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Using Technology and Partnerships to Improve Transfer Student Success

Using Technology and Partnerships to Improve Transfer Student Success. Lisa M. Johnson Associate Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management University of Massachusetts Boston Chad Schaedler Senior Regional Director ConnectEdu.

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Using Technology and Partnerships to Improve Transfer Student Success

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  1. Using Technology and Partnerships to Improve Transfer Student Success Lisa M. Johnson Associate Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management University of Massachusetts Boston Chad Schaedler Senior Regional Director ConnectEdu

  2. UMass Boston received a Title III grant to improve transfer student recruitment, retention, and services • In fall 2007, 61% or 1,566 of new UMB students were transfers

  3. Goals & Objectives • To increase the enrollment of transfers through improved recruitment, retention, and graduation of students. • Improve the retention of transfer students at two critical points in the enrollment process – recruitment to enrollment and enrollment to graduation.

  4. Focus of the Grant: • Create a Transfer Center • Recruitment of Transfer Students • Transfer Advising • Transfer Student Advocacy • Coordinate Joint Admissions and Tuition Advantage Program • Articulation Agreements • Transfer Credit Evaluations • Course Equivalencies • Assist with Transfer Orientation • Training • Represent UMB on State-wide Committees • Assist with Marketing for Transfer

  5. Develop Partnerships With 5 Feeder Two-Year Colleges • Bunker Hill Community College • Roxbury Community College • Quincy College • Massasoit Community College • Mass Bay Community College • Develop Articulation Agreements • 10 per year for a total of 50 agreements in 5 years

  6. Faculty to Faculty Discussions • Around curriculum, course alignment, course content, and course sequencing • Technology • Develop a transfer student portal • Utilize electronic access to course descriptions • Receive electronic transcripts • Produce electronic course evaluations

  7. After researching companies who said they could help us meet these technological objectives, UMass Boston decided to partner with ConnectEdu. Here is a partial list of other some of the 200+ colleges and universities who are also partnering with ConnectEdu. • University of Vermont Michigan State University • University of Connecticut University of Michigan • University of Massachusetts Lowell Bentley College • CUNY System Rutgers University • Boston University University of Pittsburg • Salve Regina University Newbury College • University of Maine System Regis College • Johnson & Wales University Daniel Webster College • St. Michael’s College University of New Haven • Johnson State College Simmons College • Castleton State College Quinnipiac University

  8. One comprehensive, collaborative, curriculum, college and career planning solution – and electronic data/document exchange - driving high value and utilization – single sign on • First in integrating with high school, community college and college student information systems – XML data exchange for colleges, imaging system integration • Both FERPA and PPRA (Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment) – Data is not sold – data is not shared without opt-in permission, no embedded advertising • Verified Recipients – Standard Operating Procedure • Unprecedented enrollment marketing opportunity in addition to workflow benefits

  9. Connect offers community colleges all college admissions features plus articulation agreement integration and comprehensive transfer planning.

  10. Connect is an integrated web solution for college admissions featuring electronic document exchange and targeted recruitment.

  11. Connect is also a compressive integrated solution for curriculum, college and career planning for high school students, guidance counselors, and parents. And it is available at no cost to high schools!

  12. If you would like more information about this partnership, please contact us. Thank you! Lisa Johnson, Ph.D. Associate Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management University of Massachusetts Boston 617.287.6016 - Office lisa.johnson@umb.edu Chad Schaedler Senior College Partnership Director ConnectEdu 860.767.0265 - Office 860.575.8421 - Cell cschaedler@connectedu.net

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