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TCAP Writing Assessment 2010 Test Coordinators Meeting January 27, 2010

TCAP Writing Assessment 2010. The TCAP Writing Assessment is for grades 5, 8, and 11 onlyThe test date is Tuesday, February 2ndMake-up testing date is Wednesday, February 3rdThe information covered today is in the Test Administration ManualRepresentatives from ESL, Special Education, and Homebound are also here to answer your questions.

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TCAP Writing Assessment 2010 Test Coordinators Meeting January 27, 2010

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    1. TCAP Writing Assessment 2010 Test Coordinators Meeting January 27, 2010

    2. TCAP Writing Assessment 2010 The TCAP Writing Assessment is for grades 5, 8, and 11 only The test date is Tuesday, February 2nd Make-up testing date is Wednesday, February 3rd The information covered today is in the Test Administration Manual Representatives from ESL, Special Education, and Homebound are also here to answer your questions

    3. Updates for 2010 All students will have a testing time limit of thirty-five minutes. Students are to use the blank space on the back of the Student Direction Sheet for prewriting activities. Fifth-grade Home School students will participate in the 2010 Writing Assessment. The survey should not be completed for a student who is absent from the test administration.

    4. Updates for 2010 State Use Only Bubble B1 to identify Homebound students. Bubble C1 to identify students currently in a CTE course. Bubble C4 to identify students with a broken arm or hand.

    5. 5th grade students write a narrative essay (a story). 8th grade students write an expository essay (an explanation). 11th grade students write a persuasive essay (an argument). TCAP Writing Assessment 2010

    6. From Charlotte Woehler, Assistant Director of Assessment, Tennessee Department of Education, The Writing Assessment is not course specific. All students classified as juniors (grade 11) take the Writing Assessment. If a senior is in eleventh grade English and they have tested, they do not have to retest. If a student is in a grade eleven homeroom they do have to test. TCAP Writing Assessment 2010

    7. Schedule of Events January 28: Delivery of test materials to schools by Farmville Warehouse trucks February 2: Writing Assessment February 3: Make-up February 4: Schools beginning with A-K hand-deliver all test materials to the Avery Lobby between 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. February 5: Schools beginning with L-W hand-deliver all test materials to the BOE Auditorium between 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.

    8. State Test Security Procedures Pages 1-2

    9. Test Security Law State of Tennessee Test Security Law (Tennessee Code Annotated (T.C.A.) 49-1-607) states: Any person found to have not followed security guidelines for administration of the TCAP test, or successor test, including making or distributing unauthorized copies of the test, altering a grade or answer sheet, providing copies of answers or test questions, or otherwise compromising the integrity of the testing process shall be placed on immediate suspension, and such actions will be grounds for dismissal, including dismissal of tenured employees. Such actions shall be grounds for revocation of state license.

    10. MCS Test Security Procedures Pages 2a-2b

    11. MCS Test Security Procedures In addition to state test security procedures, the following procedures shall be observed in the administration of the TCAP Writing Assessment and in the handling of test materials at the school building level: The principal may serve as the test coordinator or may appoint a certified staff member to serve as the test coordinator. Immediately upon receipt of test materials, the principal/test coordinator shall verify that the quantities of materials received correspond to the quantities of materials shipped. Discrepancies should be reported immediately to the Office of Assessment at 416-5450. Verification of the writing prompt shall be done at the latest practicable time prior to test administration. Two different people must verify the count of materials and sign the Shipping Order form. Fax a copy of the signed Shipping Order Form to the Office of Assessment at 416-6447.

    12. After verification, the principal shall ensure that all test materials are stored in a locked room, which is accessible only to the principal/test coordinator. The principal/test coordinator shall ensure that test administrators and proctors have reviewed instructions for test administration and procedures for test security and have initialed and signed this test security procedures document prior to the administration of the test. In addition to the test administrator, schools must have at least one proctor at all times in each classroom where testing takes place. In large group settings (e.g., in an auditorium, library, or cafeteria), there should be several proctors used to ensure proper monitoring during testing. MCS Test Security Procedures

