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An update on department personnel changes, faculty accolades, budget projections, and physical plant updates. Detailed breakdown of financial allocations and spending trends.
State of the Department 12 September 2005
People • Debra Goldberg joins us…welcome! • All P&T cases successful • Oliver McBryan retiring • New search this year (JKB chair; please get involved) • NB: 4 of the 5 faculty hired in CEAS last year were women • Away on sabbatical/leave this year: Ken, Leysia, Oliver, Tammy, Alex W. (NB: this helps the budget; more later on this) • Co-appointed faculty: Connors, Colunga, Hunter, Palmer, Vachherajani, Waite.
People, cont. • Adjuncts, adjoints sorted out. • Research faculty: Carzaniga, Cole (joint w/CSLR), Heimbigner, Mulligan, Pellom, Repenning, Ward (joint w/CSLR). Total allocation: 25% of our headcount. • The term “headcount” is somewhat unclear, though, as the College doesn’t quite know how to count our ICS faculty. Working on this. • Other CS/ICS issues: salary disparity, College budget formulae. Working on this, too. • Junior-faculty mentoring/progress review program running well. • Nominated people for college, university, national awards (e.g., BFA) • Other honors: Bobby, Andrzej, Hal, Alex, Henry, Mike E, …
Amer Diwan, Rick Han and John Black just became our 7th, 8th, and 9th “Young Investigator” Award winners (NSF, Packard Foundation, etc.) SIGACT Two of the 35 Special Interest Groups of the ACM are chaired by CU/CS faculty: Hal Gabow Alex Wolf 1/6th of CS faculty > 3.5 on FCQ, and many have won University and College teaching awards.
People, cont. • Brought staff-related policies and paperwork into compliance w/CU rules (position descriptions, ratings, etc.) • PatW hired, Steph moving into supervisory role, Schenk & Dehus running CSOps and CSELOps, respectively (+ LLAs). • CSUAC involvement in Department affairs continues: CSEL, peer tutoring, point-of-contact/liason, long-range planning, PRP, ….. (Jeavons now leading it) • Thanks to grad students who served on committees last year
Physical Plant: • ECOT 1B systems lab reaching completion • CSOps now in 727 • various OT office swapping • CSEL complex renovated • some other grad labs renovated • BuffOne card access system • College machine room (2B80) renovation still underway • poptop may come back onto front burner; working on this…
The budget: Big picture (as of Fall 2003) revenues - expenses projection
The budget: Big picture (as of Fall 2004) debt reduction @ $30-50K/year….. projection
The budget: Big picture (as of Fall 2005) debt reduction @ $50K/year….. projection
Budget: The numbers Revenues Expenses FY 02/03 3,170,447 3,517,320 FY 03/04 3,434,447 3,307,196 FY 04/05 3,155,739 2,964,943 FY 05/06 3,329,300 3,210,910 Color code: red = projection
How the budget divides up: • 03/04 Faculty salaries Operating expenses • Revenue 2,445,845 988,602 • Expense 2,254,753 1,052,442 • 04/05 Faculty salaries Operating expenses • Revenue 2,415,832 739,907 • Expense 2,126,206 838,736 • 05/06 Faculty salaries Operating expenses • Revenue 2,562,100 767,199 • Expense 2,328,495 882,415 • Take-away messages: • Operating expenses always larger than operating revenues • Sabbaticals, leaves, unfilled positions, etc. are critical to our budget health.
How the revenues are distributed: Category FY 02/03 FY 03/04 FY 04/05 FY 05/06 Fac salaries 2,222,207 2,445,845 2,415,832 2,562,100 Staff 156,730 203,027 219,726 216,024 ICR 155,769 164,252 181,796 174,814 Oper/instr/etc. 635,741 621,323 338,385 376,362 Total 3,170,447 3,434,447 3,155,739 3,329,300 (from Rob’s spreadsheet, whose inputs are FTEs, SCH, # majors, etc.)
College Budget Formula • Gen. funds to depts (besides fac salaries) FY02: $4.7M → FY05: $5.7M (+21%) • ICR = 0.15 x ICR generated ($1.2M) • TAs = (dept SCH/tot SCH) x tot TA$ (2.5M) • Oper = (0.33 dept fac/tot fac + 0.67 dept SCH/tot SCH) x tot oper $ ($0.5M) • Capital = (dept ugrad/tot ugrad) x tot cap $ ($0.1M) • Instr = $15,000 x # faculty short, from SCH ($0.1M) • Staff = based on ICR, # faculty, # students ($1.3M)
Mini-tutorial on College Budget • FY05 college expenditure total: $70.1M • FY05 source breakdown of general funds Tuition & Fees: 20.2M (29%) State: 4.1M (6%) ICR: 2.3M (3%)
Continuing General Fund Budget • Continuing budget roster: Departments: $19.3M, Programs: $1.2M Dean’s Office: $5.3M (~$3.8M to depts/progs)
How we spend money: Category FY 03/04 FY 04/05 FY 05/06 Rostered fac salaries 2,320,419 2,126,206 2,328,495 Research fac salaries 0 0 51,293 Instructor salaries 182,014 127,264 114,080 Staff 205,195 225,873 228,295 GRAs 113,33715,6980 TAs & graders 342,157300,377 352,471 Other stuff* 157,687 191,634 136,275 (*broken out on following slides) old startup commitments
Budget-related projects • Got some of debt forgiven (~$100K) • Got the payback time horizon lengthened for the rest • But then the guard changed…more on this later. • Rostered Bruce ($87K off the GF) • Streamlined CSOps • Reduced instructor costs (building on Clayton’s start) • Instituted new AY policy (not much coming in; need to work on this) • Course fees (~$40K) • Senior Project course fees • Endowments (e.g., Patrick Martin scholarship) • Again, it helps the budget when people* take leaves & sabbaticals • * whose salaries are rostered in CS
Budget: improvements this year: • Have real dollars in accounts to cover promises • Better TA support • Better grader support • Some grant matching • Some renovation/facilities projects • Instructors for popular courses that no one can/will teach • Using course fee revenue to buy software, hardware for CSEL
Undergraduates: • 328 majors in 05/06 (82+42+69+135) • 102 BS degrees awarded in 04/05 • The trends: Significant recruiting effort!
