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FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCES. HOME ECONOMICS. Objective. To provide information regarding accountability, restructuring, and program changes. Perkins IV. Accountability. State Standards for Career and Technology Education Standard 1 — Academic Attainment—English/Language Arts
Objective To provide information regarding accountability, restructuring, and program changes.
Perkins IV Accountability • State Standards for Career and Technology Education • Standard 1 — Academic Attainment—English/Language Arts • Standard 2 — Academic Attainment—Math • Standard 3 —Technical Skill Attainment • Standard 4 —Secondary School Completion • Standard 5 —Student Graduation Rates • Standard 6 —Secondary Placement • Standard 7 —Nontraditional Participation • Standard 8 —Nontraditional Completion http://www.myscschools.com/offices/cate/planning_and_support/PerkinsStandards.doc
Funding Local Plan http://ed.sc.gov/agency/offices/cate/localplanandprogressreport/ 7th -12th Grade Courses • Eligible for: • EIA State Equipment Monies • Carl Perkins – Federal Funds (New legislation requires new accountability that has not been defined. Directors and coordinators will get information at the spring meeting.) • CANNOT BE USED : • consumable supplies/materials • furniture • to sustain a program
Career Clusters www.careercluster.org Career Clusters Essential Classroom Practices 1. The curricula include the Cluster foundation knowledge and skills as well as the knowledge and skills for each pathway within a cluster. 2. The curricula are developed cooperatively with partnership teams that include secondary and postsecondary instructors/faculty, academic and technical instructors/faculty, and business and industry representatives. 3. State academic standards are clearly identified and reinforced in the curricula. 4. Communication (reading, writing, listening and presenting) activities are pervasive in the curricula.
Career Clusters www.careercluster.org Career Clusters Essential Classroom Practices 5. The curricula provide broad information and preparation for multiple careers. 6. Assessments and industry-based credentials related to each cluster and its pathways are incorporated. 7. Learners develop a career educational plan with instructor/faculty support. 8. The curricula supports state and local economic development plans. 9. Results are assessed; data are collected and used for accountability and continuous improvement. 10. A professional development plan is followed to assure instructional improvement.
High School Career Majors/Pathways Early Childhood Education Family and Consumer Sciences Food Science Technology and Nutrition Food Science and Dietetics Culinary Arts Hospitality Management and Operations Fashion Design and Apparel Construction Interior Design
Labor Market Information 2002 – 2012 http://www.bls.gov/oco/home.htm
National Certification American Red Cross • Babysitting Certification • Child Care Assistant • Basic First Aid, CPR, AED • HIV/STD http://www.redcross.org/index.html Courses:Personal Skills, Child Development, Early Childhood Education, Parenting Education, Family Life Education, Human Development: Responsible Life Choices
Early Childhood Education CertificationTeacher Education and Compensation Helps Project(T.E.A.C.H.) • To improve the quality of child care • To reduce high turnover • To increase education level and compensation http://www.childcareservices.org/ps/teach.html Early Childhood Credential (ECD 101)
National Certifications The Real Game Series - Grades 4-12 SCOIS http://www.realgame.ca LifeSmarts Consumer education program with internet based competition. www.lifesmarts.org Courses:Personal Skills, Financial Fitness, Family and Consumer Sciences
National Certification ServSafe Certification South Carolina Tourism and Hospitality Education Foundation http://www.schospitality.org Courses: Foods and Nutrition, Sports Nutrition, Family and Consumer Consumer Sciences, Culinary Arts, Hospitality Management and Operations, Food Science and Dietetics, Early Childhood Education, Child Development
National CertificationCulinary Arts ProStart Certification http://www.weareprostart.org • Certified Secondary Graduate Certification • http://www.acfchefs.org
National CertificationHospitality Management and Operations • Lodging Management Program (LMP) • http://www.ei-ahla.org • Certified Rooms Division Specialist (CRDS) • http://www.ei-ahla.org
National CertificationHospitality Management and Operations • Academy of Hospitality and Tourism • Prescribed Curriculum • Curriculum Delivery System • Grants • Scholarships • Resources http://www.naf.org/cps/rde/xchg
Fashion Design and Apparel Construction • Required: Fashion Design and Apparel Construction 1 and 2 • Recommended Electives: • Introduction to Fashion Design and Apparel Construction • Clothing and Textiles • Mechanical Design 1 • Entrepreneurship
Interior Design • Required: Interior Design 1 and 2 • Recommended Electives: • Housing and Interiors 1 and 2 • Marketing Management • Mechanical Design 1 • Entrepreneurship
Career Pathways New CIP Codes (changes in parentheses)
Virtual School https://elearning.ed.sc.gov/webapps/portal/frameset.jsp?tab_id=_57_1 Development of FACS COURSES On-Line: Child Development Family Life Education Financial Fitness Human Development: Responsible Life Choices Parenting Education
TEXTBOOKS 2008 – 2009 Early Childhood Education Culinary Arts Food Science and Dietetics Question? Classroom sets or a book for each student (Contact my office if you have classroom sets.)
