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SPIRITUAL TESTAMENT. This day , the 23rd of April , 1853, on completing my 40th year , in great physical sickness but sound in mind , I express here in a few words my last wishes , intending to set them forth more fully when I shall have more strength .
Thisday, the 23rd of April, 1853, oncompleting my 40th year, in greatphysicalsicknessbutsound in mind, I expresshere in a fewwords my lastwishes, intendingto set themforth more fullywhen I shallhave more strength.
I commit my soultoJesusChrist, my Saviour, frightened at my sins, buttrusting in Hisinfinitemercy.
I die in theHoly, Catholic, Apostolic, and RomanChurch. I haveknownthedifficulties of belief of thepresentage, but my wholelife has convinced me thatthereisneitherrestforthemindnorpeacefortheheartsave in theChurch and in obediencetoherauthority. If I set anyvalueon my research, itisthatitgives me therighttoentreatallwhom I love, toremainfaithfultothereligion in which I found light and peace
My supremeprayerfor my family, my wife, my child, and grandchildren, isthattheywill persevere in theFaith, despiteanyhumiliation, scandalsordesertionswhichmay come totheirknowledge.
I bidfarewellto my dearAmelie, who has beenthejoy and thecharm of my life, and whose tender care has softenedall my painfor more than a year. I thankher, I blessher, I awaither in heaven. There, and onlythre, can I givehersuchlove as shedeserves.
I give my daughtertheblessing of thePatriarchs, in thename of theFather and of the Son and of theHolySpirit. I am sadthat I cannotlabourlonger at thewonderfultask of hereducation, but I entrustthisworktohergood and belovedmother.
I givethanksforallthosepersonswho in anywayhaveserved me and I askforgivenessfor my badexample and my impulsiveness.
I askyoutoprayforthemembers of the Saint Vincnt de Paul Society in Lyon.
Do notallowyourselvestobestoppedbythosewhowillsaytoyou, “He is in heaven.” Prayalwaysforhimwholovesyoudearly, forhimwho has greatlysinned. If I am assured of thoseprayers, I quitthisearthwithlessfear.
I hope firmlythatwe are notbeingseparated and that I mayremainwithyouuntilyou come to me. Maytheblessing of theFather and the Son and theHolySpiritdescenduponyou. Amen