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Bienvenue! Welcome ! Bienvenido ! Herzlich willkommen. CCF course 704 Adult Faith Formation. Chào mừng bạn ! Желанный ! 欢迎 ! 환영 Karibu zhelannyy Huānyíng hwan-yeong. Please introduce yourself by telling us some things about you… Your name Your parish
Bienvenue! Welcome!Bienvenido! Herzlich willkommen CCF course 704 Adult Faith Formation Chào mừng bạn! Желанный! 欢迎 ! 환영 Karibu zhelannyyHuānyínghwan-yeong
Please introduce yourself by telling us some things about you… • Your name • Your parish • Your role with adults now or in the future in your parish • Why you are attending this course • One thing that you want/need from attending this course Who Are You???
Bienvenue! Welcome!Bienvenido! Herzlich willkommen The Lifelong Journey of Faith: Adult Faith Formation CCF course 704 Part 1 Chào mừng bạn! Желанный! 欢迎 ! 환영 Karibu zhelannyyHuānyínghwan-yeong 2019
Let’s take a few calming breaths • Take a long, slow breath in through your nose, first filling your lower lungs, then your upper lungs. • Hold your breath to the count of "three." • Exhale slowly through pursed lips, while you relax the muscles in your face, jaw, shoulders, and stomach. • Repeat 4 times
Road to Emmaus Reflection Questions What is Jesus teaching us about how to invite adults to form faith? How is the story of the “road to Emmaus” continuing to happen in your parish today? What thoughts keep running through your mind about your own faith journey? How has your perspective changed, as an adult having encountered Christ Jesus?
Leader: Let us pray for those who walk with adults in each of the four seasons of adulthood. All: That their hearts may burn within them. Leader: Let us pray for those who walk with families by word, witness, and action. All: That their hearts may burn within them. Leader: Let us pray for those who walk with adults who suffer mentally, physically, or spiritually. All: That their hearts may burn within them. Leader: Let us pray for those who walk with adults who are poor and those who live at the margins of life. All: That their hearts may burn within them. Leader: Let us pray for those who build bridges between people and cultures. All: That their hearts may burn within them. Prayer Intentions
Our Vision:Adults at the Center of parish life and faith formation with hearts burning!
As an adult, what makes your heart burn with joy, love, compassion? What gets you up in the morning excited about a new day? What moves you to empathy? To love? To allow yourself to be loved? What is the “pearl of great price” in your life?
Key Catechetical Documents since Vatican II Renewal of catechesis called for by Vatican II, 1962-1965 • CatechesiTradendae, 1979 • Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1987 • General Directory for Catechesis, 1998 • Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us: A Pastoral Plan for Adult Faith Formation in the United States, 1999 • U.S. National Directory for Catechesis, 2005
Relationship of the Catechism of the Catholic Church to other key catechetical documents • The Catechism, CCC, provides the content for catechesis. • The GDC guides catechetical instruction of the Christian people around the world. Two main aims: place catechetical work in the context of evangelization, and to ensure that the content of the faith (CCC)is fully treated in catechetical work. • The National Directory for Catechesis (NDC) focuses on the context, meaning, and methodologies for catechesis in the U.S. • The NDCalso provides a concise summary of the catechesis of the Catechism. • Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us, OHWB, provides the pastoral plan for adult faith formation in the United States which is highlighted in the NDC.
A Document for Our Times Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. MT 28:19-20a
Discipleship: The Goal of Catechesis Catechesis aims to bring about in the believer an ever more mature faith in Jesus Christ, a deeper knowledge and love of his person and message, and a firm commitment to follow him. NDC 1.19A
Our Hearts Were Burning Within UsUSCCB, 1999 In the document, the bishops emphasized the importance of Adult Faith Formation by saying that it must be: • At the heartof catechetical vision and practice (#6) • The chief formof catechesis (#13) • A priority (#13) The Bishops had no intention of neglecting catechesis for children and youth, but they were serious about putting adult catechesis at the center of all catechesis – not as an after-thought -- and they have pledged their support for this.
