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Transport Layer Protocols TCP and UDP. Applications. Packet. Packet. TCP. UDP. Packet. Packet. IP. Packet. Hardware. Transport Control Protocols.
Applications Packet Packet TCP UDP Packet Packet IP Packet Hardware Transport Control Protocols • The function of the Transport Layer is to insure packets have no errors and that all packets arrive and are correctly reassembled. Two protocols are used: • User Datagram Protocol. • Provides unreliable, connectionless delivery service using Internet Protocol. • Application programs utilizing UDP accepts full responsibility for packet reliability including message loss, duplication, delay, out of sequence, multiplexing and connectivity loss. • Transmission Control Protocol. • Provides a reliable, connection delivery service using Internet Protocol. • It provides reliable packet delivery, packet sequencing, error control, multiplexing. TCP and UDP pass IP packets to the applications L.Krist NVCC
Connectionless vs Connection-oriented Protocols • Connection-oriented – Two computers connect before sending any data, sender lets receiver know that data is on the way; recipient acknowledges receipt of data (ACK) or denies receipt (NACK). The ACKing and NACKing is called handshaking. (Type supported by TCP). Reliable, but carries overhead burden. • Connectionless – Computers involved know nothing about each other or the data being sent. Makes no attempt to cause networks senders and receivers to exchange information about their availability or ability to communicate with one another, “best effort” delivery. (Type supported by IP, UDP). Not reliable, but faster and may be good enough. Also upper layer apps may worry about errors and reliability processing, so no need to do it twice. L.Krist NVCC
Transport Layer Ports • Port numbers are used to keep track of different conversations that cross the network at the same time. • Port numbers identify which upper layer service is needed, and are needed when a host communicates with a server that uses multiple services. • Both TCP and UDP use port numbers to pass to the upper layers. • Port numbers have the following ranges: • 0-255 used for public applications, 0-1023 also called well-known ports, regulated by IANA. • Numbers from 255-1023 are assigned to marketable applications • 1024 through 49151 Registered Ports, not regulated. • 49152 through 65535 are Dynamic and/or Private Ports . L.Krist NVCC
Some Well-Known TCP Ports Port Application Description 9 Discard Discard all incoming data port 7 Echo Echo 19 Chargen Exchange streams of data port 20 FTP-Data File transfer data port 21 FTP-CMD File transfer command port 23 Telnet Telnet remote login port 25 SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol port 53 DOMAIN Domain Name Service 79 Finger Obtains information about active users 80 HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol port 88 Kerberos Authentication Protocol 110 POP3 PC Mail retrieval service port 119 NNTP Network news access port 161 SMTP Network Management 179 BGP Border Gateway Protocol 513 Rlogin Remote Login In L.Krist NVCC
Source Port Destination Port 1. Client requests a web page from server 2. Server responds to client Ports for Clients • Clients and servers both use ports to distinguish what process each segment is associated with. • Source ports, which are set by the client, are determined dynamically, usually a randomly assigned a number above 1023. 1032 80 80 1032 L.Krist NVCC
Protocols and Port Numbers APPLICATION LAYER Telnet Source Port 5512 Destination Port 23 TRANSPORT LAYER TCP Header NETWORK LAYER 6 IP Header Source IP Address; Destination IP Address; ETHERNET DATA LINK LAYER IP HEADER TCP HEADER SOURCE ADDR 00 00 1B 09 08 07 DESTINATION ADDR 00 00 1B 12 23 34 FIELD TYPE PREAMBLE FCS DATA L.Krist NVCC
Protocols and Port Numbers APPLICATION LAYER TFTP Source Port 5512 Destination Port 69 TRANSPORT LAYER UDP NETWORK LAYER IP Header 17 Source IP Address; Destination IP Address; ETHERNET DATA LINK LAYER IP HEADER TCP HEADER SOURCE ADDR 00 00 1B 09 08 07 DESTINATION ADDR 00 00 1B 12 23 34 FIELD TYPE PREAMBLE FCS DATA L.Krist NVCC
