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Personal Property Training Webinar. Presented by: Marvel Kenneybrew, Jr. Chance Greene Melissa Nelson. Objective. Create Vehicle Agreement Asset Required Documentation for Asset User Defined Fields (UDF) Codes Retirement of Vehicle Agreement Required Documentation for Retirement.
Personal Property Training Webinar Presented by: Marvel Kenneybrew, Jr. Chance Greene Melissa Nelson
Objective • Create Vehicle Agreement Asset • Required Documentation for Asset • User Defined Fields (UDF) Codes • Retirement of Vehicle Agreement • Required Documentationfor Retirement
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Activity Type Serial Number/VIN maybe 17 characters. If less than 17 characters, then enter zero’s before the Serial Number/VIN to make17 characters.
Lease End Date For Lease End Date, enter 6 YEARSfrom the Lease Begin Date.
Asset Value OCC codes for leased vehicles include: 21-23-00-00 ( Rental of Passenger Carrying Vehicles - GSA Motor Pools ) 22-14-00-00 ( GSA Trucks ) 23-34-00-00 ( Rental of equipment)
Final Event Request Screen LEASE TERMINATED
Final Event User Fields LEASE TERMINATED
Attachments GSA Termination of Vehicle form should note: Vehicle VIN, Tag, Make and Model, Mileage, signatures of the returnee (NOAA) and the receiver (GSA representative).
Saving Draft Request Warning!!!You must click the Submit Request button to process this request. Your Request Number is XXXXX. Please take note of the number if you want to make additional changes to the request, otherwise click Submit Request immediately.
Retirement Submitted Request has been submitted successfully. Now, the Retirement Request Approval Process begins.
Retirement Approval Process The Retirement Request will not be submitted until the previously noted Submit Request Button is clicked. If request is not submitted within 30 days, then it will automatically be purged from the system. Once submitted, a Timeline Event for Open Request – Final Event will be logged. The next approver in line will also be notified of the retirement request via email. Approval Process flow is PC PAO LOR.
PPMB Resources • Points of Contacts, http://www.pps.noaa.gov/contact.html • Personal Property Webinar Training, http://www.pps.noaa.gov/training_and_education/ • Guides and Job Aids, http://www.pps.noaa.gov/forms_guides/guides_aids_tools/ • Frequently Asked Questions, http://www.pps.noaa.gov/inventory_upr/faqs/index.html
Questions & Answers Q: How do you get the greenhouse gas score? A: http://www.epa.gov/greenvehicle/you/ghg.htm Q: Who provides the lease termination document? A:Your GSA Fleet Management Center (FMC). Q: It seems GSA often does not provide required forms needed for Sunflower. Is there any requirement GSA has to use specific forms for new leases and retirement of leases? A: No there is not a requirement to use a specific form but there is a NOAA requirement to provide specific information. Guidance has been issued for what is required to create a new leased vehicle asset or to do a final event. The guidance can be found at this website: http://www.pps.noaa.gov/forms_guides/guides_aids_tools/. The term Form 1152 is “loosely” used and stands for any document that has the required information needed for the assignment or termination of a leased vehicle.
Questions & Answers Q: What does VAM Exempt mean? A:All vehicles are subject to the Vehicle Allocation Methodology (VAM) study process, including vehicle use/mission, utilization, and criticality of need. The VAM survey database statistically documents the answer to this question for each vehicle. As a result of the VAM program, utilization has become a key determinant for vehicle assignment and retention. Filling out the VAM Exempt UDF field should always be COV meaning that the determination as outline above has already been met and that the vehicle is accounted for or “covered” in the VAM. GSA, through a collaborative process with the Motor Vehicle Executive Council (MVEC), developed the VAM (guidance/process) for Federal agencies to achieve our national economic, energy, and environmental goals as outlined in the Presidential Memorandum-Federal Fleet Performance. In the memorandum dated May 24, 2011, the President states that the Federal Government owes “a responsibility to American citizens to lead by example and contribute to meeting our national goals of reducing oil imports by one- third by 2025 and putting one million advanced vehicles on the road by 2015.” See http://www.gsa.gov/Vehicle Allocation Methodology for more information on the VAM.
Questions & Answers Q: We were provided a “New Vehicle Release Form” for our last vehicle add. It was accepted. GSA stated they would not provide 1152 anymore. A:GSA provides the same information that was on the Form 1152 as the “new vehicle release form.” Unfortunately, each GSA Fleet Management Center (FMC)operates different and there is no standardization of the information provided upon receiving a new vehicle. The POC within NOAA for the leased vehicle could receive an email, or on another type of document could be provided. As long as all the required information is there it will be accepted. See the guidance provided at this website http://www.pps.noaa.gov/forms_guides/guides_aids_tools/.
Questions & Answers Q: You listed a website for Property Management Training. Which training should I do, the Commerce Learning Center (CLC) Sunflower training or one listed on the website you provided? A: You should complete both. Note that the CLC Sunflower training is mandatory. Q: In the case of a wrecked vehicle, how do you get a “totaled” designation for disposition on an owned vehicle? A: You need to work with the Property National Disposal Team. Q: How long can a draft remain in the system? A: Thirty days.
Questions & Answers Q: Do you use Lease Terminated even when you turn in the vehicle and pick up another vehicle (trade - in)? A: Yes. You must provide a lease termination document with all the required information for the vehicle that you turn in and request a final event. This removes the vehicle from the agreements module in Sunflower. You must also create a new asset record for the new lease vehicle in the agreement module that you exchanged the old lease vehicle for. Q: Does PPMB communicate with GSA in regards to when the vehicle actually get turned in? For example, GSA ordered the wrong replacement vehicle and our line office did not accept it and kept the old already issued vehicle? A: No, PPMB does not communicate with GSA. The POC within NOAA for the GSA leased vehicle is notified that the vehicle needs to be replaced via email from GSA. That POC works in conjunction with their GSA Fleet Service Representative (FSR) during the fall and winter months prior to the replacement being assigned. The replacement vehicle is usually ready for pick up in the late spring and early summer months of the following year. That is the time that the POC needs to engage their Program Office, the vehicle user and Property Custodian in making the replacement decision.
Questions & Answers Q: I just returned a GOV to GSA and they did not provide a lease termination form. Our fleet manager contacted them, and they said they do not supply those any longer. All they provide is the vehicle condition report. A: GOV stands for Government Owned Vehicle. The vehicle you would turn into GSA would be a leased vehicle. Whomever returns the leased vehicle should ask for documentation for chain of custody reasons. If no documentation is forthcoming then either the POC within NOAA for the vehicle or the Property Custodian (PC) needs to contact the GSA FSR and ask for an email that contains the following information: Year, Make, Model, VIN, Tag, ending mileage and date of termination. Most FSRs are willing to send you an email or a screen shot from their system with all of this information. Then the PC can make a PDF of that email and upload it into SF as the termination document generically known as 1152. Some FMCs are sending the POC within NOAA an email stating termination of the leased vehicle with all of the required information. The POC needs to send this email to the PC.