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Adrenal Medulla.

Adrenal Medulla. Prof. K. Sivapalan. Strtucture. Location- centre of adrenal gland and paravertibral ganglia. Blood supply - cortical- sinusoids into medulla and some arterioles. Nerve supply- pre ganglionic sympathetics. Synthesis of Catecholamines. Secretion.

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Adrenal Medulla.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Adrenal Medulla. Prof. K. Sivapalan

  2. Strtucture. • Location- centre of adrenal gland and paravertibral ganglia. • Blood supply - cortical- sinusoids into medulla and some arterioles. • Nerve supply- pre ganglionic sympathetics. Adrenal Medulla.

  3. Synthesis of Catecholamines. Adrenal Medulla.

  4. Secretion. • Synthesis- nor adrenalin → adrenalin: in adrenal medulla and brain only. • Steroids from cortex facilitate synthesis. • Half life of catecholamines- 2 minutes. • 80% adrenalin • 20% nor adrenalin. • Receptors- detail study under Autonomic Nervous System. • Adrenalin- α and β receptors • Noradrenalin- β receptors only. Adrenal Medulla.

  5. Effects of Catecholamines • glycogenolysis- liver,muscle. • gluconeogenisis. • lipolysis- adipose tissue. • potassium- release increased in liver [initial rise], entry increased in muscle [prolonged fall]. • increases- metabolic rate, calorie genesis, alertness, anxiety, fear. • reduces- proteolysis in muscle, insulin secretion. Adrenal Medulla.

  6. Differences. Adrenal Medulla.

  7. Regulation of Secretion. • Sympathetic activity. • Sleep:- very low. • Rest:- less • Increased in: hypoxia, asphyxia, acidaemia, hypoglycaemia, hypothermia, hypotension, haemorrhage, exercise, fear, anger, pain, sexual excitement. • Stress:- maximum. Adrenal Medulla.

  8. Hypo function • Not known. • Experimental animals- cold intolerance. Adrenal Medulla.

  9. hypertension in bouts. sweating. paroxysmal attacks of blanching or flushing. tachycardia and palpitations. headache anorexia, weight loss. psychic changes decreased GIT motility. increased metabolism. postural hypotension. Mimicking other conditions- Insulin- increased fasting sugar, abnormal GTT. Hysteria- psychosis, tremors, increased respiration. Hirshprung's disease- constipation. Thyrotoxicosis- increased BMR, respiration, oxygen consumption, weight loss, psychosis, tremors. Hyperfunction - Pheochromocytoma Adrenal Medulla.

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