TCP Operation • TCP is a connection-oriented protocol. • TCP provides the following major services to the upper protocol layers: • Connection-oriented data management to assure the end-to-end transfer of data across the network(s). • Reliable data transfer to assure that all data is accurately received, in sequence and with no duplicates. • Stream-oriented data transfer takes place between the sender application and TCP and the receiving application and TCP. • To stream is to send individual characters not blocks or frames. • Prior to data transmission, hosts establish a virtual connection via a synchronization process. The synch process is a 3-way “handshake”, which ensures both sides are ready to transfer data and determines the initial sequence numbers. • Sequence numbers give hosts a way to acknowledge what they have received. TCP header contain SYN bits, or flags, to achieve this. L.Krist NVCC
Receive SYN Seq = x Receive SYN Seq = y ACK = x + 1 Receive ACK ACK = y + 1 TCP Synchronization or 3-Way Handshake TCP is a connection oriented protocol. Communicating hosts go through a synchronization process to establish a virtual connection. This synchronization process insures that both sides are ready for data transmission and allows the devices to determine the initial sequence numbers. Sequence numbers are reference numbers between the two devices. The sequence numbers give each host a way to ACK the SYN, so the receiver knows which connection request the sender is responding to. Send SYN Seq = x Send SYN Seq = y ACK = x + 1 Send ACK ACK = y + 1 L.Krist NVCC
Receive SYN Send SYN Send SYN Send SYN Send SYN Send SYN Denial of Service Attacks DoS attacks are designed to deny services to legitimate users. DoS attacks are used by hackers to overwhelm and crash systems. SYN flooding is a DoS attack that exploits the three way handshake. • Hacker initiates a SYN but spoofs the source IP address. • Target replies to the unreachable IP address and waits for final ACK. Send SYN • Hackers floods target with false SYN requests tying up its connection resources, preventing it from responding to legitimate connection requests. Send SYN/ACK To defend against these attacks, decrease the connection timeout period and increase the connection queue size. Software also exists that can detect these types of attacks and initiate defensive measures. L.Krist NVCC
TCP Windows and Flow Control • Data often is too large to be sent in a single segment. TCP splits the data into multiple segments. • TCP provides flow control through “windowing” to set the pace of how much data is sent at a time – IE how many bytes per window, and how many windows between ACKs. Window Size = 3 Window Size = 1 L.Krist NVCC
Windowing and Window Size Window size determines the amount of data that you can transmit before receiving an acknowledgment. This is how TCP assists in congestion control. Fast enough for you? I didn’t get all of that, slow down. Sliding window refers to the fact that the window size is negotiated dynamically during the TCP session. Expectational acknowledgment means that the acknowledgment number refers to the octet that is next expected. If the source receives no acknowledgment, it knows to retransmit at a slower rate. L.Krist NVCC
Sequence and ACK Numbers • Each TCP segment is numbered before transmission so that the receiver will be able to properly reassemble the bytes in their original order. • They also identify missing data pieces so the sender can retransmit them. • Only the missing segments need to be re-transmitted. Positive Acknowledgement and Retransmission TCP utilizes PAR to control data flow and confirm data delivery. • Source sends packet, starts timer, and waits for ACK. • If timer expires before source receives ACK, source retransmits the packet and restarts the timer. L.Krist NVCC
TCP Encapsulation 0 15 16 31 HLEN Total Length TOS VERS 4 bits 4 bits 8 bits 16 bits Fragment Offset Identification Flags 13 bits 16 bits 3 bits TTL Protocol Checksum 8 bits 16 bits 8 bits IP Header Source IP Address 32 bits Destination IP Address 32 bits IP Options(if any) 32 bits Destination Port Source Port IP Datagram 16 bits 16 bits Sequence Number 32 bits Acknowledgement Number 32 bits TCP Header Offset Reserved Receive Window Size A P F R U S 6 bits 4 bits 16 bits Urgent Pointer Checksum 16 bits 16 bits Options (if any) TCP Data (if any) ETHERNET DESTINATION ADDRESS SOURCE ADDRESS FIELD TYPE IP HEADER TCP HEADER DATA PREAMBLE FCS 0-65535 L.Krist NVCC 2 4 8 6 6
TCP Segment Format Number of the calling port Number of the called port Used to ensure correct sequencing of the arriving data Next expected TCP octet Number of 32-bit words in the header set to zero Control setup and termination of session Number of octets sender is willing to accept Indicates the end of the urgent data Upper layer protocol data L.Krist NVCC