What the general directory for catechesis says . . . Characteristics of mature adult faith in those who respond generously to God’s call Living Faith – faith is both a gift of God and an authentically human response OHWB, #50 Explicit Faith – faith is rooted in a personal relationship with Jesus lived in the Christian community. OHWB, #55 Fruitful faith – the adult disciple enjoys the fruits of the Spirit which are “love, joy, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.”
What the American Bishops say . . . “…adults ‘have the greatest responsibilities and the capacity to live the Christian message in its fully developed form.’ Their formation in faith is essential for the Church to carry out its mandate to proclaim the Good News of Jesus to the world.” Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us, #38
Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us Goals of Adult Faith Formation • Invite and Enable Ongoing Conversion to Jesus in Holiness of Life. • Promote and Support active Membership in the Christian Community. • Call and Prepare Adults to Act as Disciples in Mission in the World.
Why do formation? Encounter Jesus: To put people in relationship with God in Christ Discipleship: To help people understand our relationship with Christ and each other. Holiness: To help people grow and deepen our relationship with Christ as we serve the poor and those at the margins with joy.
What is it that we pass on? The General Directory for Catechesis (GDC) states “the maturation of the Christian life requires that it be cultivated in all its dimensions: • Knowledge of the faith • Liturgical life • Moral formation • Prayer • Belonging to community • Missionary spirit -When catechesis omits one of these elements, the Christian faith does not attain full development
Culture can be more impactful than programs The parish is an adult faith formation program • The quality of the liturgies • The extent of shared decision making • The priorities of the parish budget • The degree of commitment to social justice • The quality of catechetical programs
For Discussion What are cultural issues or influences in your parish? What effect do these issues have on how you catechize?
Encounter firstThe first task of adult faith is conversion to Jesus Christ “Follow me, and I will make you fish for people.” (Mt 4:19) “And who is he, sir? Tell me, so that I may believe in him.” (Jn: 9:36)
Joy of the Gospel On the lips of the catechist the first proclamation must ring out over and over: “Jesus Christ loves you; he gave his life to save you; and now he is living at your side every day to enlighten, strengthen and free you.” -Joy of the Gospel 164
What is The Good News? • God is with us – here – now! The very ground of our being. • There’s nothing to be afraid of. There is enough for everyone. • God is expansive, loving, inclusive, just, fair and righteous. • Jesus completely reveals God to us. Jesus went to the margins to embrace people who were hurting, excluded, broken and calls us to actually be the body of Christ in the world today. Our kinship extends to all people and all of creation. • Disciples reveal Jesus to the world. Discipleship is about recognizing and acting like we are children of God and every person is our brother and sister. • We are on a path to perfect joy. The “original program” is about living the gospel with joy and always being mindful of the poor, standing at the margins so as to erase them. “Live on the edge of eternity at the corner of kinship and mutuality!” Fr. Greg Boyle, Barking to the Choir
Accompaniment Accompaniment is essential for evangelization. Listening is essential for accompaniment. To be effective ministers of adult faith formation we will first, like Jesus, join people in their daily concerns and walk side by side with them on the pathway of life. We will ask them questions and listen attentively as they speak of their joys, hopes, griefs, and anxieties.” OHWB # 8
Some Signs of Conversion • A more comfortable sense of self • More flexibility with others • Growing sense of generosity • More patience with others • Stronger sense of hospitality towards others • A heart for the materially poor • Greater awareness of personal failures and sin • Growth in prayer, presence of God • Deep love for the Eucharist • Desire for more faith formation
Connection drives effective Adult Formation • Prayer • Retreats (both encounter and deepening experiences) • Spiritual direction • Small faith communities • A robust, integrated RCIA process • The homily • Digital/Online connections • Rituals and milestones • Caring relationships • Adult life issues • Service, justice, creation • Bible
Adult Formation Provide opportunities for: Encounter •To put people in relationship with God in Christ Catechesis •To help people understand that relationship Deepening relationship •To help people grow and deepen that relationship with Jesus Any one program will likely not facilitate all three opportunities!
For Discussion Name one or two of your positive experiences of faith formation as an adult. What are insights that you can glean from these positive adult faith formation experiences that connect with what we have been talking about in this session?