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GPP Training toolkit 7.2. Copying and graphic paper

Learn how to assess needs, choose eco-friendly options, verify criteria compliance, and support sustainability in copying and graphic paper procurement.

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GPP Training toolkit 7.2. Copying and graphic paper

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  1. GPP Training toolkit7.2. Copying and graphic paper

  2. GPP Training Toolkit Module 2: Strategic Aspects of GPP Module 4: Needs Assessment Module 7: Operational (Copying & Graphic Paper) Module 1: Introduction Module 5: Circular Procurement Module 6: Preliminary Market Consultation Module 3: Legal Aspects of GPP Module 7.2 – Copying and Graphic Paper

  3. Environmental impacts How do these products impact the environment? Key life cycle environmental aspects: • Forest destruction and potential loss of biodiversity • Emissions to air and water during pulp and paper production • Energy and water consumption during production • Waste generation during production such as rejects and sludge • 13 million ha per year of global loss of forested area(*) • 25 - 70 m3/t of water and 5,000-10,700 kWh/t of energy used for the production of non-recyclable paper(**) Module 7.2 – Copying and Graphic Paper

  4. Scope • Products included • Unprinted paper for writing, printing and copying (up to 170g/m2) • Products not included • Writing pads • Drawing books • Calendars • Manuals What is included in the EU GPP criteria? Module 7.2 – Copying and Graphic Paper

  5. Needs assessment Assess your needs before tendering! Key questions: • Is a new purchase necessary? (in terms of quantity and/or quality) • Is it compatible with the existing imaging equipment? • Would a service contract meet your printing needs/avoid environmental impacts more effectively? (see this case study as an example) Responsible use of paper Exchange documents electronically Avoid unnecessary copies Print using double-side and/or multi-page options Use waste paper as scrap/note paper Set up a paper recycling system in the office Choosing the right quality/quantity of paper More information in: Module 4: Needs Assessment Module 7.2 – Copying and Graphic Paper

  6. Overview EU GPP Copying and Graphic Paper approach • Procurement of paper based on post-consumer recovered paper fibres (recycled paper) or paper based on legally and/or sustainably harvested virgin fibre • Procurement of paper produced through process characterised by low energy consumption and emissions • Avoidance of certain substances in paper production and bleaching  Module 7.2 – Copying and Graphic Paper

  7. EU GPP Criteria Examples: • Technical specifications (TS) • Purchase of 100% recycled paper which is at least Elementary Chlorine Free (Recycled paper example) • Purchase of paper based on fibre stemming from legal sources and at least Elementary Chlorine Free (Paper based on virgin fibre example) • Award criteria (AC) – extra points are awarded for paper for which a certain percentage of virgin fibre is certified as stemming form sustainable sources (Paper based on virgin fibre example) Copying and Graphic Paper (2008) For full criteria see: • EU GPP Criteria for Copying and Graphic Paper Module 7.2 – Copying and Graphic Paper

  8. Verification What to ask for? When? Compliance with GPP criteria for copying and graphic paper needs to be assessed at the time of selection of best offer An additional check should be carried out at first delivery to ensure correspondence of supplied products with product samples Checking compliance with GPP criteria for copying and graphic paper • Test reports • Technical dossier • Ecolabels • Certificates of chain of custody • Wood origin tracing systems • FLEGT licence • Sample of the product For full verification instructions see: • EU GPP Criteria for Copying and Graphic Paper Module 7.2 – Copying and Graphic Paper

  9. Market Availability How to identify sustainable products Ecolabels are not all the same! EU GPP criteria are based on: • EU Ecolabel and Nordic Swan (recycled paper and paper based on virgin fibre) • Water and energy consumption/emissions to air and water • Blue Angel (recycled paper) • Use of chemical products Other relevant labels: FSC and PEFC • Some ecolabels are more valuable than others – procurers should choose “Type I” ecolabels (i.e., verified by a third party and awarded on the basis of life cycle impacts) • See Module 3 (Legal) for more on ecolabels For full comparison of the three ecolabels: Technical Background report Module 7.2 – Copying and Graphic Paper

  10. Using Ecolabels in GPP Adding further criteria to your tender • As well as verification, Type I ecolabels can be a source of additional criteria • Some ecolabel criteria – but not all – can be used in a tender. • For example, EU Ecolabel: • Criterion 4(a): the product shall not contain substances that have been identified according to the procedure described in Article 59(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council and included in the Candidate List for Substances of Very High Concern in concentrations greater than 0,10 % (weight by weight) • Criterion 5: All pulp and paper production sites shall have a system for the handling of waste arising from the production process and a waste management […] The EU Ecolabel for graphic paper and criteria can be found in – Commission Decision 2019/70 - Annex 1 Module 7.2 – Copying and Graphic Paper

  11. Relevant EU legislation Regulation affecting the paper production sector • Industrial Emissions Directive 2010/75/EU - Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) • Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Document for the Production of Pulp, Paper and Board • The Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC22 for emissions to water • REACH Regulation (EC) No 1907/2009 More information in: • Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Document • Key aspects of the implementation of the Water Framework Directive • REACH Candidate List for SVHCs Module 7.2 – Copying and Graphic Paper

  12. Case studies Purchasing copy, printing and scanning services in Zurich (Municipality of Zurich, Switzerland) Joint procurement of 100% recycled copying paper (Municipality of Erlangen, Germany) Paper purchasing for Lombardy local governments (Lombardy Region, Italy) GPP Helpdesk For further support on GPP, contact the EU’s free Helpdesk Toolkit developed for the European Commission by ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability Module Author: Ecosistemi Owner, Editor: European Commission, DG Environment, 2019 Photos: courtesy of Pixabay.com under Creative Commons CCO Disclaimer: This toolkit is an indicative document of the Commission services and cannot be considered binding to this institution in any way. Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use that might be made of theinformation in this document. Module 7.2 – Copying and Graphic Paper

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