    13. 20. Fifth graders in self-contained classes may be administered the test at any time during the school day on February 2, 2010. All fifth graders who change classes, all eighth graders and all eleventh graders in a school must test at the same time on February 2, 2010. 23. Persons observing any violations of test security are directed to report them immediately to the Office of Assessment at 416-5450. MCS Test Security Procedures

    14. “By signing this form, I acknowledge that I have reviewed and understand these security procedures. I have also been informed of the consequences for violating these procedures.” Signed Test Security forms should be kept on file by the principal for at least one year from the date signed. MCS Test Security Procedures

    15. Breach of Testing Security Procedures Pages 3-6

    16. Immediately report a potential Breach of Test Security to the Assessment Manager (Opal Harris) at 416-5450. “Upon receipt of any information concerning a possible breach of testing security, the school and system must initiate an immediate and thorough investigation into the circumstances of the event.” The Office of Assessment will inform you of any further steps that need to be taken.

    17. Breach of Test Security Report This form is to be used only when reporting a testing security breach that was the result of a test administrator or other adult’s actions. A Report of Irregularity should be used to report student cheating. Report of Irregularity incidents which affect scoring must now be entered on the online RI website.

    18. Immediately notify the Office of Assessment at 416-5450 of the breach. Attach detailed statements from all involved, including students, the principal, the test administrator(s), proctor(s), the building engineer, etc. Attach signed test security procedures of all involved. Be sure to notify the principal and parent(s) of students involved in the breach of the possible consequences. Attach copies of in-school distribution forms, if appropriate. Attach a list of students’ names, their MCS PIN numbers, grade level(s), and name and SSN of test administrator(s). Turn in breach form to report shortages of test booklets and manuals. Breach of Test Security Report

    19. Building Test Coordinator’s Checklist Pages 11-13

    20. School Shipping Order Page 14

    21. School Shipping Order Immediately upon receipt of test materials, the principal or test coordinator shall verify that the quantities of materials received correspond to the quantities of materials shipped. (Test Security Procedures #2). Discrepancies should be reported immediately to the Office of Assessment at 416-5450. (Test Security Procedures #2).

    22. In-School Distribution Record Page 14a

    23. In-school Distribution Record Use this form to keep track of test materials distributed to and received from Test Administrators. Return these forms with your answer sheets and test materials. Keep a copy for your files.

    24. Test Administrator’s Checklist Pages 17-20

    25. Test Administrator The Proctor performs duties as assigned under the supervision of the Test Administrator.

    26. Answer Sheet Pages 22-29

    27. Answer Sheet The answer documents will have a bar code in the pre-ID area with student demographic information. If a student does not have a pre-ID answer document, a blank answer sheet must be used and all relevant fields must be bubbled. An answer document with completed demographics should be turned in for every absent student. The absent circle in the Absentee Status box should also be bubbled.

    28. Answer Sheet Information included in pre-ID label Name Unique Student ID# Birth Date Ethnic Origin Grade Gender System School # Code A/B

    29. Answer Sheet Even with a Pre-ID bar code you are still required to write and/or bubble: Teacher Name System Name School Name Title I Membership

    30. Answer Sheet These sections must be hand-bubbled if they are relevant to the student: Absentee status Other Programs Choices ESL Services ELL Accommodations Modified Test Format State Use Only Choices Special Education Special Accommodations

    31. Test Directions Pages 30-35

    32. Test Directions Survey: Page 31-32 5th Grade: Page 33 8th Grade: Page 34 11th Grade: Page 35

    33. Test Directions The student should begin on page three of the answer folder, and use page four only if page three is full. Responses written only on page four may not be scored. Distribute the directions and the prompt only when instructed Test administrators may need to take a few moments to be sure there is a clear understanding of the word “prompt” (topic for writing the essay)

    34. Pencil or Pen? 5th and 8th Grades: Pencil 11th Grade: Blue or black ballpoint pen The demographic grid must be filled out using a #2 pencil. If ink is used on the grid, the student information will not be picked up in scoring.

