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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome! • The presentation will begin shortly • Be sure to dial in to the phone portion of the webinar for audio: • Audio: 1-800-326-0013 • Conference ID #: 3154639 (No Password Necessary) • Please mute your phone during the presentation • Click the “Q&A” button to submit comments or suggestions about the webinar

  2. Overview of NAVMEC’s Draft Recommendations:“Roadmap for Veterinary Medical Education in the 21st Century: Responsive, Collaborative, Flexible”

  3. Why NAVMEC?? The World is Changing … SocietalNeeds FinancialChallenges VeterinaryMedicalEducation NewTechnology 21stCenturyStudents

  4. Why NAVMEC?? The World is Changing … Our New Roadmap… Day#1Compet--encies SocietalNeeds All-CareerCurricula FinancialChallenges Hi-Quality+ Cost-EffectiveEducation VeterinaryMedicalEducation NewTechnology MoreInvestmentin CVMs 21stCenturyStudents Urgency& Action

  5. The Changing Landscape of Societal Needs, Veterinary Medicine & Veterinary Medical Education • Society is becoming more: • Diverse • Urban • Aware of animal welfare • Demanding of theveterinary medical profession SocietalNeeds FinancialChallenges VeterinaryMedicalEducation NewTechnology 21stCenturyStudents

  6. The Changing Landscape of Societal Needs, Veterinary Medicine & Veterinary Medical Education • Reduced $ support to allpublic education, incl. CVMs • Education costs increasing • Servicing student debt isa growing concern • Ratio applicants to CVM places is declining SocietalNeeds FinancialChallenges VeterinaryMedicalEducation NewTechnology 21stCenturyStudents

  7. The Changing Landscape of Societal Needs, Veterinary Medicine & Veterinary Medical Education SocietalNeeds FinancialChallenges • New technologies in:- veterinary medicine- delivery of higher education • On-line education is becoming more the normthan the exception VeterinaryMedicalEducation NewTechnology 21stCenturyStudents

  8. The Changing Landscape of Societal Needs, Veterinary Medicine & Veterinary Medical Education SocietalNeeds FinancialChallenges • This student generation expects its learning to be: • Convenient • On-line • Efficient • Cost-effective • Flexible • High quality • Relevant VeterinaryMedicalEducation NewTechnology 21stCenturyStudents

  9. Veterinary Medical Employment

  10. Veterinary Medical Employment Shortagesare Growing

  11. Veterinary Medical Employment Boomersare Retiring Shortagesare Growing

  12. Veterinary Medical Employment Boomersare Retiring Shortagesare Growing + Shortages inrural communities

  13. The Origins of NAVMEC The World is Changing … We have to Change too… SocietalNeeds FinancialChallenges North AmericanVeterinary MedicalEducation Consortium VeterinaryMedicalEducation NewTechnology 21stCenturyStudents

  14. NAVMEC Objective and Process • Objective: • To create a flexible roadmap for veterinary medical education in North America to meet changing societal needs • Process:- 450+ participants at 3 national meetings- $535k invested by co-sponsors- Discussed all aspects of veterinary medical education (competencies, education models, finances, accreditation, etc.)- Strong themes emerged to give direction to Strategic Goals

  15. NAVMEC: A New Approach • Engages all stakeholders- Employers, students, regulators, educators, etc. • Multi-functional governance- Education, accreditation & licensure/testing • Focuses on needs of students, employers & society • Emphasizes the power of collaboration among CVMs • Recognizes early indicators of future problems • Oriented to practical near-term action

  16. The following recommendations have beenedited for brevity. For complete descriptions, review the NAVMEC Report at www.navmec.org

  17. The NAVMEC Roadmap: 5 Strategic Goals • Admissions • Curricula • Accreditation • Testing & Licensure Day#1Compet--encies All-CareerCurricula Hi-Quality+ Cost-EffectiveEducation MoreInvestmentin CVMs Urgency& Action

  18. NAVMEC Entry-Level Core Competencies

  19. NAVMEC Entry-Level Core Competencies

  20. NAVMEC Entry-Level Core Competencies* * These competencies have been defined and detailed by a NAVMEC panel of employers, educators, accreditors, and testers/licensers; they are available on the NAVMEC website for your consideration and feedback.

