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“Economics, Law and Management” Department. YEREVAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION. “Curriculum Development For Real Estate Master Degree” Joint Project Supported by TEMPUS “legal studies” Developed by: Karen Khachaturyan Anahit Adamyan Seda Badeyan
“Economics, Law and Management” Department YEREVAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION “Curriculum Development For Real Estate Master Degree” Joint Project Supported by TEMPUS “legal studies” Developed by: Karen Khachaturyan Anahit Adamyan Seda Badeyan Presented to “Royal Institute of Technologies” Staff in Stockholm Yerevan-Stockholm May, 2008
The key question was: How to define the scope of the necessary knowledge in case of a big variety of possible fields of future activity of the students? The answer is laid in the question: The legal studies should contain the courses which will be general and necessary for any kind of future work, as well as will become a basis, for subsequent specialization in one or another field of activity.
Courses’ structure Fundamentals of law Law related to real estate • Each of the parts: • is awarded by 10 credits, • is divided into several courses.
Part 1. Fundamentals of law • The basic theory of law • The fundamentals of law in the Republic of Armenia • The fundamentals of administrative law and administrative procedure in the Republic of Armenia • The fundamentals of civil law in the Republic of Armenia
Course 2. The fundamentals of law in the Republic of Armenia
Course 3.The fundamentals of administrative law and administrative procedure in the Republic of Armenia
Course 4.The fundamentals of civil law in the Republic of Armenia
Part 2. Law related to real estate Contract law Land law and law on natural resources Civil law continuation course
The final distribution of courses and hours of the legal studies will be the following
Which are the ultimate goals of the study? The ability to qualify the actions undertaken during their working activity in respect to legal regulations, or in other words- to have a “legal understanding” of what they are allowed and obliged to do and what is prohibited to do, The ability to deepen the perception and understanding of legal rules, the ability to make competent and comprehensive analyzes and interpretation of legal rules, as well as to implement legal rule-making activity, The ability of competent representation in relation with public administrative bodies, other participants of real estate market, as well as the ability to protect their own rights and interests in relations with their future employers, The ability to conduct administrative, including cadastral case, elaborate and compose deeds, as well as the ability to protect the rights of the organizations represented by means of administrative initiating corresponding administrative appeal cases and initiating judicial appeals against unlawful deeds concerning their activities. The comprehensive legal knowledge in field of real estate law The ability to develop further legal knowledge and skills in specific areas on the basis acquired during the studies.