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FIBA Rules 2006-2007. CIS Women’s BCCAA Women BCCAA Men Bill Crowley – Coordinator of Basketball Officials . Introduction . The CIS has adopted FIBA rules for the 2006-07 season The following will be a presentation of the rules and interpretations
FIBA Rules 2006-2007 CIS Women’s BCCAA Women BCCAA Men Bill Crowley – Coordinator of Basketball Officials
Introduction • The CIS has adopted FIBA rules for the 2006-07 season • The following will be a presentation of the rules and interpretations • I would encourage questions as they come up during the presentation.
Background/Reasoning • Canada Basketball has been promoting FIBA rules for Canada • The CIS women and the CCAA women and men have adopted FIBA rules for the coming season. The CIS men will move to them next season. • It is hoped and expected that the high schools will follow suit as well. • Canada and the United States are the only two countries in the World not playing FIBA rules.
Overview • It is hoped that by moving to theses rules, it will better prepare our student athletes for the “World stage”. Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text
The Rules ----------------- • Playing time: 4 quarters, 10 minutes each. A two minute interval between quarters, and a 15 minute half time. • Overtime is 5 minutes in length. • The game clock will stop in the last two minutes of the 4th quarter and each overtime period. • A full team roster must be submitted 20 minutes prior to the starting time, and the starting 5 must be designated 10 minutes prior to the start time. The home team must respond first to these two requests.
The Rules -------------- • Only the head coach my stand during the game, but either the head coach, or an assistant coach may approach the scorers table to request a time out. • A coaching box begins 5 meters from the division line and extends to the end line. • Uniforms must be tucked in, T shirts may not be worn under jerseys unless the player has written permission of the conference. Undergarments that are below the length of the shorts, must be the same colour as the shorts.
The Rules -------------- • If a player is injured and is able to continue to play immediately (15 seconds), play shall continue without penalty or sanction. • If bench personnel come on to the court when a player is injured, that player must be replaced for one tick of the clock, whether or not they receive treatment. Even under this circumstance, if a time out is called and the player is ready to play at the end of the time out, they may do so. If a sub has been granted for the injured player, even if a timeout is called, the injured player may not return
The Rules ----------------- • The ball is LIVE when: • It is legally tapped during a jump ball • The ball is placed at the disposal of the free thrower. • The ball is placed at the disposal of the thrower in.
The Rules -------------------- • The ball is DEAD when: • When the ball is in flight on a try for goal and either the whistle blows, or the game clock sounds for the end of a period, or the shot clock sounds, and then the ball is blocked on its upward flight • i.e. Shot-buzzer or whistle-blocked ball-ball is dead, score cannot count as the ball is dead. • Shot-buzzer or whistle- if the ball goes in the score counts. • If the ball has hit the rim on a shot and it bounces above it with a chance of going in, and then the whistle sounds or the game clock signals the end of the period- if a player touches the ball, it is basket interference.
The Rules ------------------- • A lodged ball is always a jump ball in FIBA. • Lodged ball during play is a jump ball using the AP situation. If the team getting the ball previously had it, there is no reset on the shot clock. • A throw in from out of bounds lodges, AP situation, throw in on the end line. • Kicked ball; any part of the leg, reset to 24 seconds.
The Rules ------------------- • Team control begins when a player of that team gains CONTROL of the ball. Team control ends similar to CIS rules. • Act of shooting is the same as CIS except both feet must be down on the floor before the act has ended (airborne shooter) • Closely guarded; 5 seconds, anywhere on the court-actively guarding the ball (holding only) with a distance of 1 metre.
The Rules ---------------------- • Officials handle all throw ins. • Never behind a backboard or in the old CIS key. • After cancelled baskets throw ins will all go to the sideline, free throw line extended. • Thrower in may move laterally 1 metre and only in one direction, or, back up as far as they want space permitting.
The Rules ---------------------- • Time outs must come through the scorer’s table and may only be called by the head coach or, an assistant coach. • 1 minute in length with a horn at 50 seconds. • 2 time outs per team in the first half, and 3 per team in the second half- no accumulations. One time our per team for each overtime. • May be granted to either team when the clock is stopped and the ball is dead. • If you have been scored upon, your team may request a time out, but the request must be made before the ball is at the disposal of the thrower in.
The Rules ------------------------ • No time outs between free throws, however, after a last successful free throw, either team may request a time out before the ball is at the disposal of the thrower in. • Time outs shall not be permitted for the scoring team when the clock is stopped in the last two minutes of the game, unless the official interrupts the game. (This could come with substitutions for the team that has been scored upon).
The Rules ------------------ • The home team is the first team listed in the score book, and their bench must be to the left of the scorers table (when facing the table). However, if both coaches agree, they may interchange benches and/or baskets and thus may not necessarily shoot opposite of their bench in the first half.
The Rules ------------------------- • In the last two minutes of the 4th quarter or overtime, if the non scoring team calls a time out after a filed goal, or, if the non scoring team calls a time out after a last successful free throw, or if a team calls a time out when “that team” will receive a throw in in the back court, the throw in after the time out will be at the division line opposite the scorer’s table. • This throw in may go anywhere on the court with a new 8 second back court count.
The Rules ---------------------- • Unlimited subs on any violation • The non scoring team may initiate subs after a filed goal in the last two minutes of the game. If they do, the scoring team may sub as well. • Either team may sub after a last successful free throw, provided the request is made on time. • No subs between free throws • No subs once the thrower in, or the free thrower have the ball at their disposal.
The Rules ------------------------- • Once the sub is in the game, they must remain for one tick of the clock, and a player who has been replaced must do the same. • A player who has fouled out, must be replaced within 30 seconds. • During timeouts, any substitute must simply report to the scorer.
