Stalin used terror and violence to force peasants to work on the collective farms (between 5 to 10 million peasants were killed).
Qu ’arrive-t-il à la population soviétique en 1932-1933 ? Elle connaît une famine dramatique qui fera 6 millions de morts , rien qu ’en Ukraine. Qui est considéré comme responsable? La population elle-même puisqu ’elle a pu résister à la collectivisation, donc se montrer « mauvaise communiste »!
Control over Russians • When we examine how Stalin controlled the Russian people, there are TWO MAIN FACTORS RESPONSIBLE: • Fear • Establishment of a Dictatorship • Development of a Terror State • Propaganda • The use of Propaganda to Control • Control over the Education System & Arts • Cult of Personality
FEAR • Police Terror –monitored telephone lines, read mail, planted spies, and arrested/executed millions of traitors • secret police – the KGB. • The KGB (КГБ) is the common abbreviation for the (Komitet gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosti or Committee for State Security). • It was the national security agency of the Soviet Union from 1954 until 1991, and its premier internal security, intelligence, and secret police organization during that time.
FEAR • The Great Purge (a campaign of terror) • It was directed at eliminating anyone who threatened Stalin’s power. • Estimate – killed 8 to 13 million people • Censorship -Stalin would not tolerate individual creativity; wanted conformity and obedience of citizens. -Government controlled all media (newspapers, movies, etc.)
Altering Photographs to fit the cause… An example of how the picture was altered again and again after each person fell out of favor with the regime of Joseph Stalin.
This image taken by the Moscow Canal was taken when Nikolai Yezhov was water commissar. After he fell from power, he was arrested, shot, and his image removed by the censors.
The background of the original image includes a store that says in Russian, "Watches, gold and silver". The image was then changed to read, "Struggle for your rights", and flag that was a solid color before was changed to read, "Down with the monarchy - long live the Republic!"
Propaganda • Propaganda: the deliberate spreading of ideas and information for the purpose of promoting a specific cause • The Bolsheviks used propaganda to start the Revolution • Stalin used propaganda to convince people he was a closer friend of Lenin than he really was • Stalin increasingly used extreme propaganda and censorship to control the people
PROPAGANDA • Totalitarian states rely on indoctrination or brainwashing. • Propaganda is biased or incomplete information used to sway people to accept certain beliefs or actions. • Soviet newspapers and radio broadcasts glorified the achievements of communism, Stalin, and his programs.
ART ART • Method of propaganda used to rally the workers. • Artistic style that praised Soviet Life and Communist values.
Art and Popular Culture The experimental art of the early 1920s was abandoned and replaced by ‘Socialist realism’; this was seen in all forms of culture – art, cinema, literature. Socialist realism was much more conventional, traditional but it was designed to convey pro-Soviet messages to inspire the population to work harder, love the leader etc. A typical painting in the style of ‘socialist realism’. Stalin is shown amongst the workers, urging them to meet their production targets. The workers look on, impressed.
Art, film, literature was put in service to the ideology. Soviet art had to praise noble factory workers, the “new Soviet man & woman.”
Anti-Religion Communists aimed to replace religious teachings Atheism was the official religion under Stalin Russian Orthodox Churches were seized and turned into offices and museums Priests and Religious leaders were killed Jewish Synagogues were seized Hebrew language was banned
LE CULTE DU CHEF • De la bienveillance, de la confiance, de la sympathie. • Quelles qualités cette image semble t-elle attribuer à Staline ? Quel est le but recherché par l ’auteur ? • Faire en sorte que Staline soit adoré, considéré comme un « protecteur ». Comment appelle-t-on ce type d ’image? • Une image de propagande : il est « le petit père » du peuple !