    35. Test Accommodations

    36. Test Accommodations Any departure from standardized test administration procedures can potentially invalidate test results. There are three types of testing accommodations available for student use. 1. TCAP Allowable Accommodations may be used by all students as needed. (Pages 36-39) 2. Special Conditions Accommodations may be used only by students receiving special education services who have the need documented in their IEP or by students receiving 504 services who have the need documented in their 504 Service Plan. (Pages 41-46)

    37. Test Accommodations 3. English Language Learner (ELL) Accommodations may be used only by students who meet specified criteria for ELL services. (Pages 47-49)

    38. Allowable Accommodations See the chart on page 36 of the manual for complete listing of Allowable Accommodations (last column) Multiple Allowable Accommodations may be used Should be based on individual student needs Must be used consistently by the student throughout curricular instruction during the school year The teacher must discuss the accommodation with the student prior to testing

    39. Decisions about the need for and selection of Special Accommodations for students with disabilities are the responsibility of the IEP Team or 504 Committee. The use of Special Accommodations must be determined individually for each test and identified in the student’s IEP or 504 Service Plan. If the accommodation is not used consistently and proficiently by the student during classroom instruction and assessments, the student may not use the accommodation. Special Accommodations

    40. It is the responsibility of each school’s lead special education teacher or 504 Coordinator to confirm that students using Special Accommodations have met the required conditions and that they are documented on the student’s IEP or 504 Service Plan. It is the Test Coordinator’s responsibility to provide Test Administrators with a list of all students using Allowable and/or Special Accommodations. It is the Test Administrator’s responsibility to ensure all accommodations are applied appropriately. Special Accommodations

    41. A Report of Irregularity should be submitted if a student: qualifies for a Special Accommodation, but does not receive it does not qualify for a Special Accommodation, but receives it qualifies for a Special Accommodation, but it was provided incorrectly Special Accommodations

    42. If the accommodation determined by the IEP Team as necessary for use on TCAP Assessments is not an Allowable or Special Accommodation provided by the state but is used consistently and proficiently by the student on classroom assignments, then a Unique Adaptive Accommodations Request Form may be submitted to the Department of Education for review (at least 1 month prior to the assessment) Reviewed on a case-by-case basis Keep in mind for Achievement Test, Gateway, and End-of-Course Special Accommodations

    43. ELL First Year Exclusion The first calendar year an ELL student is in an American school he/she may be exempted from participation in the TCAP Writing Assessment in grades 5, 8, and 11. There is no blanket exclusion of ELLs. Exclusions must be individually determined based on a student's English language proficiency, as documented by the ELDA, and first year enrollment in a U.S. school.

    44. ELL First Year Excluded An answer document with demographics must be completed for all ELL Excluded students. 95% participation rate for AYP At the end of the first year of enrollment, all ELLs are included in AYP calculations.

    45. Homebound and Home School

    46. There are three possible situations that can occur when teachers offer testing to students receiving homebound/hospital services: The homebound teacher can administer the test to the student in the home or hospital. If the homebound student is able to attend his/her home school for the administration of the test, the homebound/ hospital teacher should contact the school and parent to set up the school testing session. If the student is sick and unable to take the tests on the dates required (including makeup days), the homebound teacher should mark the student absent and follow appropriate procedures as indicated in the test administrator’s manual. Homebound Testing

    47. Please remember that all test security policies are still in effect during homebound testing. Please note that the state now requires that all students testing while on Homebound must have their answer sheets returned and scored with the student’s school of record/enrollment. Homebound Testing

    48. Questions about homebound testing should be directed to: David Abrams at 416-0158 The Office of Assessment at 416-5450 Homebound Testing (Packet)

    49. Home School Testing Only grade 5 Home School students take the Writing Assessment. The parent-teacher may be present when the home school student is tested in grade (5). Both parent-teacher and home school student shall be under the supervision of the test administrator.

    50. Home School Testing The following schools have home schooled students residing within their attendance zones: Brookmeade Elementary Coleman Elementary Fox Meadows Elementary Oakhaven Elementary W.H. Brewster Elementary Willow Oaks Elementary

    51. Home School Testing Testing Materials for home schooled students will be sent to the appropriate school in a separate envelope. Home school materials should be returned to the Office of Assessment on your assigned day in the same envelope in which they arrive.

