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Marketing through YouTube

Marketing through YouTube. Ashley Rutstein (@ apparently_ash ) Ebe Randeree (@ eranderee ) Florida State University College of Communication & Information (@ fsucci ). Been there, don e that …. Facebook- Informational Twitter- Conversationa l LinkedIn- Professional What’s missing?

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Marketing through YouTube

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Marketing through YouTube Ashley Rutstein (@apparently_ash) EbeRanderee (@eranderee) Florida State University College of Communication & Information (@fsucci)
  2. Been there,done that… Facebook- Informational Twitter- Conversational LinkedIn- Professional What’s missing? http://www.youtube.com/gofsucci
  3. Why YouTube? It’s absolutely FREE! 490 million unique users per month People use it as a search engine Bottom Line:No cost with high potential
  4. Personal Experience Viral videos Subscriptions ApparentlyAshley
  5. Target Audience High school students Undergraduate students at FSU & TCC Parents
  6. Content Information vs. Entertainment Entertainment: to gain an audience and keep them interested Information: to get our point across and provide information about the programs
  7. The Call to Action Like it Like it
  8. Impact (7/20)
  9. Future- Video Content Break through the clutter Tagging/Keywords Title optimization “Short & Sweet”
  10. Future- Marketing Bloggers/Forums Promote at STARS events Video contests for new ideas Create USBs to send to high schools Research other video hosts VIMEO 5min TeacherTube
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