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Tradition of funeral in Poland

Tradition of funeral in Poland. Table of contest. Basic information The history of funeral Beliefs Cremation Graves The time of funeral Interesting facts Crossword Bibliography. Basic information.

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Tradition of funeral in Poland

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  1. Tradition of funeralin Poland

  2. Table of contest • Basic information • Thehistory of funeral • Beliefs • Cremation • Graves • The time of funeral • Interestingfacts • Crossword • Bibliography

  3. Basic information In European culture the procession of the mourners which follow the coffin with the body of the deceased person, belongs to the traditional forms offuneral. People who followthehearsewith coffin inside usuallytake wreath whichisthenput on deceased’s grave. Relatives of a deceased person inform all of thefamilymembers and friends about funeral.

  4. Thehistory of funeral Formerly, deceased person was wearing elegant clothes. Additionaly, therewere many everydayobjectsputinthecoffin. A wakewasn’tonly a gloomy dinner likenowadays.Participantsarrangedraces, wrestled, do someathletics and dancedinthe honor of deceased person. Then, theycouldeat and drink.

  5. Beliefs People bury bodies of theirrelativesinthegroundbecausetheybelievethat Jesus Christ will descened on Earth and allthedead will be resurrected. Arms of a deceased person areusuallybeingcrossedbeforethecoffinisclosed. In thePolishculturethedeadpeopleshouldlook smart and happy so theyarewearing smart clothes, and a make-upismade to them.

  6. Cremation Thereisalso a customin Poland to burn thebody of a relative. Thecoffinwiththe body insideisbeingtransported to thebuildingcalledcrematoriumwherethe body isincineratedinthefurnance.Then, ashes of therelativearebeingputinto an urn. This form of funeral is also chosen when theoutsidelook of deceasedis extremely nasty.

  7. Graves A coffin with dead person is often put in a grave which is 2 metersdeep. Next, undertakershovelsthedirtontothecoffin and puts a tombstoneoverthe grave. All tombs must be signed. Signs tell the personal data of a deceased person – his/her surname, a date of birth, and a date of death. Thereisalso a traditionamongsomefamilies to putsomelastfewwords on the grave stone. Thoseareusuallymemories of thedeceased, orsomecitations.

  8. The time of funeral The time whenthefuneralmusttake place is not stated. Peoplesometimesorganise a funeral a week, orlongerfrom a moment of death of theirrelative. Thisis so becausesometimesthey want to inviterelatives, orfriendswho live inothercountries and mustwait for them to come.

  9. Interestingfacts „Dziady” werecelebratedtwice a year- in Spring and inAutumn. Thanks to thisceremonypeoplecouldcontactwithdeadrelatives, orfriends and receivetheirfavor. In XVI centurywakes of Polishnobilitywererollickingfeastswith a lot of alcohol. Many timespeoplewerefightingwitheachother.

  10. Crossword

  11. Bibliography www.google.pl www.wikipedia.pl

  12. Theend by Karina Borek

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