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Fabrication of an electrospun nanofibrous scaffold for use in the field of tissue engineering. Tyler Crawford Shannon Daily. Purpose:.
Fabrication of an electrospun nanofibrous scaffold for use in the field of tissue engineering Tyler Crawford Shannon Daily
Purpose: To create a polycaprolactone mesh which enables cell activity and seeks to eventually provide an application in the field of tissue engineering toward biomimetic skin graft.
The Extracellular Matrix (ECM) • ECM - main structural tissue of skin • Helps skin renew and generate • Provides signals to intercellular pathways • Engineered ECMs are known as scaffolds
Electrospinning • Ability to create scaffolds • Mimic the ECM (size and porosity) • High surface to volume ratio • Easy to vary mechanical and biological properties through changing materials • Flexible- allows cells to manipulate their environment
Polycaprolactone (PCL) • Biocompatible polymer • Biodegradable at a rate that allows increased cell growth and stability • Easy to manipulate • Relatively low melting point - easy to use
Polycaprolactone • Clinically safe (FDA approval) • Proven to have potential for scaffolds in relation to tissue regeneration • Has created scaffolds w/ ideal conditions • High porosities • Large amounts of surface areas
Additional Biochemical Material • Adding another biochemical can: • Increase stress resistance • Provide better adhesion of cells to the final scaffold • Increase the potential for cell proliferation • Biochemical should • Be a component of skin naturally • Must be able to be combined in a solution to be electrospun
Chitosan (CHT) • Natural polymer that exhibits biocompatible and biodegradable qualities • Cellular binding capabilities • Anti-bacterial properties • High viscosity which limits electrospinning
Experimental Design Procedure: • Create control meshes of pure PCL • Solution= PCL and acetic acid (solvent) • Electrospin • Starting parameters: 15 wt.% concentration, 20 cm from tip of syringe to collector plate, & 20 kV
Procedure continued: • Vary voltage to create 9 meshes • 3 Voltages- 3 trials for each • 20 kV • 15 kV • 25 kV • Examine mesh using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) • Culture fibroblast cells onto mesh
Procedure continued: • Observing cells • Inverted light microscope • Analyze cell growth • Cell counts in cells per unit area (mm2) • Means and standard deviations • ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) tests
Procedure continued: • Create solutions of PCL and chitosan • Electrospin • Vary concentration of chitosan to PCL • .5% CHT • 1% CHT • 2% CHT • Total of 9 meshes (3 trials of each concentration)
Procedure continued: • Analyze with SEM • Culture fibroblast cells and seed into meshes created • Determine cell density • Analyze with means, standard deviations, and ANOVA tests
Data and Analysis: • Data obtained: • Fiber diameter and pore diameter of mesh • Cell density amounts • Analysis includes: • Means* • Standard Deviations* • ANOVA tests • 3 comparisons *5-7 measurements/areas for these methods
Data continued: • 15 wt.% solution created • 17 g. acetic acid, 3 g. PCL • Electrospun • 5 mL syringe with bevel tip • Flow rate: .02?? • Mesh created within 2 hrs.
Progress • Background Research • Experimental Design • ISEF (International Science and Engineering Fair) Forms • Started solutions • Just began spinning
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