Details on TCP Fields • Sequence Number. TCP numbers each byte in the TCP data with a sequence number. • The sequence number identifies the first byte in the data segment being transmitted from the sending TCP to the receiving TCP. • Acknowledgement Number. The acknowledgement number contains the next sequence number the receiving station (sending the acknowledgement) expects to receive. The Acknowledgement flag is set. • Offset. It is perhaps more descriptive to call this field the TCP Header Length. This field is required because the length of the options field is variable. • It indicates where the TCP header ends and the data begins. The header is 20 bytes without the options field. • Reserved. This field is reserved for future use and is set to zero. • TCP software uses the 6 Code Bits to determine the purpose and contents of the segment. • Urg This flag indicates that this segment contains an Urgent pointer field. The Urgent Pointer field is explained below. 1 = Urgent, 0 = Not Urgent. • Ack This flag indicates that this segment contains an Acknowledgement field. 1 = Ack, 0 = No Ack. • Psh The segment requests a Push. TCP software usually gathers enough data to fill the transmit buffer prior to transmitting the data. 1 = Push, 0 = No Push. If an application requires data to be transmitted even though a buffer may not be full then a PUSH flag bit is set. At the receive side the PUSH makes the data available to the application without delay. • Reset This field will Reset the connection. 1 = Reset, 0 = No Reset. • Syn This flag field is used to Synchronize sequence numbers to initiate a connection. 1 = Syn, 0 = No Syn • Fin The Finish flag bit is used to indicate the termination of a connection. 1 = Fin, 0 = No Fin. • Urgent Pointer. This field presents a way for the sender to transmit emergency data to the receiver. The URG flag must be set. • The Urgent Pointer is a 16 bit positive offset that is added to the sequence number field in the TCP header to obtain the sequence number of the last byte of the urgent data. • The application determines where the urgent data starts in the data stream. • The field is normally used by the application to indicate the pressing of an interrupt key during Telnet/Rlogin or a file transfer abort during FTP. L.Krist NVCC
UDP/TCP Operation Comparison • There are two protocols at Layer 4 – TCP and UDP. Both TCP and UDP use IP as their underlying protocol. • TCP must be used when applications need to guarantee the delivery of a packet. When applications do not need a guarantee, UDP is used. • UDP is often used for applications and services such as real-time audio and video. These applications require less overhead. They also do not need to be re-sequenced since packets that arrive late or out of order have no value. UDP segment format L.Krist NVCC
User Datagram Protocol 0 15 16 31 UDP Source Port UDP Destination Port • UDP is a connectionless, unreliable Transport level service protocol. It is primarily used for protocols that require a broadcast capability, i.e RIP. • It provides no packet sequencing, may lose packets, and does not check for duplicates. • It is used by applications that do not need a reliable transport service. • Application data is encapsulated in a UDP header which in turn is encapsulated in an IP header. • UDP distinguishes different applications by port number which allows multiple applications running on a given computer to send /receive datagrams independently of one another. UDP Message Length UDP Checksum Data . . . ETHERNET FCS FIELD TYPE DESTINATION ADDRESS IP HEADER SOURCE ADDRESS UDP DATAGRAM PREAMBLE 8-1500 2 4 8 6 6 L.Krist NVCC
UDP Port Numbers Echo 7 Echo user datagram back to user Discard 9 Discard user datagrams Daytime 13 Report time in a user friendly fashion Quote 17 Return "Quote of the day" Chargen 19 Character generator Nameserver 53 Domain Name Server Sql-Net 66 Oracle Sequel Network BOOTPS 67 Server port to download configuration information BOOTPC 68 Client port to receive configuration information TFTP 69 Trivial File Transport Protocol POP3 110 Post Office Protocol - V3 SunRPC 111 Sun Remote Procedure Call NTP 123 Network Time Protocol SNMP 161 Used to receive network management queries SNMP-trap 162 Used to receive network problem reports. IRC 194 Internet Relay Chat IPX 213 IPX - IP Tunneling SysLog 514 System Log RIP 520 Routing Information Protocol NFS 2049 Network File Service L.Krist NVCC
Packet Analysis Ethereal and dns-moviefone.pkt trace L.Krist NVCC