    52. Group Information Sheet (GIS) Pages 52-54

    53. Group Information Sheet (GIS) The Group Information Sheet provides data that determines how results are reported. It is essential that a complete and accurate GIS be placed on top of each stack of answer documents whose scores are to be reported together. All scannable answer documents must be placed under a GIS. answer documents to be destroyed should not be placed under a GIS (Goes under ITM) grade levels should not be combined under a GIS when completing a GIS, use a bar code label to ensure information is identical for processing

    54. Group Information Sheet (GIS) Teacher Last Name and First Name should be EXACTLY the same as on the GIS, SGL and answer document. System name is Memphis City Schools

    55. School Group List (SGL) Pages 55-56

    56. School Group List (SGL) The School/Group List (SGL) provides a comprehensive list of all Group Information Sheet (GIS) Forms for each school. Use the SGL to cross reference information from the GIS Forms and to verify the number of answer documents to be scanned/scored. Incorrect, incomplete, or illegible information may result in delayed test processing and inaccurate reports and/or AYP data.

    57. School Group List (SGL) The School Group List will be entered online. List all GIS Forms together in grade order. SGL Forms may be copied if needed. The teacher name should be spelled and written exactly as it is on the GIS and answer document.

    58. Teacher Name Should Match

    59. Make-Up Testing and Absentees

    60. If a student takes the Writing Assessment on February 2, mark “Regular” in the DATE field on the answer document. There is only one State approved make-up day for the Writing Assessment. The make-up date is February 3 If a student takes the Writing Assessment on the make-up date, bubble in “Make Up” in the DATE field on the answer document. All students who are enrolled in grades 5, 8, or 11 must be accounted for in testing materials. Make-Up Testing

    61. All absent students unable to take a make-up test should have a completed answer document with the ABSENT circle darkened and placed under the appropriate Group Information Sheet (GIS). Ś The ABSENT circle should not be completed for students who are present, refuse to take the test, or leave during the test administration without completing the test (Goes on Report of Irregularity). Absentees

    62. Inactive Test Material (ITM) Pages 57-59

    63. Only material to be destroyed should be placed under this form. Documents attached to an Inactive Test Material (ITM) form are inactive and are not to be scored. A separate form should be submitted for each incident type per grade/content area for each school. If an answer document contains responses, the responses and student demographics must be transcribed to a new answer document before placing the document to be destroyed under this form. Inactive Test Material (ITM)

    64. Report of Irregularity (IR) Pages 60-62

    65. Report of Irregularity (IR) The Report of Irregularity (RI) is used to report a serious irregularity during testing. The RI should be used only for the irregularities listed on the RI form. Only incidents that affect the scoring of a student’s test need to be entered on an RI.

    66. Report of Irregularity (RI) The state has implemented a new online Report of Irregularity process All schools must complete the information on the website, even if no testing irregularities occurred Test Coordinators will enter the RI information on the TCAP Reports website when they return test materials Keep a copy of the RI form for your records

    67. Medical Exemption Request Form Pages 65-66

    68. Medical Exemption Request “Schools may omit from participation rate calculations those students who cannot take an assessment during the entire testing window, including make-up dates, due to a significant medical emergency.” The form states: “The following student was not present during any portion of the above TCAP Assessment for documented medical reasons.”

    69. Complete the form for students you wish to have omitted due to missing the entire testing window, including the make-up testing date (make copies as needed) Use your discretion/common sense as to what would be a “unique, significant medical emergency” Return forms with your completed answer documents Forms must be signed by the Test Coordinator Must attach copes of supporting documentation Medical Exemption Request

    70. Adequate Yearly Progress Demographic Review Form Pages 67-68

    71. AYP Demographic Review Form Each school must complete this form to indicate that you have reviewed student data on the answer sheets and to note any RI/Breach incidents. The Test Coordinator must sign and date the form. Return the form with the answer sheets on your assigned day.

    72. Returning Test Materials February 4: Schools A-K hand-deliver all test materials to BOE Avery Lobby between 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. February 5: Schools L-W hand-deliver all test materials to BOE Auditorium between 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Materials should be packed in the boxes in which they were received Make sure all answer sheets and test-related forms are completed accurately

    73. Problems or Questions???? Call the Office of Assessment at 416-5450

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