Family and Consumer SciencesCredentialing American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences • National Consortium of States • Develop industry recognized credentials for FACS where there are currently gaps. • Development and Launching Fall 2007 –Spring 2009
On-line Assessments • Broad Field Family and Consumer Sciences • Nutrition and Food Science • Financial Literacy and Security • Customer Service • Family Services • Housing and Interior Design • Fashion, Textiles, and Apparel • Early Childhood Education • Education Careers
FCCLA Career and Technology Education Student Organization (CTSO) Perkins IV - Accountability SDE Career Cluster Partnership
FACS National Standards • Survey Monkey http://doe.state.in.us/octe/facs/NASAFACS_StandardsProject1.html All the surveys are set up to close July 15, 11:45 p.m.
Student OrganizationsCompetitive Events Family and Consumer Sciences Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America FCCLA - www.fcclainc.org Marketing DECA – http://www.deca.org/ Career and Technology Education Skills USA – http://www.skillsusa.org LMP and ProStart SCHSI/ProStart – http://www.schospitality.org LifeSmarts National Consumer League – http://www.nclnet.org
Program Information http://www.ed.sc.gov/agency/offices/cate/ datacollection/DataCollection.html
Nontraditional Students Patrice Green, Education Associate Suite 922 1429 Senate StreetColumbia, SC 29201Phone: 803-734-8410 Fax: 803-734-3525Email: pgreen@ed.sc.us http://www.ed.sc.gov/agency/ offices/cate/gendereq_specialpops/
Teacher Certification http://www.ed.sc.gov/agency/offices/SQ/acc/documents/reqCred07_002.pdf
Teacher Certification Family and Consumer Sciences (Home Economics) Certification http://www.scteachers.org/cert/Certpdf/TeacherCertificationManual.pdf
Teacher CertificationWork-based Certification http://www.scteachers.org/cert/careertech/pdf/WorkBasedCertificationGuidelines.pdf
Teacher Certification The Program of Alternative Certification for Educators (PACE) is South Carolina's alternative route for certification. http://www.scteachers.org/cert/pace/overview.cfm South Carolina Department of Education Office of Career and Technology Education Work-Based Certification http://www.scdirect.org/
Renewal Credit Matrix http://www.scteachers.org/cert/recert/rc_provider.cfm
Virtual Workshops https://elearning.ed.sc.gov/webapps/portal/frameset.jsp?tab_id=_57_1 You have been invited to attend an online Elluminate meeting(s) created by Eleanor Glover: Elluminate Practice Meeting 5. The meeting(s) are scheduled for the following dates and times: Meeting Link: http://elm.elluminate.com:80/HOSTEDSCDE/join_meeting.html?meetingId=1169151818508 Add to Calendar: http://elm.elluminate.com:80/HOSTEDSCDE/build_calendar.event?meetingId=1169151818508 Starts: 01/24/2007 10:00 EST Ends: 01/24/2007 11:30 EST Enter your name at the login prompt. This meeting does not require a password to join. Please leave the password field blank. To join the meeting, click on the appropriate link above. If this is the first time you will be using Elluminate, you may be prompted to download some software which may take anywhere from 2 to 20 minutes depending upon your Internet connection speed. You can pre-configure your system with the required software by going to the support page located at: http://elm.elluminate.com:80/HOSTEDSCDE/support.help Please make sure your computer has a microphone and speakers to be able to talk and hear while you are in the Elluminate meeting.
Eleanor R. Abel Glover, Education Associate South Carolina Department of Education Office of Career and Technology Education 1429 Senate Street Room 924 Columbia, SC 29201 803-734-3826 803-734-3525 fax eglover@ed.sc.gov