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E-Education & E-Learning in Austria

E-Education & E-Learning in Austria. Mag. Axel Zahlut European Network for Innovative Schools Austria. Do we need a change?. "Education is what most people get, some teach and few have!" Karl Kraus. Changing circumstances Why?.

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E-Education & E-Learning in Austria

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  1. E-Education & E-Learning in Austria Mag. Axel Zahlut European Network for Innovative Schools Austria

  2. Do we need a change? "Education is what most people get, some teach and few have!" Karl Kraus

  3. Changing circumstances Why?

  4. Current data Background?

  5. Austria's basic Structure HOW?

  6. strategical Objectives Future?

  7. Changing circumstances Why?

  8. "Modern technologies provide access to information in an unlimited way but also, without any oder! Therefore students will have to learn how to manage the information they get and to put in order." Prof. Hans N. Weiler (Prof. Emeritus in Stanford) CLOUD

  9. Shifts? Teacher-centred vs. student-centred approach e-inclusion (professional & private life) practical level

  10. Current data Background?

  11. 5 students per computer 50% of schools use e-learning or web 2.0 50% of the teachers in training since 2000 20.000 ECDLs completed annualy 210.000 modular ECDL exams annualy over 25% of schools involved in int. projects Source: efit21, 2010

  12. Austria's basic Structure HOW?

  13. national level european level SCHOOLS federal state

  14. EUROPEAN LEVEL - 13 current international projects - 16 international projects completed specific and targeted content or future design of the classroom http://virtuelleschule.bmukk.gv.at/projekte-international/ SCHOOLS

  15. NATIONAL LEVEL - 16 national projects with specific tasks and challenges - http://www.schule.at new eContent for classroom use SCHOOLS http://virtuelleschule.bmukk.gv.at/projekte-national/

  16. FEDERAL STATE - educational server - regional content collected - valuable information for parents, students and teachers http://virtuelleschule.bmukk.gv.at/projekte-national/bildungsserver/ SCHOOLS

  17. SCHOOLS - involvement in as many initiatives as possible - e-learning, sports and additional subjects - participations in school networks - e-learning platforms

  18. SCHOOLNETWORKS http://www.enis.at/ eLSA http://elsa20.schule.at/ http://www.elc20.com/

  19. Is there an affordable e-Learning environment? http://www.edumoodle.at/moodle/

  20. strategical Objectives Future?

  21. 6 • Enhance quality of teaching and learning • Teach digital competences • Enhance the success on the labour market • Modernize the organisation structure • Integrate the society • Boost art and culture

  22. enhance quality of teaching and learning • quality of using and sharing content • learning platforms and content portals • investments in the infrastructure • netbookproject for competence-based learning • individualization of learning and teaching

  23. teach digital competences • raising the awareness of the necessity of digital skills • appropriate teachers training & further training • EPICT, Virtual Pedagogical Academia, New Middle School

  24. enhance the success on the labour market • setting benchmarks for ICT in education • standarizing methods of teaching • jobs for information technology more appealing - especially to girls and young women • school pilot IT & gender, industrial certificates, ECDL

  25. modernize the organisation structure • using ICT in the educational administration for a powerful infrastructure • services and applications for target groups • modern applications on all levels • E-Government • edu.card, edu.net, broadband connection, statistic-datawarehouse, ELAK

  26. integrate society • access to the potential for everyone: e-inclusion • removing barriers for social integration • including ICT and media used by juveniles in the pedagogical approach • media literacy • edu.gov - E-Government in class

  27. boost art and culture • presentation independent from location with ICT • access for future generation without any barriers • including it in class • easy access to the digitalized cultural heritage • Culture Pool, digitalization of the portfolios of museums, galleries, and archives

  28. eEducation & eLearning is not a concept! CONCLUSION It is a necessary fact!!

  29. References http://www.google.at/imgres?imgurl=http://www.kidsnet.at/llaender/_derived/oesterreich.htm_txt_AUSTRIA.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.kidsnet.at/llaender/oesterreich.htm&usg=__sx-vrxJqceGscekGP5qmKq98N-s=&h=312&w=609&sz=8&hl=de&start=8&zoom=1&tbnid=uNjL9SH2BzBU6M:&tbnh=70&tbnw=136&ei=UOCITdGxOcTFtAaJ2pSzDA&prev=/images%3Fq%3D%25C3%25B6sterreich%26hl%3Dde%26biw%3D981%26bih%3D661%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1 http://www.google.at/imgres?imgurl=http://www.mygeo.info/landkarten/europa/europa_karte_de.png&imgrefurl=http://www.mygeo.info/landkarten_europa.html&usg=__GWDovPU7ENK9oNr2ENir_yg1KxA=&h=1000&w=1200&sz=187&hl=de&start=1&zoom=1&tbnid=A2vKX6pY2ti4tM:&tbnh=125&tbnw=150&ei=AeGITb_bCIOFswby-pWvDA&prev=/images%3Fq%3Deuropa%26hl%3Dde%26biw%3D981%26bih%3D661%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1 http://www.google.at/imgres?imgurl=http://www.austria-navigator.de/pic/maps/st.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.austria-navigator.de/ST/&usg=__pztzJvprgqL-ST4plDmfwUSiONo=&h=285&w=480&sz=7&hl=de&start=8&zoom=1&tbnid=W2Bhr8UAvXVDuM:&tbnh=77&tbnw=129&ei=O-GITYPMMYvUsga8-sW-DA&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dbundesland%26hl%3Dde%26biw%3D981%26bih%3D661%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1 Book: Weiler, Hans N. (2009): Bildung im Zeitalter ihrer technologischen Reproduzierbarkeit. in: Schlüter, Andreas/Strohschneider, Peter (Hrsg.) (2009): Bildung? Bildung! 26 Thesen zur Bildung als Herausforderung im 21. Jahrhundert. Bonn. Ministerial Paper: efit 21. digitale agenda für bildung, kunst und kultur. Report: Zauchner, Sabine/Baumgartner, Peter: IT in Schulen und Unterreicht. Vollerhebung der IT-Infrastruktur an öffentlichen Schulen Österreichs im Schuljahr 2007/2008. Abschlussbericht. Department für interaktive Medien und Bildungstechnologien Donau-Universität Krems. p. 23. (Full IT-report on the Austrian infrastructure in education.) Kolding et al., (2009): White Paper. Post Crisis: e-Skills Are Needed to Drive Europe‘s Innovations Society. IDC-Study. http://eskills.eun.org/web/guest/news_?p_p_id=56_INSTANCE_0tMl&_56_INSTANCE_0tMl_articleId=37952 Electronic sources: Edumoodle Website: www.edumoodle.at/moodle, February 1st 2011 Enis Website. http://www.enis.at, February 1st 2011 eLearning Cluster eLC: www.elc20.com, February 1st 2011 eLSA: http://elsa20.schule.at, February 1st 2011 E-Skills-Week Website. http://eskills-week.ec.europa.eu/, February 2nd 2011 E-Skills Steering Committee: http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/sectors/ict/e-skills/support, February 1st 2011 European Schoolnet Website. http://www.eun.org October 17th 2010 Virtuelle Schule Website: http://www.virtuelleschule.at, February 1st 2011

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