The Cult of Personality A cult of personality arises when an individual uses mass media, propaganda, or other methods to create an idealized, heroic, and at times worshipful image 1988 Song by Living Color “I sell the things you need to beI'm the smiling face on your T.V. -I'm the cult of personality.I exploit youStill you love meI tell you one and one makes three.I'm the cult of personality”
The Cult of Personality After Lenin’s death (and very much against his wishes) a personality cult was created around his memory, using methods such as: Embalming his body and putting it on public display in Red Square Lenin’s image appeared everywhere in posters, film, statues Petrograd was renamed Leningrad (St. Petersburg-Petrograd (1914)-Leningrad (1924)-St. Petersburg (1991)) Stalin was an active promoter of this cult so as to link his name with that of Lenin The Lenin personality cult made it easier for Stalin to create one around himself.
Celebrations for Stalin’s 70th birthday in 1949. A huge picture of Stalin hung over Red Square in Moscow – as if by magic. In fact, it was suspended by a balloon and then lit by searchlights.
Stalin’s Cult of Personality Stalin also had a city named in his honour – in 1923 Tsaritsyn became Stalingrad The slogan: ‘Stalin is the Lenin of today’ was officially encouraged Stalin adopted the title ‘Vozhd’ (Great Leader) Stalin was portrayed in various guises: Stalin with peasants, Stalin with workers – all designed to show him as an ordinary man of the people. Stalin liked to be portrayed, as here, as the friend of the workers, discussing the latest project – in this case the Dneiper Dam.
EDUCATION • The government controlled all education – nursery to university. • Students learned the virtues of communism and evils of capitalism • Professors and students who questioned Communist Leaders were threatened or arrested.
Deathbed Stalin died March 5, 1953 of an apparent stroke. He was embalmed on March 9, 1953. Some believed he was poisoned. 2003, Russian and U.S. investigation shows Stalin could have ingested warfarin, a powerful rat poison. The cause may never be known. He was buried in Lenin’s tomb until 1961 when his body was moved to outside the Kremlin wall during “de-Stalinization.”
Good: In the long run, agriculture became collectivised and yielded higher returns as farming became mechanised Standards of living improved in industrialised towns Bad: Purges – killed many Russians Human cost of the Five-Year Plans State Control and oppression of freedom Evaluation of Stalin’s Rule
There were huge achievements in the following areas: new cities dams/ hydroelectric power transport & communications the Moscow Underground farm machinery electricity coal steel fertilizers plastic no unemployment doctors & medicine education. The USSR was also transformed into a modern state and was able to resist Hitler’s invasion in the 1940s Poorly organised – inefficiency, duplication of effort and waste. Appalling human cost: discipline (sacked if late) secret police slave labour labour camps (for those who made mistakes) accidents & deaths (100,000 workers died building the Belomor Canal) few consumer goods poor housing wages FELL no human rights Achievements & Failures
LA MISE EN PLACE DU STALINISME FIN GUERRE CIVILE Début des « grandes purges » • En vous aidant des documents précedemment étudiés, compléter cette frise chronologique représentant la période Stalinienne. Début de la collectivisation forcée Pacte germano-soviétique Création URSS 1er plan 2ème plan 3ème plan NEP Construction du socialisme 1921 1922 1924 1927 1928 1933 1935 1938 1939 1941 Staline seul maître Attaque Hitlérienne Mort de Lenine
QU ’EST-CE QUE LE TOTALITARISME? • En vous aidant des documents précedemment étudiés, compléter cet organigramme définissant ce qu ’est le totalitarisme. Economie encadrée Mobilisation des masses Des forces répressives (police politique) TOTALITARISME Un seul chef Encadrement de la jeunesse Un seul parti Gouvernement dictatorial
Un régime totalitaire Quels aspects du pouvoir politique l ’auteur souligne t-il? • Staline est en fait seul à gouverner:il est « la tête pensante », les autres ne sont que de simples éxecutants…..puisqu ’ils n ’ont pas de têtes pour « réfléchir »,….au risque même de la « perdre » s ’ils contestent les décisions de Staline. Quelle est la nature de ce document? C ’est une caricature anglaise, dont le but est de dénoncer les excés de la dictature stalinienne.