The Rules ------------------- • The game always starts with a jump ball, and that will be the only jump ball. The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th quarters, plus the overtime periods will begin with alternating possession. However, if an infraction occurs between periods, the infraction is sanctioned to begin the next period without the AP arrow being affected. (This means that the penalty for a technical foul in any interval of play except for the pre game interval, is 2 shots and possession of the ball for a throw in at the division line to start the next quarter. The team that was due to receive the ball for the next AP will retain that privilege).
The Rules ------------------ • Traveling: Falling to the floor with the ball is not traveling! Getting up, or taking advantage (sliding or rolling) on the floor is traveling. • If the ball is blocked in the hands of an airborne shooter or passer and they come to the floor without having lost control of the ball, this is traveling in FIBA, NOT a jump ball.
The Rules ------------------- • 8 Second Backcourt: The centre line is part of the back court, and the count begins with possession or control of the ball on the court. • If the ball goes out of bounds and the same team retains possession in the back court, or a double foul occurs, the team with the ball out of bounds will only have the time remaining in the 8 second count to move the ball into the front court.
The Rules -------------------- • 24 Second Shot Clock: The shot clock rule is the same as the old CIS rule, but is extended on a ball that misses the rim once the shot clock has sounded. In this case, if the buzzer goes, the ball misses the rim, and the defensive team IMMEDIATELY gains control of the ball, play on. • The throw in for a shot clock violation is the nearest spot from where the shot was taken. • If the shot clock sounds in error, the official should ignore it, as long as neither team is placed at a disadvantage.
The Rules -------------------- • Back Court Violation: Once a team establishes team control in the front court, that team may not return the ball to the back court! If they are the last to touch the ball in the front court and the first to touch it in the back court, they have violated. • When a player has any part of their body in the front court, they have front court status. • On throw-ins players may not throw the ball from OB in the front court into the back court. • A defensive player who leaps from their front court and makes a good defensive play by intercepting the ball, and then lands in the back court, this is a violation.
The Rules -------------------- • Goaltending: the same as CIS, except a player may not touch the ball once it hits the backboard on a shot that is above the level of the rim. • Basket Interference: If the ball is on the rim players may not touch the basket or the backboard. Players may touch the ball when it is on the rim!!!! • Not permitted to reach up through the basket and touch the ball • If the ball is within the basket, defensive players may not touch the ball or the basket. • Neither team may vibrate the rim or the backboard when the ball has a chance of going in, either when the ball s on the way to the basket or after the ball has struck the rim. Penalty, count or cancel the basket.
The Rules --------------------- • Unsportsmanlike Fouls: An intentional foul with the penalty being 2 shots and possession of the ball at the division line. • If the foul happens during an unsuccessful 3 point try, the penalty would be 3 shots plus possession. • If the shot is successful, penalty is 1 shot plus possession. • 2 unsportsmanlike fouls on a player means disqualification.
The Rules -------------------- • Players will be disqualified after 2 unsportsmanlike fouls, or, 5 personal fouls. • Coaches will be disqualified after two direct technical fouls, or 3 bench technical fouls. • Players who commit their 5th foul must be replaced within 30 seconds. This will be strictly adhered to. Teams must be ready to play shortly after the 30 second buzzer.
The Rules -------------------- • Personal Fouls: • Fouls involving contact with n opponent when the ball is alive or dead. • Clock running, or stopped. • Could be unsportsmanlike (Intentional) if severe enough. • Double Fouls: • Opponents commit fouls against each other at approximately the same time. No free throws, resume play, last team in control retains possession, no reset on the shot clock, or back court count.
The Rules -------------------- • Technical Fouls: Technical fouls result in 2 free throws and possession of the ball for a throw in at the division line by the non offending team. • Technical fouls during the game and against players count towards the players five fouls for disqualification, and towards the bonus in each quarter. If the technical foul is during an interval, it will count towards the bonus in the next period.
The Rules ------------------- • Technical Fouls: Technical fouls on bench personnel is charged to the coach and do not count towards the team for bonus purposes. • Fighting: Only the head coach and the assistant are permitted to leave the bench during a fight to help restore order. If they do help restore order, they will not be disqualified. Any other bench personnel leaving the bench, will be disqualified. Regardless of how many people leave the bench, only one technical foul is charged and if both teams enter the technical fouls will be treated as a double foul.
The Rules -------------------- • The Bonus will come into effect on the 5th foul in each quarter. It will be a 2 shot penalty. • Special Situations for canceling fouls: Within the same stop clock period after an infraction, and then other fouls are called-the process is to cancel all sanctions of equal penalty and double foul sanctions. A team may lose the possession that they were entitled to because of additional fouls. Once the ball is alive for the first free throw, that penalty can no longer be used to cancel any other penalty.
The Rules ------------------- • Free Throws: • Five seconds to shoot the ball • There are only 3 lane spaces along each side, and the defenders are entitled to 3 spaces and the team mates of the shooter are entitled to 2 spaces (5 people lined up) • No player may occupy the “neutral block” • On a successful free throw, only the free thrower can violate. • If a team mate or the free thrower violate on a missed F/T the throw in will be taken to the free throw line extended.
The Rules ------------------- • Players may play the ball after it has hit the rim on a shot, except after an official blows their whistle, or after the game clock has sounded to end a period. In these two cases, no one may touch the ball if it has a possibility of entering the basket.
Topic Two • Explain details • Give an example • Exercise to reinforce learning
Summary • State what has been learned • Define ways to apply training • Request feedback of training session
Where to Get More Information • Other training sessions • List books, articles, electronic sources • Consulting services, other sources