Effects of undergrad enrollment on our budget: What our operating budget would be, given current ugrad enrollment trends, if everything else remained constant (i.e., research, grad program, faculty headcount, Rob’s formulae, …)
Research Funding: (yearly expenditures, including indirect costs)
How the revenues are distributed: Category FY 02/03 FY 03/04 FY 04/05 FY 05/06 Fac salaries 2,222,207 2,445,845 2,415,832 2,562,100 Staff 156,730 203,027 219,726 216,024 ICR 155,769 164,252 181,796 174,814 Oper/instr/etc. 635,741 621,323 338,385 376,362 Total 3,170,447 3,434,447 3,155,739 3,329,300 (from Rob’s spreadsheet, whose inputs are FTEs, SCH, # majors, etc.)
Research funding: Sources Issue: monoculture… (totals of all active grants)
Dean education projects: • Understand the current CS funding climate, take it into account (e.g., for jr fac), and help us change it for the better by working at the Deans/National level, and maybe with the CRA. Have gotten him to understand that NSF doesn’t want us to simply spam them with more proposals. • Understand the ICS pressures and issues, and change policies accordingly. Have gotten him to change the CEAS budget formula so it counts all SCH equally. • Be proactive about investing in CS, so we don’t get behind the curve next time and end up buying in a seller’s market, under enrollment pressure. He is now aware of this, and has been giving us back our slots even though our enrollment/ICR/etc. are dropping. • Understand and help us take advantage of cross-fertilization opportunities (e.g., CIMB). He has gone to bat for us at higher levels w.r.t. this — e.g., startup help.
Things that had fallen by the wayside a year ago: • Advisory board: met for PRP • Affiliates program: still by wayside; need help • Other industry outreach: IBM, STek, Microsoft, Sandia, Sun… • Fundraising: underway • - senior projects endowment • - poptop • - LLAs for CSEL • - lab endowments • - scholarships
On the horizon: • ERC visit to finish up PRP (thanks to Clayton & Buzz for running this) • Further state funding cuts (flat this year b/c of tuition hike; refs C & D would make a huge difference here) • Enrollment drops • Extramural funding drops • $6,982 less ICR this year • Horrible NSF success %s • Need to branch out to other agencies • We need everyone to start pulling their weight wrt grants. • Our resources ($, positions, space) ride on it! • Consider a pre-review committee, like Biochem has?
On the horizon, cont.: • “CS+X” • The rest of the world is learning what computing can do for them, and we need to be proactively involved in that • Add outsourcing to that picture: • many (most?) isolated programming jobs will go overseas • jobs that involves communication, interdisc teamwork less likely to be offshored • Is the traditional CS core adequate job preparation in this climate? • What’s the role of ABET/accreditation/assessment in all of this? • And what about the ITLL? (<100 SCHs for CS, vs. >5000 for Aero) • Things to think about during our retreat in January…
Retreat: 12 January 2006, probably 9am-4pm or some such, off campus Facilitator: Stan Deetz, Communications Goal: pick a few topics, assess where we are wrt them, and produce a plan for the future Series of Friday lunches to plan and do homework (9/9, 10/28, 12/9) Some topics that came up last Friday: - identity - undergrad program - grad program - diversity - outreach - ways to increase resources - strategic faculty hiring - …
Fall 2003: Fall 2004:
“deficit resolution plan” • Budget-related projects • Got some of debt forgiven (~$100K) • Got the payback time horizon lengthened for the rest • But then the guard changed…. • Rostered Bruce ($87K off the GF) • Streamlined CSOps (budget dropped from $285K to $103K, $40K of which is paid by dept) • Reduced instructor costs (building on Clayton’s start) • Instituted new AY policy (not much coming in; need to work on this) • Course fees (~$40K) • Senior Project course fees • Endowments (e.g., Patrick Martin scholarship) • Again, it helps the budget when people* take leaves & sabbaticals • * whose salaries are rostered in CS
ICR: We get ~$175K (23% of operating budget). Department used to return some of that to individual PIs. That policy changed in 2002 because of budget deficit: department absorbed all ‘banked’ ICR and stopped returning any. Would obviously be better to return some, and execcomm has been discussing that for two years. Helps the people who bring in those grants to get their work done. We always get frightened by the trends:
ICR: This year I think we can give some back…iff we can get that $50K/year payback formalized in a written deficit resolution plan. More on this as soon as I know. (Also depends on unforeseen budget hit wrt research faculty salary)