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Macroscopic Stability Theory and Computation for NSTX-U (Brainstorming and Plan)

NSTX. Supported by . Macroscopic Stability Theory and Computation for NSTX-U (Brainstorming and Plan). Columbia U CompX General Atomics FIU INL Johns Hopkins U LANL LLNL Lodestar MIT Nova Photonics New York U ORNL PPPL Princeton U Purdue U SNL Think Tank, Inc. UC Davis

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Macroscopic Stability Theory and Computation for NSTX-U (Brainstorming and Plan)

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  1. NSTX Supported by Macroscopic Stability Theory and Computation for NSTX-U(Brainstorming and Plan) Columbia U CompX General Atomics FIU INL Johns Hopkins U LANL LLNL Lodestar MIT Nova Photonics New York U ORNL PPPL Princeton U Purdue U SNL Think Tank, Inc. UC Davis UC Irvine UCLA UCSD U Colorado U Illinois U Maryland U Rochester U Washington U Wisconsin Culham Sci Ctr U St. Andrews York U Chubu U Fukui U Hiroshima U Hyogo U Kyoto U Kyushu U Kyushu Tokai U NIFS Niigata U U Tokyo JAEA Hebrew U Ioffe Inst RRC Kurchatov Inst TRINITI NFRI KAIST POSTECH ASIPP ENEA, Frascati CEA, Cadarache IPP, Jülich IPP, Garching ASCR, Czech Rep • Jong-Kyu Park • John (Jack) Berkery • … Macroscopic Stability TSG Meeting February 14, 2012

  2. This Meeting: will discuss or identify 3-5 major topics for the next 5 year NSTX research • To provide initial guidance for Theory/Experiment joint research topics on Macroscopic stability in preparation for next NSTX-U brainstorming meeting (March 2) and 5-year plan • Identify key theory and modeling needs • Address key issues from the perspective of both experiment and theory • To support FY12-14 milestones during outage (good time for theory!) • To prepare FY14-18 5 year plan for NSTX-U • Higher BT, Higher A, low ν*, 2nd NBI (profiles, fast ions)

  3. MS research includes 3D field, tearing, global, RWM stability, disruption physics

  4. 3D field and tearing physics • Up to date: • IPEC, PEST, NTV theory can support the study of error field effects, tearing stability, and NTV braking • Issues: Locking threshold in low Ω? Tearing stability in ST? Consistent description of NTVs (field, dB2,(ν, Ω, ω) mapping, neoclassical offset) ? Realistic rotation prediction for NSTX-U and ITER, including all the momentum sources? • Existing plans for future (up to 5 years): • Linear fluid: GPEC to solve force balance equation with perturbed tensor pressures and islands. Perturbed tensor pressures will be solved by 3D orbit codes (POCA or FORTEC-3D) and island dynamics will also be solved numerically (RDCON or RPEC) • Non-linear fluid: M3D-C1 to describe non-linear fluid evolution with non-Maxwellian distribution function, including two fluid effects, gyro-viscosity, NTV • Non-linear full-f particle: XGC0 to describe full neoclassical effects, and XGC1 to obtain self-consistent momentum balances with 3D fields • For validation: 3D displacement, fast rotation profile, more 3D coils?

  5. Global and RWM stability physics • Up to date: • EFIT, LRDFIT, DCON, PEST, VALEN3D, MISK are supporting 2D equilibrium reconstructions, ideal and RWM stability • Issues: Kinetic EFITs consistent with TS+CHERS, fast ion contribution? 2D equilibrium and stability with rotation? Reliable ideal stability prediction? More precise and self-consistent RWM passive and active limit prediction and control? • Existing plans for future (up to 5 years): • Linear fluid for RWM1: MISK including anisotropic pressures, fast ions, etc, VALEN3D with multi-modes and state space model for external structures. Better plasma model can be coupled to VALEN3D. MARS-K with self-consistent eigenfunction. • Non-linear fluid for RWM: M3D-C1 to describe non-linear fluid evolution with non-Maxwellian distribution function, including gyro-viscosity, NTV, resistive wall • Linear fluid for global stability: Equilibrium and stability with rotation (FLOW)? Separatrix issues in ideal stability in high beta (GATO)? • For validation: 3D displacement, precise profiles, stability limit, fast ion diagnostics?

  6. Disruption physics • Up to date: • TSC supported NSTX design studies, M3D is supporting Halo current studies • Issues: Fundamental physics governing disruption dynamics? Reliable disruption detection? So predictions for NSTX-U and ITER? Gas penetration physics? Gas amount to mitigate disruption in ITER? • Discussed plans for future (up to 5 years): • 3D equilibrium : RPEC, VMEC, PIES + evolution dynamics? Wall structures? • Non-linear fluid : M3D-C1 to describe non-linear fluid evolution with non-Maxwellian distribution function, including two fluid effects and resistive wall • Impurities, atomics: DEGAS2 to understand gas penetration physics to plasmas and to simulate MGI disruption mitigation, TSC to predict runaway electron effects • For validation: More wall current diagnostics, impurity and neutron diagnostics?

  7. List of possible topics in MS

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