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Diploma in Community Services (Case Management) 14 th February 2012. Welcome to all students First Term - Session 1 Course information session and introduction to Case Management. Reminder!!!!!!. CHERYL: RECORD THE MEETING. Your teacher !!. Cheryl Wilson – Tamworth Campus
Diploma in Community Services (Case Management) 14th February 2012 Welcome to all studentsFirst Term - Session 1Course information session and introduction to Case Management
Your teacher !! • Cheryl Wilson – Tamworth Campus Phone: 67682028 E-mail: cheryl.wilson4@det.nsw.edu.au
First - let’s get familiar with the classroom • Participants • Sound • Put up your hand!!! • Chat box • Camera and speakers • PPT presentation • Pods • Activities • Notes • Links • Clock & White board
Let’s practice • I am going to drop down several different types of “pods” and we will quickly look at what they do: • File Share • Web Links • Q & A • Poll • Notes • Share
Some basic on-line etiquette rules • Be on time - critical • Respectful of other students comments, opinions and stories they share • Complete any tasks between lessons so as you are able to fully participate on line • Confidentiality • If you are going to be absent please send an email to myself prior to the lesson if possible or leave a message on 67682004
CHC52008 Diploma of Community Services (Case Management) TAFE Course Number 18195 Outline of course structure: This course has been designed to reflect the packaging requirements for Diploma of Community Services (Case Management) (CHC52008) under the Community Services Training Package (CHC08) The Community Services Training Package states the following rules: 16 units must be selected for this qualification including: • 11 compulsory units • 5 elective units – one of these being compulsory
Delivery of course • Delivery will be via mixed mode using a variety of technologies such as Adobe Connect Web Conferencing, email, fax etc • Requirements are once a week to log on to the adobe connect meeting room for a lesson which will last 1.5 hours • You need access to a computer & Internet Explorer with speakers. If you do not have this at home you can access this via your local TAFE library for free
TAFE support services TAFE provide a range of support services to assist you achieve your educational outcomes. These include: • Disability support services • Student Association • Library services • Counselling services • Learner/Tutorial Support • On-line “Your Tutor” http://yourtutor.com.au/
Semester 1 units of competency • CHCCM503C Develop, facilitate & monitor all aspects of case management • CHCCOM403A Use targeted communication skills to build relationships • CHCCS400B Work within a relevant legal and ethical framework • CHCLD415A Confirm client developmental status • HLTHIR404D Work effectively with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people • CHCNET404A Facilitate links with other services • CHCOHS401A Maintain workplace OHS processes • CHCORG506D Coordinate the work environment
Semester 2 units of competence • CHCCS416A Assess and provide services to clients with complex needs • CHCCW503A Work intensively with clients • CHCICS406A Support client self management • CHCLD515A Analyse client information for service planning and delivery • CHCCH427A Work effectively with people experiencing or at risk of homelessness • CHCAD504C Develop practice standards • CHCCM504C Promote high quality case management • CHCORG428A Reflect on and improve own professional practice
Semester one and semester work placement requires • 240 hours of placement – 120 hours in each semester • If you are already employed in a designated case management position this can be used in consultation with your teacher as work placement
Timetable of delivery – Semester 1 Integrated delivery and assessment approach • 13/2/2012 – 9/3/2012 CHCCOM403A Use targeted communication skills to build relationships CHCCS400B Work within a relevant legal and ethical framework • 12/3/2012 - 5/4/2012 CHCOHS401A Maintain workplace OHS processes HLTHIR404D Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers • 23/4/2012 – 11/5/2012 CHCCM503C Develop, facilitate & monitor all aspects of case management • 14/5/2012 – 1/6/2012 CHCLD415A Confirm client developmental status • 4/6/2012 – 22/6/2012 CHCNET404A Facilitate links with other services CHCORG506D Coordinate the work environment
Accessing resources for learning • Once each student is aware of what UOC they are required to complete the student can purchase resources to support their learning • Resources are available from a number of sources at different costs • Catapult on-line provide resources for each UOC at a cost of $16 each unit. You can chose to purchase these personally (hard copy) or pay TAFE $16 per Unit and we can provide access to the resource through Catapult an on-line learning resource where you can work through the unit. • Other companies such as Aspire also provide these resources • At diploma level, students are also required too undertake their own research for learning purposes
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) • TAFE NSW recognises that students may have gained skills and knowledge in their previous studies, and life and work experiences. To gain recognition you must be able to prove your competence using evidence that is relevant, authentic, sufficient and current. Three types of RPL • Auto Credit for relevant previous TAFE Study • Mutual Recognition for matching units of competence from another RTO or training provider • Non-standard Recognition
Application for non-standard RPL Often students have had experience in the areas they are seeking their qualification e.g. • Worked in the Community Services sector for several years and possess skills and knowledge which is transferable • Worked in a case management role for some time • Experience in other agency types or job roles which are relevant to the UOC you are studying with transferable skills and knowledge • Previous training which has provided the knowledge/skills You are required (in consultation with your teacher) to: • Complete a portfolio of evidence • Complete a competency conversation relating to the UOC’s you are applying for • Complete and sign an RPL form
