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Due to various reasons, there will be changes to the class schedule for today. Please see the details below for more information.
Thursday 31 January 2019 EXAM INFO/DISPLACED CLASSES – TODAY (Thursday) All year groups Expiry date: 31/01/19
Assemblies Assemblies will take place in the Games Hall as follows. There will be NO assemblies for S4-S6 due to prelims. All year groups Expiry date: 01/02/19
Merit Position On Friday 25 January 2019 All year groups Expiry date: 30/01/19
Senior Boys Toilets( First Floor end of Music corridor) The senior boys toilets have been damaged (plaster/wall damaged) and left in an unacceptable state (paper tissue stuck to mirrors) by some pupils. Any pupils who have seen this happening should speak with their Year Head in the first instance. The repair of this senseless damage to the building will be charged to Millburn Academy by Mears who own the school. Mrs Brunton All year groups Expiry date: 08/02/19
SSAASECONDARY SCHOOLS CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIPS Saturday 2 March 2019 Hopetoun House, South Queensferry Anyone interested in taking part in the above event should speak to Mr Durkin before Friday 1 February. THIS IS BOTH A TEAM AND INDIVIDUAL EVENT. All year groups Expiry date: 01/02/19
All year groups Expiry date: 08/02/19
All year groups Expiry date: 08/02/19
Film G Permission slips and payments must be handed in to Miss Raguenet or Mrs Coghill by Monday 4 February at the latest. All year groups Expiry date: 04/02/19
Parkour Club S1/S2Wednesday lunchtimesGym Hall Mr Hersee Come along and give it a try! S1-2 Expiry date: 31/01/19
Air Cadet Open Night Date: Thursday 31 January Time: 7 - 9.30pm Where: Air Cadet Hut, Montague Row, Inverness, IV3 5DX All S1-3 pupils welcome. S1-3 Expiry date: 31/01/19
Music Department ‘Annie’ Theatre Trip Wednesday 2nd October 2019 There are 5 tickets still up for grabs! Please return your Parental Letter with payment of £35 to any Music Teacher to confirm your place on the Trip. S2-5 Expiry date: 01/02/19
Battlefields Trip Please attend a short meeting at the start of break on Monday 4 February in room 254. Everyone must attend. S3-4 Expiry date: 04/02/19
Level 3 Engineering Apprenticeships with Network Rail Starting in March and September every year. We are now accepting applications for our Level 3 Engineering apprenticeship scheme to start in September 2019. We are looking to recruit 200 bright and talented individuals, with opportunities available nationwide. Entry requirements: Candidates must be aged 18 by 29 September 2019. They must have achieved a minimum of 4 GCSE’s (or equivalent) at Grade A*- C / 9 -5** in English, Maths, Science or Engineering and one other subject. Full details of the scheme and how to apply can be found on our website: https://www.networkrail.co.uk/careers/apprenticeships/ An electronic guide how to ace an apprenticeship application can be viewed here; http://bit.ly/2mR1Fdv You can also watch a video about our apprenticeship scheme here; https://youtu.be/8UpTC_ovTJM Too young to consider applying for the apprenticeship scheme? No problem! We need boys and girls at school today to learn about science, maths and technology so they can help us to invent and design the railways of the future! We’ve got a new web page that explains why railways are so awesome – with resources for schools and teachers – check it out! https://www.networkrail.co.uk/careers/awesome-railways/ S4-6 Expiry date: 01/02/18
Business Skills Course We wish to advise that those school pupils who undertake the FA: Business Skills Coursewith ourselves on a Friday and attend their Work Placement as part of their course are required to attend Inverness College UHI on Friday 8 and Friday 15February. S4-6 Expiry date: 08/02/18
HNC in Social Science Inverness College will be running an HNC in Social Sciences from August 2019. The details of this are not yet up on the college website. For more details please get in contact with the college on 01463 273000. S5-6 Expiry date: 15/02/18
S1 Pupils Please check the S1 Google Classroom for information about the Outdoor Learning Experience in April/May. Miss K Sinclair S1 Expiry date: 01/02/18
S3 Music Technology Do you have an interest in how music is recorded and edited? Perhaps you would be interested in learning more about sound effects for film and gaming, audio technology and radio broadcasting? If you would like to know more about the S3 Music Technology course, please come along to a short presentation at 11.20am on Thursday 31 January in Room 235 or speak to Mr Munro. S2 Expiry date: 31/01/18
Careers Interviews( TODAY) Thursday 31 January Please attend for interview in INTERVIEW ROOM 3 at the time shown on your appointment slip with Mrs McGarry. 9:00 Yasmin Abou Aichi 3.2 9:15 Tally Beveridge 3.2 9:30 Goncalo Bravo Correia 3.4 9:45 Orla Buchanan 3.6 10:00 James Calder 3.1 10:15 Maddison Cameron 3.3 10:30 Abbie Campbell 3.4 10:45 Wesley Carpenter 3.4 11:00 Joshua Chisholm 3.2 11:15 Juel Choppy-Madeline 3.2 11:30 Iwo Ciccorra 3.1 11:45 Leah Collingwood 3.6 12:00 Matthew Collinson 3.3 S3 Expiry date: 31/01/18
Careers Interviews(TODAY) Thursday 31 January Please attend for interview in INTERVIEW ROOM 3 at the time shown on your appointment slip with Mrs McGarry. 12:15 Adrian Conner 3.4 12:30 Isla Cooper 3.4 14:00 Scott Davidson 3.2 14:15 Evie Delves 3.4 14:30 Joe Dickinson 3.4 14:45 Samara Dow 3.7 15:00 Callum Flanagan 3.4 15:15 Cody Forbes 3.7 S3 Expiry date: 31/01/18
Exploring Careers In Health Wednesday 27 February 2019, 9.30am-3.30pm Centre for Health Science, RaigmoreHospital, Inverness The aim is to raise awareness of potentially all types of Healthcare Career options for S4 pupils. Midwifery, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Psychology, Occupational Therapy, Clinical Skills, Paediatrics, Medicine & Medical Careers, Diagnostic Radiography. Brief summary of the above and application form available from the Guidance Base. Limited Places Available. Names required by Monday 4February. S4 Expiry date: 04/02/18
S6 Workshop with Nicky Marr ‘Present yourself with Confidence’ This workshop will improve your employability, interview and personal skills to enter the world of work or further study once you leave Millburn. These sessions have received very positive feedback so it is important you attend! Monday 11 February Ashie and Garth Tuesday 12 February Farraline, Moy and Ruthven Room 156/160 from 9am-1pm each day S6 Expiry date: 12/02/18