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Social Studies Chapter 1 Lesson 1 Regions & Landforms

Social Studies Chapter 1 Lesson 1 Regions & Landforms. Region an area in which places share similar characteristics. Region To the tune of Found a Peanut Found a region, found a region, Found a region last night It's an area Where the places All share things that are alike.

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Social Studies Chapter 1 Lesson 1 Regions & Landforms

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  1. Social Studies Chapter 1 Lesson 1 Regions & Landforms

  2. Regionan area in which places share similar characteristics

  3. Region To the tune of Found a Peanut Found a region, found a region, Found a region last night It's an area Where the places All share things that are alike

  4. Landforma natural feature on Earth's surface

  5. Landforms To the tune of Boom Boom Landforms, they are natural features Landforms, they are natural features Mountains and rivers on the face of the earth Landforms, they are natural features

  6. Northeast Region • Contains part of the Appalachian Mts. (oldest mountain range in the U.S.) • Hilly and rocky along Atlantic coast • Good farmland in the west Atlantic coast Appalachian Mts.

  7. Mountaina very high landform with steep and rocky sides King’s Canyon NP California

  8. Mountain To the tune of She'll Be Coming around the Mountain She'll be coming around the mountain when she comes She'll be coming around the mountain when she comes It's a very high landform with steep and rocky sides She'll be coming around the mountain when she comes

  9. Southeast Region • Contains part of Appalachian Mts. • Mts. flatten into the Atlantic Coastal Plain • West of mountains plains lead to Gulf of Mexico • Mammoth Cave in Kentucky (world’s largest cave) Atlantic Coastal Plain Mammoth Cave

  10. Plaina large area of mostly flat land that is often covered with grass

  11. Plain To the tune of BINGO P-L-AIN P-L-AIN P-L-AIN flat land that's very grassy

  12. Midwest Region • Flat, grassy plains, forests and rolling hills • Mississippi River, Ohio River, & Missouri River all flow through this region • 4 of 5 Great Lakes border this region; Lake Erie, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, & Lake Superior Lake Superior

  13. Southwest Region • Only 4 states; Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, & Oklahoma • Deserts and canyons • Grand Canyon • Includes part of the Rocky Mt. Range

  14. Desertan area that gets very little rain

  15. Desert To the tune of London Bridge Desert air is hot and dry hot and dry hot and dry Desert air is hot and dry Not much rainfall

  16. Canyona deep valley with steep rocky walls

  17. Canyon To the tune of Happy Birthday It's a canyon, you see It's a really deep valley With steep rocky walls It's a canyon you see

  18. Plateaua large, flat raised area of land

  19. West Region • Highest and lowest temperatures in U.S. • Highest and lowest landforms in U.S. • Pacific Ocean and sandy beaches • Rocky Mountain Range • Fertile, green valleys in Oregon and California • Alaska and Hawaii are in this region

  20. Boundarya line of natural feature that divides one area from another or one state from another

  21. Boundary To the tune of Camp Town Races Bound-a-ries are like a line do dah do dah And their job is to divide All the do dah day

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