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Linear Model (III)

Linear Model (III). Rong Jin. Announcement. Homework 2 is out and is due 02/05/2004 (next Tuesday) Homework 1 is handed out. Recap: Logistic Regression Model. Assume the inputs and outputs are related in the log linear function Estimate weights: MLE approach. Example: Text Classification.

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Linear Model (III)

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  1. Linear Model (III) Rong Jin

  2. Announcement • Homework 2 is out and is due 02/05/2004 (next Tuesday) • Homework 1 is handed out

  3. Recap: Logistic Regression Model • Assume the inputs and outputs are related in the log linear function • Estimate weights: MLE approach

  4. Example: Text Classification • Input x: a binary vector • Each word is a different dimension • xi = 0 if the ith word does not appear in the document xi = 1 if it appears in the document • Output y: interesting document or not • +1: interesting • -1: uninteresting

  5. Example: Text Classification Doc 1 The purpose of the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center is to educate people around the world, … Doc 2 Rain Bird is one of the leading irrigation manufacturers in the world, providingcomplete irrigation solutions for people…

  6. Example 2: Text Classification • Logistic regression model • Every term ti is assigned with a weight wi • Learning parameters: MLE approach • Need numerical solutions

  7. Example 2: Text Classification • Weight wi • wi > 0: term ti is a positive evidence • wi < 0: term ti is a negative evidence • wi = 0: term ti is irrelevant to whether or not the document is intesting • The larger the | wi |, the more important ti term is determining whether the document is interesting. • Threshold c

  8. Example 2: Text Classification • Dataset: Reuter-21578 • Classification accuracy • Naïve Bayes: 77% • Logistic regression: 88%

  9. Why Logistic Regression Works better for Text Classification? • Common words • Small weights in logistic regression • Large weights in naïve Bayes • Weight ~ p(w|+) – p(w|-) • Independence assumption • Naive Bayes assumes that each word is generated independently • Logistic regression is able to take into account of the correlation of words

  10. Comparison • Discriminative Model • Model P(y|x) directly • Model the decision boundary • Usually good performance • But • Slow convergence • Expensive computation • Sensitive to noise data • Generative Model • Model P(x|y) • Model the input patterns • Usually fast converge • Cheap computation • Robust to noise data • But • Usually performs worse

  11. Problems with Logistic Regression? How about words that only appears in one class?

  12. Overfitting Problem with Logistic Regression • Consider word t that only appears in one document d, and d is a positive document. Let w be its associated weight • Consider the derivative of l(Dtrain) with respect to w • w will be infinite !

  13. Solution: Regularization • Regularized log-likelihood • Large weights  small weights • Prevent weights from being too large • Small weights  zero • Sparse weights

  14. Why do We Need Sparse Solution? • Two types of solutions • Many non-zero weights but many of them are small • Only a small number of weights, and many of them are large • Occam’s Razor: the simpler the better • A simpler model that fits data unlikely to be coincidence • A complicated model that fit data might be coincidence • Smaller number of non-zero weights  less amount of evidence to consider  simpler model  case 2 is preferred

  15. Occam’s Razer

  16. Occam’s Razer: Power = 1

  17. Occam’s Razer: Power = 3

  18. Occam’s Razor: Power = 10

  19. Finding Optimal Solutions • Concave objective function • No local maximum • Many standard optimization algorithms work

  20. Predication Errors Preventing weights from being too large Gradient Ascent • Maximize the log-likelihood by iteratively adjusting the parameters in small increments • In each iteration, we adjust w in the direction that increases the log-likelihood (toward the gradient)

  21. Graphical Illustration No regularization case

  22. Using regularization Without regularization Iteration

  23. When should Stop? • The gradient ascent learning method converges when there is no incentive to move the parameters in any particular direction: • In many cases, it can be very tricky • Small first order derivative  close to the maximum point

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