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Cacao. Athina Isadora Lepvalts Roomet Libe. It was dicovered 2000 years ago . Was brought to Europe in the 16th century . The europians added sugar to make the bitter chocolate sweeter .
Cacao AthinaIsadoraLepvalts Roomet Libe
Itwasdicovered 2000 yearsago. • WasbroughttoEuropeinthe 16th century. • Theeuropiansaddedsugartomakethebitterchocolatesweeter. • Theriseofcocaoconsumingquiclyroseintheotherhalfof 19th century, whencocaoseedswerepressedtomakecocaobutter. History
Cocaotree, is a small (4–8 m tall) evergreen tree, native to the deep tropical regions of Central and South America. • The tallest treesgrowupto 12 m tall. • Its seeds, cocaobeans, are used to make cocao mass, cocaopowder, and chocolate. • Cocaofruitcontainsaverageof 40 seeds and itisabout 30 cm long and weighabout 300-500 g. Aboutcocao
Cocaotreesgrowingardens. • Thefirstfruitappearin 3-5 years. • Theybecomeadulttreesin 7-15 years. • They are verydemandingtreesthat need all yeararound24-28 degrees and itdoesnthandlebigtemperaturechanges. • They need moistclimate and about 1500-2000 mm ofwaterperyear. • Likestogrowbeneathotherbiggertrees. • MostofthecocaocomesfromtheWest-Africa- Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, Nigeria and Kamerun. Growing
One man wentto Ghana tostudyaboutchildlabour. • Hewenttodifferentchocolatecompanies and askedthemaboutchildlabour and iftheyhaditintheircompany. They said thattheydidnthaveitintheircompany and thatwouldbehorrible and theywouldneverevenhaveit. The man wenttoAfricato see iftheywererightorwrong. • Hefoundoutthatthereactuallywaschildlabour and peplesmugglingchildrenacrosstheborder. • Thechildrenweresoldfor 200 dollarstothefarmers. „Thedark side ofchocolate“
Childrenintheagesof 7-9 wereusedinthefarmsforhardwork. • Theyhad no education and couldnotgotoschoolbecausetheyhad no timetogothere. • The man made a documentaryabout all ofthis and showedittodifferentcomanies and theydidnotwanttocommentaboutthis all. • Hisconclusionwasthatpeoplewhoown and runthecompanydontevenknow all ofthis and thewholeworldneedstoknowaboutit. „Thedark side ofchocolate“