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1. Chapter 3Transverse standing wavesResonance and the Overtone SeriesMersennes lawsLongitudinal standing wavesOther standing waves and applications
2. Identical wavesmovinginoppositedirections
3. Motion of the spring
4. Motionofpointalongthespring
5. Stretched stringsEnd effects
6. Standing wave representation
7. Impossible standing waves
8. Standing Wavesin a Stretched String
9. Stretched StringFrequencies and Wavelengthsf = v / ?N = 1 ? = 2L f = v/2L = f1N = 2 ? = L f = v/L = 2f1N = 3 ? = 2L/3 f = 3v/2L = 3f1 N = 4 ? = L/2 f = 2v/L = 4f1 N = 5 ? = 2L/5 f = 5v/2L = 5f1 N = 6 ? = L/3 f = 3v/L = 6f1
10. Notes of the Overtone Series
11. Mersennes Laws
12. Mersennes First Law f a 1/L
F and W constant
If L => 2 L
then f => ??
If L => L / 2
then f => ??
18. Rope Wave Example110 grams => 3 loops(frequency f)What happens with 990 grams?
21. Nanoguitar
22. Nanoguitar
23. Longitudinal Standing Waves
24. Kundts tube
26. End Effect Experiment
27. End at right open
28. End configurations for tubes1. Phase change at open and closed ends
30. Open Tubes
31. Open TubeFrequencies and Wavelengthsf = v / ?N = 1 ? = 2Lo f = v/2Lo = foN = 2 ? = Lo f = v/Lo = 2foN = 3 ? = 2Lo/3 f = 3v/2Lo = 3fo N = 4 ? = 2Lo/4 f = 4v/2Lo = 4fo N = 5 ? = 2Lo/5 f = 5v/2Lo = 5fo N = 6 ? = 2Lo/6 f = 6v/2Lo = 6fo
34. Open and Closed Tube Comparison
35. Tube Quiz
36. Fundamental FrequencyOpen and Closed Tubes If Lo = Lc what is fo : fc If Lo = 2Lc what is fo : fc
37. Closed Tube Resonances
38. ApplicationstoMusicalInstruments
39. The Flute
40. The Recorder
42. The Clarinet
44. The Saxophone
45. The Trumpet
46. Various Standing WavesFlame TubeAluminum RodVelocity of Sound in Aluminum Chladni Plates (photos)
47. Chladni Plates
48. Violin Body Vibrations
49. Standing Waves in a MembraneRectangular Membrane Applet Circular Membrane Applet
50. Beaker Breakerusing sound wave resonance
51. Tacoma Narrows Bridge Collapse