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Information update : EB 26 decisions (December 2008) on emissions Review/revision of the Protocols. 10th Joint TFEIP/EIONET Meeting Vienna, 11-12 May 2009 Tea Aulavuo Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. IMPLEMENTATION COMMITTEE. EXECUTIVE BODY. WG EFFECTS. EMEP.
Information update: • EB 26 decisions (December 2008) on emissions • Review/revision of the Protocols 10th Joint TFEIP/EIONET Meeting Vienna, 11-12 May 2009 Tea Aulavuo Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution
IMPLEMENTATION COMMITTEE EXECUTIVE BODY WG EFFECTS EMEP WG STRATEGIES AND REVIEW ICP Forests Task Force Programme Coordinating Centre Task Force on Emission Inventories and Projections Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen Centre for Emission Inventories and Projections ICPIntegrated Monitoring Task Force Task Force on Heavy Metals Programme Centre Task Force onMeasurement and Modelling ICP Modelling and Mapping Task Force Coordination Centre for Effects Network of Experts on Benefits and Economic Instruments Chemical Coordinating Centre ICP Materials Task Force Meteorological Synthesizing Centre-West Main Research Centre Expert Group on Techno-economic Issues Meteorological Synthesizing Centre-East ICP Vegetation Task Force Programme Centre Task ForceonPOPs Task Force on Integrated Assessment Modelling ICP Waters Task Force Programme Centre Expert Group on Particulate Matter Centre for Integrated Assessment Modelling Task Force Health TF on Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution
Executive Body of CLRTAP (in December 08): • Thanked Mr. Schneider (Austria) and welcomed election of Ms. Vidič (Croatia) as the EMEP Steering Body Chair; • Thanked Ms.Rypdal and Norway and approved UK’s offer to lead TFEIP and Mr. C. Dore as the new Chair; • Welcomed the efficient transfer of responsibilities for emission work from MSC-West to CEIP, and the work of CEIP in 2008; • Noted the invitation to UNFCCC secretariat to provide data to CEIP to improve stage 2 review results and help fill data gaps in the UNECE region;
Guidelines for Reporting Emission Data -EB 26: • Welcomed the further work by TFEIP, legal experts and WGSR in revising the Guidelines; • Approved the Guidelines as amended at the session (ECE/EB.AIR/97); • Requested the secretariat to make the Guidelines available and CEIP its annexes (www.ceip.at); • Requested WGSR to further examine the adopted amendments, if necessary; • Adopted decision 2008/16 on emission data reporting; • Called upon Parties within EMEP to report in 2009 according to the revised Guidelines, as adopted.
Guidelines for Reporting Emission Data - ECE/EB.AIR/97 adopted by EB 26: • International aviation is defined in section II B. of annex I to these Guidelines. Emissions of aviation (national and international) during the LTO cycle belong to the national totals. Cruise emissions from domestic and international aviation should not be included in national totals but reported separately as memo items in table VI.1 of annex IV to these Guidelines. 18. International shipping is defined in section II.B of annex I to these Guidelines. Emissions from fuels used for international maritime shipping should not be included in the national totals, but should be reported separately as a memo item. Emissions from international inland shipping should be included in the national totals for the part that is emitted on national territory. In addition, they should be reported separately as memo items in table IV.1 of annex IV to these Guidelines.
Stage 3 in-depth reviews of emission inventories EB26 • Welcomed the stage 3 reviews to improve the quality of emission data reporting, • Invited Parties to nominate review experts and to financially support EECCA experts; • Decided that review reports should be published on the CEIP website upon finalization; EB Bureau (April 09) • Recommended that EB called again Parties to nominate experts; • Approved the list of 10 Parties to be reviewed in 2009; invited the secretariat to inform them and CEIP to proceed with the reviews; • Invited EMEP SB to submit to EB in December 2009 a proposal for Parties to be reviewed in 2010 – 2015
2009 CLRTAP Workplan: Emissions (1)- Main activities by TFEIP • Evaluate and support stage 2 and 3 reviews of data; further develop guidance for reviewers and review templates; • Improve quality of reported emission data for HM and POPs and comparability with modelling results (TFEIP, MSC-E, TFMM); • Improve emission reporting in EECCA; • With EEA, develop a maintenance plan of the Guidebook for adoption by the EMEP SB in Sept. 2009 (Complete, review and publish the revised Guidebook in 2008); • Hold 22th TFEIP meeting 11-12 May 2009 in Vienna and report thereon to the EMEP SB (Sept. 2009)
CLRTAP Protocols • 1985 and 1994 Sulphur Protocols • 1988 NOx Protocol • 1991 VOC Protocol • 1998 Heavy Metals Protocol • 1998 POP Protocol • 1999 Gothenburg Protocol • to abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground level Ozone
Revision of Gothenburg Protocol: • Scope: • Emission ceilings; environmental targets (including non-binding aspirational targets for 2050) • Guidance documents; • Annexes (ELVs for SO2,NOx, VOCs - and PM) • Increased flexibility for EECCA • Process: • Review of obligations completed in Dec. 07; • April 08 WGSR started negotiating for further emission reduction obligations; • In line with workplan and timetable for deliverables; • Adoption of a revised (or new?) Protocol by Parties in December 2010?;
Revision of the Protocol on POPs Scope • Reassessment of substance-related provisions, and revision of BAT and ELVs; • Inclusion of 7 new substances in annexes I to III and their management options ; (TFPOPs reviews proposals to include 5 further ones in the future); • Increase flexibility for EECCA to facilitate ratifications Process • 2004-2007: Effectiveness and sufficiency review and management options by TF on POPs; • EB 25 mandated WGSR to negotiate draft amendments; • WGSR 41 – 45 to consider revision proposals; • In parallel, technical experts review annexes IV and V • At EB 27 (Dec 09) Parties to POPs Protocol decide.
Review of Heavy Metals Protocol • Review on sufficiency and effectiveness of obligations completed in Dec. 06; • TFHM has prepared options for further reducing HM (updating BAT) and for increasing ratification by EECCA and SEE; • But not yet a mandate to negotiate revisions; • In December 08 TFHM tasked to review a new EU proposal to add mercury containing products to annex IV to the Protocol;
Further information on • Convention website http://www.unece.org/env/lrtap • TFEIP website http://tfeip-secretariat.org/unece.htm