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CMAA Sustainability Workshop Friday, January 23, 2009 Washington, DC

CMAA Sustainability Workshop Friday, January 23, 2009 Washington, DC. The New U.S. Census Bureau Headquarters Suitland, Maryland JAG BHARGAVA, PE, PMP, CCM, DBIA Acting Deputy Director & Project Executive, GSA ROD GARRETT, AIA Associate Director, SOM IRIS AMDUR, LEED AP Principal, Greenshape.

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CMAA Sustainability Workshop Friday, January 23, 2009 Washington, DC

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  1. CMAA Sustainability WorkshopFriday, January 23, 2009 Washington, DC The New U.S. Census Bureau Headquarters Suitland, MarylandJAG BHARGAVA, PE, PMP, CCM, DBIAActing Deputy Director & Project Executive, GSAROD GARRETT, AIAAssociate Director, SOMIRIS AMDUR, LEED APPrincipal, Greenshape

  2. New U.S. Census Bureau Headquarters

  3. INTRODUCTION • 1.5 million square foot office space & 1.0 million structured parking, $400. million. • Bridging Design-Build Delivery Method The Team- Bridging A/E- SOM- DBC- Skanska (GC) &HKS ( Architect of the Record)- CM- DMJM / Heery ( Jt. Venture)- LEED consultant - Greenshape • Construction & Occupancy Completed, 2007.

  4. OWNER’S PERSPECTIVE • GSA wanted to achieve GSA's new Standard of LEED silver or higher. • Bridging Design-Build delivery method was new untested to achieve LEED. • SOM's Concept, which achieved 34 LEED points. • GSA Concerns : • - HKS's CD when completed may not get 34 LEED points • - DBC's design proposal may conflict with PBS P-100 • Benefits in having CM, and Bringing the CM on very early : • - To oversee LEED process and to track LEED points • - To perform and oversee additional commissioning ( Which achieved 1 LEED Point) until all equipment turnover • GSA saw Benefit in having DBC hire an Independent LEED consultant, Greenshape.

  5. GREEN IS GOOD ...there is no other building complex like this in the world • Designed to be the architectural expression of sustainability. • Set in an 80-acre woodland preserve. • Two buildings have been conceptually "Cleaved" from a single mass. • Central garden, courtyards, and other sustainable landscape gardens. • Woodland-facing facades are clad in a unique, architectural sunshade. • Parking structures green screens with climbing ivy. • Scenic views brought into the workplace. • "Mainstreet" with all kinds of amenities.


  7. Sustainability / Design Goals A. GSA A. User Comfort Daylight + Indoor Air Quality Underfloor Air B. Water Conservation Site Stormwater management Natural filtering – Green Roofs Potable water usage Low flow fixtures - waterless fixtures C. Energy Conservation Heat Load Reduction Exterior sun screen “wood veil”

  8. A. User Comfort GOAL User Comfort SOLUTION Daylight + Indoor Air Quality APPLIED TECHNOLOGY Underfloor Air

  9. A. User Comfort

  10. A. User Comfort

  11. A. User Comfort - Underfloor Air Distribution

  12. A. User Comfort - Underfloor Air Distribution

  13. B. Water Conservation GOAL Water Conservation SOLUTION Site Stormwater Management APPLIED TECHNOLOGY Potable Water Usage Natural Filtering – Green Roofs Low flow fixtures – water less fixtures

  14. B. Water Conservation- Green Roofs

  15. B. Water Conservation- Green Roofs

  16. B. Water Conservation- Green Roofs

  17. C. Energy Conservation GOAL Energy Conservation SOLUTION Heat Load or Cooling Requirements Reduction APPLIED TECHNOLOGY Exterior sun screen “wood veil”

  18. C. Energy Conservation- Sun Screen

  19. C. Energy Conservation- Sun Screen

  20. C. Energy Conservation- Sun Screen

  21. C. Energy Conservation- Sun Screen

  22. C. Energy Conservation- Sun Screen

  23. C. Energy Conservation- Sun Screen

  24. Census Bureau Headquarters LEED Certification Construction Management Association of America Sustainability Workshop 23 January 2009 Iris Amdur, LEED AP, Principal GreenShape LLC

