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How the Cold War Ends

How the Cold War Ends. In the USSR: Nikita Khrushchev (1953): destalinization For the Soviet satellites: Hungary (Led by Imre Nagy) tries to revolt and revolt is put down by the Soviet military (1956)

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How the Cold War Ends

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How the Cold War Ends

  2. In the USSR: Nikita Khrushchev (1953): destalinization For the Soviet satellites: Hungary (Led by Imre Nagy) tries to revolt and revolt is put down by the Soviet military (1956) Czechoslovakia’s Communist leader (Alexander Dubcek) loosens censorship rules in the Prague Spring, Warsaw Pact troops invade (1968) The Soviets face new challenges

  3. John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson use the policy of brinkmanship Brinkmanship is the willingness to go the brink or edge of war Nixon: Détente Détente is the policy of relaxing or lessening Cold War tensions SALT I Treaty limits number of arms each country could have (1972) U.S. policy evolves(Quick Review)

  4. New, younger leader Began changing Soviet society with new policies Glasnost-openness, people in Soviet Union could now openly criticize the government Perestroika-economic restructuring, tried to revive the Soviet economy Stressed diplomacy over the use of force Gorbachev moves towards democracy(1982)

  5. Poland Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Romania all reform or disband their communist gov. in the early 1990s Germany Berlin Wall is torn down, November 1989 Germany is reunified and works to establish a combined country (1990) Soviets lose their grip on Eastern Europe

  6. Lithuania tries to succeed, and Gorbachev sends in army (1991) Boris Yeltsin criticizes Gorbachev August coup of hard line Communist (1991) attempts to overthrow Gorbachev Yeltsin supports Gorbachev Soviet Union collapses

  7. The failed coup brings an end to the Communist party Gorbachev resigns Soviet Union is broken up Estonia and Latvia declare their independence By December 1991, 15 republics of the USSR declared their independence Soviet Union collapses

  8. Yeltsin becomes president-faces challenges The Economy Shock therapy tries to reform the Russian economy by abruptly shifting to a free-market Created economic hardship initially Chechnya Rebels Declares their independence in 1991 Yeltsin does not let the region secede Yeltsin sends troops to Chechnya, many civilians killed Ongoing today Soviet Union collapses

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