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欢迎 Welcome. Acca-web.org. 8 月 10 日:中文开学日 8 月 17 日:副科开学日 12 月 7 日:学期结束. 2014F Class Schedule. P- 普通中文班 Chinese MLP- 马力平班 Ma liping Chinese Enrichment Class time 1:50 – 2:50 and 3:00 - 4:00. * Classroom number TBD. 中文课. 普通中文班 普通中 文 P01 – P10 年级,有完整的教学大纲 ;暨 南大学 《 中文 》 教材
欢迎 Welcome Acca-web.org
8月10日:中文开学日 8月17日:副科开学日 12月7日:学期结束
2014FClass Schedule P- 普通中文班 Chinese MLP-马力平班 Maliping Chinese Enrichment Class time 1:50 – 2:50 and 3:00 - 4:00 * Classroom number TBD.
中文课 • 普通中文班 普通中文P01–P10年级,有完整的教学大纲;暨南大学《中文》教材 • 中文学前班 pre-K1,pre-K2, 为4-5岁学前儿童所开;用北京华文学院编的《幼儿汉语》作教材。 • 马力平中文班 MLP1–MLP3 1–3年级,先认字后学拼音;用马力平博士编写的《中文》作教材。 • 双语中文班 Bilingualgrade 1-5 为英文家庭背景的儿童所开。双语1–4 年级用《轻松学汉语》作教材。 双语班5年级使用的教材是美国出版的《中文听说读写》。 • AP Chinese教材: 《收获》
Chinese Classes • Chinese P01 – P10 We offer 1st to 10th grade Chinese classes , a systematic 10 years curriculum using the textbook 《中文》published by Jinan University .This textbook teaches Chinese phonic Pinyin in the 1st grade. • Pre-K Chinese We provide to the younger children age 4 to 5 the Pre-K Chinese class. The《幼儿汉语》 published by Beijing Huawen Institute is the textbook. • MLP Chinese MLP1 – MLP3 We offer 1st to 3rd grade Chinese classes using the MLP《中文》as the textbooks. This textbook teaches Chinese characters in the early grades and Pinyin later. • Bilingual Chinese 1st grade to 5th grade The Bilingual Chinese classes are opened for the children whose families do not speak Chinese on a daily bases. The textbooks are “Chinese Made Easy for Kids” for B-1 to B-4 grades and 《中文听说读写》for B-5 grade.
副科班 Enrichment Classes 1:50 – 2:50; 3:00 – 4:00 Sunday alternons We offer the following Enrichment Classes: 儿童绘画 I Arts I ----- basic level arts class 儿童绘画 II Arts II ---- higher level arts class Middle School Math --- A Math class taught at the middle school levels Mathcounts --------- A class preparing middle school students for Math competitions SAT Verbal --------------- SAT preparation, English. Ping Pong ----- Table Tennis class, open to children only. 毛笔字 ChineseCalligraphy ----- the arts of writing Chinese characters using brush pens. This class opens to both children and adults. 围棋 GO --------- Chinese chess, basic and competition. The class is also open to adults. 太极拳 Taichi------- A Chinese martial arts practicing the movements for the purpose of health and fitness. The 1 ½ hours class offered on Sunday 1:00 to 2:30pm, is open to both children and adult students.
在校生报名一览表Current Student RegistrationPleasemake check payable to ACCA. PTA $5 不在内,另交给班长
新生报名 New Students Registration 新生年龄要求: Age Requirements • 学前班Pre-K:2010年9月1日之前出生的4岁以上的孩子. Pre-K students must be 4years old. • 一年级:2009年9月1日之前出生的5岁以上的孩子. First grade students must be 5 years old. • 马力平中文班一年级:2008年9月1日之前出生的6岁孩子. First grade MLP Chinese students must be 6years old. 新生学杂费 New Student Fees: sum(1,2,3,4) payable to ACCA, the sum (5,6) or $20 pay to PTA • $155 tuition 学费, $10 discount at pre-registration • $textbooks 书费, price varies by textbooks • $25 non-refundable registration fee 注册费 • $30 duty fee (refundable) 值班费 • $15 projector donationpay to PTA 设备费付给PTA • $5 PTA donationpay to PTA 家长协会会费付给PTA *只报名副科班的新生无需交设备费和PTA费。New students who register enrichment classes ONLY do not pay the equipment fee and PTA fee. 太极班 Taichi 学生和家长学费 $120, 校外人员也可参加,学费$150。开学后第二周开始上课。共15次课,每次一个半小时。太极班 必须招满9人才开班。The Taichi class is offered to both children and adults. The tuition is $120 for total of 15 classes. People from outside of the school can also come, the tuition is $150. Class starts in the 2nd week of Chinese school. each class lasts 1 ½ hours.The minimum number of students is 9. 书法班和围棋班:成人收费标准与儿童一样,$115
为家长们提供的机会 Opportunities for Parents 等孩子的时候您可以做些什么?What to do at school? • Volunteer参加PTA组织的的服务项目: Serving in PTA programsincluding but not limited to Incentive program, celebration planning meetings, helping school administration. • 健身:我们有太极拳班和Zumba健身操。太极拳班须注册,Zumba class 是PTA提供的健身活动。每次课交$3 给PTA。Fitness classes: Taichi and Zumba. • 培养业余爱好:您可以参加围棋班,毛笔字班和乒乓球班。学员要在学校注册。Enrichment Classes: GO, Chinese Calligraphy and Ping Pong. • 听讲座。PTA 不定期地举办各种专题讲座,敬请您前来参加。Attending seminars. • 组织共同爱好者小组。Organize activity groups with like-minded people. • 与其他家长们联谊。学校有为家长们准备的休息区:cafeteria and the break room. 家长们可以在休息区谈话,但不可在教学区走廊里出声讲话。Chat with other parentsin the sitting area. Please pay attention not to talk in the corridors of the teaching area.