Recognition flow chart 1. Enrolment Some RTOs may require you to be enrolled to be eligible for recognition. 5. Prepare your application A trainer/ assessor/recognition contact will provide you with a Recognition Application form. You must complete the form and include it with your portfolio in your application. 8. Authorisation and notification of decision The assessor will forward your application to a delegate to authorise the recognition outcome. You will be notified of the outcome in writing. 2. Information and advice Your trainer/assessor/ recognition contact will provide you with information and advice about applying for, and processing RPL and assembling a portfolio of evidence. 6. Submit your application Submit your application plus portfolio of evidence to your trainer/assessor/ recognition contact. 3. Identify your evidence You need to identify the type and range of evidence which is relevant to your application. 9. Review If the recognition outcome is unsuccessful, you can ask for a review. The delegate will advise you about the Review of Results process. 4. Gather your evidence and undertake a competency conversation You need to gather sufficient evidence to support your application. Your evidence can be presented as a portfolio. 7. Assessment of your application Your application will be forwarded to a qualified assessor who will assess your application and record the outcome.
Next week we will look at an RPL case study to provide some examples for students who believe they may be able to apply for recognition through this process
OUR WIKI!!! Our Wiki is a forum for students to do the following: • Access all assessment tasks, PPT lessons, lesson recordings, links to resource material and other learning material deposited by teachers • A discussion forum for students and teachers • A notice board for upcoming news and reminders • Used at times as an assessment tool Only the teachers can edit the main page and add or delete material. Students can add comments and hold discussions in the forum area So, how do you access the WIKI??
You access the wiki by ............ entering the following URL into your browser • http://diplomaofcasemanagement2012.neitwiki.wikispaces.net/ • On the top right hand side of the page their is an option to join • Click to join • On the next page you will be required to have a username – you can either access this from your TAFE NSW Tax Invoice two thirds of the way down the page, or use your own • Then access your TAFE e-mail address and password from your enrolment form receipt e.g. cheryl.wilson4 01/01/1930, or again use your own • Enter information and press send • I will receive an email indicating you have requested to join the Wiki and I will approve this • You will receive a return email and you can then start using the wiki by using the above URL and entering your username and password each time
If you do not have your TAFE enrolment details from your enrolment receipt, you can still register on the Wiki by using your own user id, email address, and password e.g. chez; chez@hotmail.com; 666333 • It is preferable you try and use your TAFE email etc as you will need to firstly register your own email address with TAFE before going any further • You then will go through the same process on the previous page but using your own email etc
A question to get us started • When I think of the community services industry (CSI) or sector in Australia I think of.........
The community services sector in Australia • The community services sector provides the community with services that meet a broad range of needs and provide a large range of vitally important services to Australians • Services delivered aim to promote physical, social, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing • Who or what types of services are delivered in Australia? • Place your responses in the chat box
Groups in the community that are marginalised or disadvantaged, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, the aged, culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) families and people with a disability, are supported by government and non-government providers of community services • Non-government services are delivered by commercial and not-for-profit organisations (NGOs). • What is your understanding of an NGO in comparison to a government organisation?
Case Management • What is your understanding of case management? • Again place your responses in the chat pod
Case management is ........ • Case management is a collaborative process of assessment, planning, facilitation and advocacy for options and services to meet an individual’s health needs through communication and available resources to promote quality cost effective outcomes. • The definition of case management notes the focus upon the meeting of a client’s health needs. Within the Australian context, case management can be placed within a social model of health. This framework allows for the client and case manager to work on the various aspects of the client’s life that influence the client’s health.
Where is case management used? Case Management has been adapted to a wide range of settings including community care for the aged, and people with disability and mental health issues; acute health settings; injury management and insurance related areas; correctional services; court systems; in the management of chronic health conditions; child and youth welfare; at risk populations in schools; managed care and employment programs
Task for this week • You mustbeforenext Tuesday evening be registered and a member of the Wiki • If you have any difficulty please contact me for assistance • Another task is to also use your TAFE username and password to enter the TAFE student portal and have a look around. There are useful resources (Library, journal articles etc) and other interesting and useful pieces of information for you including access to e-services • http://www.newengland.tafensw.edu.au/
I think that is enough for tonight!!!! • Any questions? • Remember to check the Wiki – and I need to accept you so request entry • I will send tonight's recording to you • Until next week – smile and enjoy this opportunity for learning