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Maven and Jelly. James Strachan. Introduction. Maven and Jelly are both Apache projects at Jakarta http://jakarta.apache.org Ultimately both will be top level projects inside Jakarta Right now Maven is inside Turbine and Jelly is inside Commons. Topics of Discussion. What is Maven
Maven and Jelly James Strachan
Introduction • Maven and Jelly are both Apache projects at Jakarta • http://jakarta.apache.org • Ultimately both will be top level projects inside Jakarta • Right now Maven is inside Turbine and Jelly is inside Commons
Topics of Discussion • What is Maven • What is Jelly • Should we use these things? • How, what, why, when…
Maven • http://jakarta.apache.org/turbine/maven/ • It’s a Java project management and comprehension tool • Think a layer above Ant • Avoid us all hacking Ant build files
Build history • First there was make. But was not cross platform. • Ant came along as a Java-centric build system that was cross platform • We now spend lots of time hacking Ant’s build.xml files
Itches Maven Scratches • We should be able to share build.xml files • Often not much changes from project to project, other that the dependencies (classpath). • Maintaining real version information and setting the classpaths are a PITA
Early Maven… • In the early days, Maven used Ant • We shared Ant build scripts. • Customization was through Ant callbacks. • Worked OK, was slow but callbacks suck
Maven b5 onwards… • Along comes Jelly… • A more flexible front end to Ant. • Uses a goal library for Jelly which allow pre/post actions to be registered or goals to be replaced. • Goal library is a neat replacement for hacky Ant callbacks.
So how does Maven work? • You create a project.xml which describes your project • Project info (name, company, website etc) • Where the source code is • Where the unit test cases are • What the dependencies are
Then… • From the command line type maven -g • To see all the possible goals maven site:deploy • Will build all your code and website • run your unit test cases, create a report, javadoc, source code cross reference, CVS log, file activity…
Example project.xml <project> <id>foo<id> … <dependencies> <dependency> <id>log4j</id> <version>2.1.0</version> <dependency> <dependencies> </project>
What actually happens… • project.xml is used to create a POM (Project Object Model) • Its reusing Ant tasks under the covers • We are sharing (something like) build.xml documents across projects • A Jar repository is used to automatically download required jars and to set the classpath • All dependency information is automatically documented. It can be embedded into jar manifests too.
Maven Repository • A local repository and a list of remote repositories. • Supports mirroring and N-tier of repositories • New jars can be download • Repository can be shared across projects • Can be used for multi-version testing
What actually happens… • Its just reusing Ant tasks under the covers • We are sharing (something like) build.xml documents across projects • A Jar repository is used to automatically set the classpath • All dependency information is documented. It can be embedded into jar manifests too.
Plugins… • Maven is built around a plugin architecture • There’s already a lot of plugins. Type ‘maven –g’ and you’ll see. • The plugins are gonna grow and grow. • Plugins use the same repository, so no need to worry about setting classpaths… • As soon as a new plugin is written, we all get to use it, without hacking build.xml
Some plugins… • site:deploy – builds and deploys your entire developer website • dist:deploy – builds and deploys your distributions • test – runs your unit tests • test:single-test –Dtestcase=Foo • test:ui – runs the Swing JUnit TestRunner • Many others… • Eclipse plugin, Clover, WAR, EAR, JDiff, CVS log, project metrics, JDepend etc.
So main benefits of Maven • No more classpath blues when building • We are sharing (something like) build.xml documents across all projects • Real dependencies are documented and managed • We all get to share plugins added to Maven
Maven Reactor • Building lots of projects with interdependencies • Like Gump (http://jakarta.apache.org/gump) • Can be used for Continuous Integration, running combinations of versions of multiple projects. • Using workflow of builds, distributed across servers • Builds, runs test cases and creates reports
Continuous Integration • Early warning system when things break due to • Code changes • Different platforms (OS, JDK) • Different dependencies (e.g. change to XML parser or other dependent library) • We could reuse this infrastructure for doing integration testing across versions, platforms and different dependency sets.
Customizing Maven • Create project.properties, or local build.properties, or ~/build.properties • Write a plugin • Create maven.xml
Maven.xml • plugin.xml, project.xml and maven.xml are all Jelly scripts. • Can use POM beans like ${pom.build.sourceDirectory} <j:forEach var=“d” items=“${pom.dependencies}”/> <copy file=“${d.jar}” todir=“${foo}”/> </j:forEach>
Its Jelly time… • Java & XML based processing engine. • Superset of Ant build.xml language and JSTL • Allows mix and match of declarative and procedural XML languages. • Can include other XML languages like BPML, BPEL4WS, WSCI, WSDL invocations etc. • Turns any XML document into a ‘script’ that can be ran
Pluggable languages • Pluggable expression languages like JSP EL, Velocity, XPath etc. • Pluggable scripting languages, beanshell, JavaScript, Jython. • You can plug in your own XML languages or custom beans
Features • Simple and lightweight • Can be ran from command line, used in Maven, in applet, application server etc. • Open and extensible • XML Namespace URIs can be bound onto a Jelly Library • An XML tag name can be bound onto Java code via a Tag • Expressions can be used within the XML
Based on XML • Jelly scripts are parsed from SAX. • Can use HTML parser to use non-well formed Jelly scripts. • Jelly is based on an XML pipeline architecture. • A Tag can consume, emit, filter or transform the XML events of its body. • Very powerful, flexible scripting and XML processing engine • Ideal for processing XML, SOAP, Web Services etc.
Bean example… <price>${customer.orders.calculatePrice()}</price> <j:if test=“${message.header.foo = ‘abc’}> … </j:if> <j:forEach var=“order” items=“${bean.orders(‘uk’, foo)}”> <productOrder id=“${order.id}”> <amt>${order.amount}</amt> </productOrder> </j:forEach>
XML example… <x:forEach select=“$doc//food[@kind=‘cheese’]”> <x:if test=“bar = ‘abc’”> do something… </x:if> <foo> <x:expr select=“pizza[@topping]”/> </foo> </x:forEach>
SQL example… <sql:query var=“results”> select * from customer </sql:query> <j:forEach var=“cust” items=“${results.rowsByIndex}> <customer id=“${cust.id}”> <name>${cust.name}</name> </customer> </j:forEach>
Features • Can write tag macros in Jelly script or bind tags to beans • Very flexible. E.g. can be used to implement • JSTL, page templating system etc. • Maven build system • workflow languages • declarative integration scripts (WIS etc)
JellyUnit • Uses Jelly script to implement unit testing • Can mix and match beans, SQL, JMS, XML validation, XPath evaluation, SOAP calls, HTTP etc.
JellyUnit example <test:case name=“someTest“> <test:assert test=“${bean.xyz == ‘abc’”/> <x:parse var=“doc“xml=“foo.xml”/> <test:assert xpath=“$doc/foo/bar”> Found the bar! </test:assert> </test:case>
Summary • Maven is a great tool for managing and building projects • Increasingly Maven’s project based Continuous Integration and build/test workflow abilities will be invaluable • Jelly can be very useful in both unit and integration testing