  21. Clearly Defined & Agreed Core Competencies: All Stakeholders Benefit • Students - increase their market value • Clients/Public - better served by new grads • Employers - grads are productive Day#1 • Educators - clear priorities for curricula

  22. NAVMEC Strategic Goal #1:Graduate Career-Ready Veterinarians Proficient in Core Competencies

  23. NAVMEC Strategic Goal #1:Graduate Career-Ready Veterinarians Proficient in Core Competencies

  24. NAVMEC Strategic Goal #1:Graduate Career-Ready Veterinarians Proficient in Core Competencies

  25. NAVMEC Strategic Goal #1:Graduate Career-Ready Veterinarians Proficient in Core Competencies

  26. NAVMEC Strategic Goal #1:Graduate Career-Ready Veterinarians Proficient in Core Competencies

  27. The NAVMEC Roadmap: 5 Strategic Goals Day#1Compet--encies • Admissions • Pre-requisites • Competency-driven • One Health All-CareerCurricula Hi-Quality+ Cost-EffectiveEducation MoreInvestmentin CVMs Urgency& Action

  28. Curricular Priorities • Increase career choices • Day #1 value to employers Broader CVM Curriculumwithin current (4-year)professional program • Limited depth for somepre-clinical & clinical courses

  29. Curricular Priorities • Increase career choices • Day #1 value to employers • Focus on primary care, wellness & prevention“Teach commonly-seen clinical conditions uncommonly well” • Stimulate interest in all career options • Simplify admissions & pre-requisite requirements Broader CVM Curriculumwithin current (4-year)professional program • Limited depth for somepre-clinical & clinical courses

  30. NAVMEC Strategic Goal #2:Make Admissions Requirements & Curricula Competency-Driven and Time Efficient

  31. NAVMEC Strategic Goal #2:Make Admissions Requirements & Curricula Competency-Driven and Time Efficient

  32. NAVMEC Strategic Goal #2:Make Admissions Requirements & Curricula Competency-Driven and Time Efficient

  33. NAVMEC Strategic Goal #2:Make Admissions Requirements & Curricula Competency-Driven and Time Efficient

  34. NAVMEC Strategic Goal #2:Make Admissions Requirements & Curricula Competency-Driven and Time Efficient

  35. NAVMEC Strategic Goal #2:Make Admissions Requirements & Curricula Competency-Driven and Time Efficient

  36. The NAVMEC Roadmap: 5 Strategic Goals Day#1Compet--encies All-CareerCurricula • Cost-effective education • Maintain focus on quality • Efficient use of resources • How to share?($$, resource recognition) Hi-Quality+ Cost-EffectiveEducation MoreInvestmentin CVMs Urgency& Action

  37. NAVMEC Strategic Goal #3:Increase Sharing of Educational Resources AmongCVMs to Ensure Quality, Flexibility, and a Cost-Effective Education for Veterinarians

  38. NAVMEC Strategic Goal #3:Increase Sharing of Educational Resources AmongCVMs to Ensure Quality, Flexibility, and a Cost-Effective Education for Veterinarians

  39. NAVMEC Strategic Goal #3:Increase Sharing of Educational Resources AmongCVMs to Ensure Quality, Flexibility, and a Cost-Effective Education for Veterinarians

  40. NAVMEC Strategic Goal #3:Increase Sharing of Educational Resources AmongCVMs to Ensure Quality, Flexibility, and a Cost-Effective Education for Veterinarians

  41. The NAVMEC Roadmap: 5 Strategic Goals Day#1Compet--encies All-CareerCurricula Hi-Quality+ Cost-EffectiveEducation • Veterinary Medicine’svalue to society • Government support MoreInvestmentin CVMs Urgency& Action

  42. NAVMEC Strategic Goal #4:Promote a Sustainable, Economically Viable System of Education for Veterinary Medicine

  43. NAVMEC Strategic Goal #4:Promote a Sustainable, Economically Viable System of Education for Veterinary Medicine

  44. NAVMEC Strategic Goal #4:Promote a Sustainable, Economically Viable System of Education for Veterinary Medicine

  45. NAVMEC Strategic Goal #4:Promote a Sustainable, Economically Viable System of Education for Veterinary Medicine

  46. The NAVMEC Roadmap: 5 Strategic Goals Day#1Compet--encies All-CareerCurricula Hi-Quality+ Cost-EffectiveEducation MoreInvestmentin CVMs • Implementation • Collaboration • Motivation Urgency& Action

  47. NAVMEC Strategic Goal #5:Create a Profession-Wide Sense of Urgencyand Focus on Action

  48. NAVMEC Strategic Goal #5:Create a Profession-Wide Sense of Urgencyand Focus on Action

  49. NAVMEC Strategic Goal #5:Create a Profession-Wide Sense of Urgencyand Focus on Action

  50. NAVMEC Strategic Goal #5:Create a Profession-Wide Sense of Urgencyand Focus on Action

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