  25. GreenShape Role • Engaged by Skansa to help guide the implementation of project sustainability goals • Provided technical guidance on LEED credits • Reviewed LEED documentation • Manage the LEED online submittal process to USGBC

  26. Census Bureau: Sustainable Sites • SS pr1: Erosion & Sedimentation Control • SS4.1 - Alternative Transportation, Public Transportation (1pt) • SS4.2 - Alternative Transportation, Bicycle Storage & Changing Rooms (1pt) • SS4.3 - Alternative Transportation, Alternative Fuel Vehicles (1pt) • SS4.4 - Alternative Transportation, Parking Capacity (1pt) • SS5.2 - Reduced Site Disturbance, Development Footprint (1pt) • SS6.1 - Stormwater Management, Rate and Quantity (1pt) • SS6.2 - Stormwater Management, Treatment (1pt) • SS7.1 - Heat Island Reduction, Non-Roof (1pt) • SS7.2 - Heat Island Reduction, Roof (1pt)

  27. Census Bureau: Water Efficiency • WE1.1 - Water Efficient Landscaping, Reduce by 50% (1pt) • WE1.2 - Water Efficient Landscaping, No Potable Use or No Irrigation (1pt) • WE3.1 - Water Use Reduction, 20% Reduction (1pt) • WE3.2 - Water Use Reduction, 30% Reduction (1pt)

  28. Census Bureau: Energy & Atmosphere • EApr1: Fundamental Building Systems Commissioning • EApr2: Minimum Energy Performance • EApr3: CFC Reduction in HVAC&R Equipment • EA1 - Optimize Energy Performance (1pt) • EA3 - Additional Commissioning (1pt) • EA4 - Ozone Depletion (1pt) • EA6 - Green Power (1pt)

  29. Census Bureau: Materials & Resources • MRpr1: Storage & Collection of Recyclables • MR2 - Construction Waste Management, Divert 50-75% (1pt) • MR4 - Recycled Content, 5-10% (p.c. + 1/2 p.i.) (2pts) • MR5.2 - Local/Regional Materials, 10% harvested regionally (1pt)

  30. Census Bureau Indoor Environmental Quality Credits • EQpr1: Minimum IAQ Performance • EQpr2: Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) Control • EQ1 - Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Monitoring (1pt) • EQ2 - Increase Ventilation Effectiveness (1pt) • EQ3.1 - Construction IAQ Management Plan, During Construction (1pt) • EQ3.2 - Construction IAQ Management Plan, Pre-Occupancy (1pt) • EQ4.1 - Low-Emitting Materials, Adhesives & Sealants (1pt) • EQ4.2 - Low-Emitting Materials, Paints (1pt) • EQ4.3 - Low-Emitting Materials, Carpet (1pt) • EQ5 - Indoor Chemical & Pollutant Source Control (1pt) • EQ6.2 - Controllability of Systems, Non-perimeter Spaces (1pt) • EQ7.1 - Thermal Comfort, Comply with ASHRAE 55-2004 (1pt) • EQ7.2 - Thermal Comfort, Permanent Monitoring System (1pt)

  31. Census Bureau Innovation Credits • ID1.1 Innovation in Design: Low-emitting Furniture (1pt) • ID1.2 Innovation in Design: Exemplary Performance EA 6 (1pt) • ID1.3 Innovation in Design: Education & Outreach (1pt) • ID1.4 Innovation in Design: Green Housekeeping (1pt) • ID2 LEED™ Accredited Professional (1pt)

  32. LEED and the Construction Manager • Involve CM in developing project LEED/Design strategy • Bundle green building systems during cost estimating • Establish LEED Action Plans during design and refine as job is bid/bought • Communicate LEED requirements to subcontractors prior to bid and during construction • Track and Document LEED as you go • Issue frequent LEED progress reports • Put LEED on the Construction Meeting Agenda monthly

  33. Questions

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