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ARPA-E Update – BESAC Meeting. Eric Toone. July 26, 2012. ARPA-E’s creation and launching. Innovation based on science and engineering will be primary driver of our future prosperity & security. 2012 FY2012 Budget ($275 Appropriated). 2011 FY2011 Budget ($180M Appropriated). 2009
ARPA-E Update –BESAC Meeting Eric Toone July 26, 2012
ARPA-E’s creation and launching Innovation based on science and engineering will be primary driver of our future prosperity & security 2012 FY2012 Budget ($275 Appropriated) 2011 FY2011 Budget ($180M Appropriated) 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act ($400M Appropriated) • President Obama launches ARPA-E at National Academies on April 27, 2009 2007 America COMPETES Act 2006Rising Above the Gathering Storm (National Academies)
ARPA-E’s mission is to overcome the high-risk technological barriers facing energy technologies • promoting revolutionary advances in fundamental sciences • translating scientific discoveries into technological innovations • accelerating transformational technological advances in areas that industry by itself is not likely to undertake Reduce Energy Imports To enhance the economic and energy security of the U.S. To ensure U.S. technological lead in developing and deploying advanced energy technologies • Reduce Energy-Related Emissions • Improve Energy Efficiency
ARPA-E seeks to identify and support technologies that will be both transformational and disruptive New energy technologies matter only to the extent that they are: • Both transformational and disruptive • Adopted and deployed by private industry • Meaningful way to consumers • Able to hit a key price tipping point Steam-powered Cugnot (1769) Benz Motorwagen (1885) Ford Model T (1914) 4
ARPA-E’s program development process is streamlined and ARPA-E does active program management Program Handoff Program Development Cycle Technology to Market Transition Program Management Tools Ongoing Technical Review Establish Program Conception (Idea / Vision) Workshop Contract Negotiation & Awards Envision Program Development Execute Engage Project Selection Program Approval Proposal Rebuttal FOA Development & Issuance Merit Review of Proposals
To date ARPA-E has made 181 awards to a wide variety of organizations
ARPA-E’s first open FOA resulted 37 projects across a wide variety technology areas
Conditionally activated enzymes expressed in cellulosic energy crops Lignocellulose breakdown is costly 8
Low-contact drilling technology to enable economical geothermal wells 9
ARPA-E created 11 focused programs during the last two years IMPACCT End-Use Efficiency Transportation Electrofuels BEEST PETRO HEATS Stationary Power GRIDS ADEPT BEETIT Solar ADEPT GENI REACT 10
Electrofuels Electro-Autotrophic Synthesis of Higher Alcohols 1. Assimilate Reducing Equivalents 3. Generate Energy Dense Liquid Fuel 2. Fix CO2 for Biosynthesis 11
The Semi Solid Flow Cell (SSFC): Flow Batteries meet Solid Batteries BEEST
Low-Cost Biological Catalyst to Enable Efficient CO2 Capture IMPACCT Carbonic Anhydrase (CA) Thermostability HCO3- + H3O+ 100 Human CAII 80 Parent CA 60 Round 1 CA Residual Activity (%) CO2 + 2H2O 40 Round 2 CA 20 0 45 55 65 75 85 95 - Temperature (Celsius) 13
BEETIT High-Efficiency, on-Line Membrane Air Dehumidifier Enabling Sensible Cooling for Warm and Humid Climates Humidity Ratio Temperature Refrigeration unit 14
Chip-scale LED Driver for Commercial Lighting ADEPT Switches Magnetics 25 Watt LED Electronics Unipolar SiC Integrated WBG >13kV WBG High Flux Soft Magnets Hard Magnets Si • Integrated Circuits for Power Systems • On-chip inductors and transformers • High-voltage transistors • High-energy capacitors 300x reduction in power stage volume 16
Solar ADEPT Dual Bi-Directional IGBTs Modules Enables Breakthrough PV Inverter Using Current Modulation Topology
GENI Resilient Multi-Terminal HVDC Networks with High-Voltage High-Frequency Electronics
HEATS High-Efficiency Solar-Electric Conversion Power Tower
REACT Transformation Enabled Nitride Magnets Absent Rare Earths (TEN Mare)
PETRO Pine trees engineered to produce liquid fuel and paper pulp
ARPA-E has recently announced awards for Methane Opportunities for Vehicular Energy (MOVE) • Objectives • 5-yr payback for light duty natural gas vehicles • Conformable tanks with energy density = CNG • Convenient, low-cost at-home refueling Vehicle Storage + Home Refueling < $2000 • Motivation • Price of NG $1.50/gge, gasoline $3.50/gallon • No natural gas infrastructure • Natural gas in 60M homes • Current heavy duty vehicle payback ~ 3 years • Oil consumption for light duty ~60%, heavy ~20% Program director: Dane Boysen Release date: Feb 2012 Award date: Sep 2012 No. projects: 7-10 Investment: $30M • Approach 1: Low pressure storage (< 500 psi) • Sorbent materials with energy density = CNG • Approach 2: High pressure storage (3,600 psi) • High strength, conformable tanks + low cost compression
MOVE Program Portfolio Overview Compressors • Liquid piston • Multi-stage, single piston • Crycool-sorbent • On-board • Tanks • Internal struts • Foam core • Cellular module • Small tube diameter Sorbents • Metal organic frameworks • System focus • Synthesis focus • Computation focus • Permeability modulated • Mechanical-chemical tank
Advanced Management and Protection of Energy-storage Devices (AMPED) is currently under review • Objectives • Increase battery utilization through adaptive management, sensing, modeling and power electronics • Enable hybrid and secondary use applications Redefine paradigm of energy management • Motivation • Current batteries often have 50% overbuild • Current battery management is crude and limited beyond voltage, current and temperature • Improve lifetime and valuation of packs • Increase utilization of battery systems without changes to fundamental cell chemistry • Allow safe, rapid charging of batteries Program director: IlanGur Release date: Feb 2012 Award date: Sep 2012 No. projects: 10-14 Investment: $30M Approaches • Radical sensor integration to allow real-time characterization • Novel diagnostic and state determination through non-electronic signals • Adaptive model and power electronic architecture approaches
The 2012 Open FOA is reviewing a wide variety of full applications in anticipation of a September selection Key Dates Distribution of Encouraged Concept Papers FOA Launched - March 2 Concept Papers Due - April 12 CP Announcements - June 13 Full Applications due - July 13 Review panels – August 8-10 Applicant feedback due – August 22 Projects announced – late September
Thank you.Questions, comments.Eric.Toone@hq.doe.govEric Toone