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As .com domain extensions ruled the world in the past, the emerging domain extensions may be the wave of the forthcoming. With the new domain extensions, you can get the domain name of your choice. Read to know how the new extensions are leading the web world.
Buyinganewwebsiteisnoteasythesedays,wheremostofthegood domainnamesarealreadybeentaken.That'shappeningtoallofus. We try purchasing a .com domain and it says that the name is not available. Sad, but true. Then we have to come up with something uniquethatwillbefitourbusinessandrepresentourbrandnameand that'ssimplynoteasy. Fortunately, there are some big changes happening in the field of domainsthatarelikelytomakedomainregistrationaloteasier.The newinnovationhasbroughtinhundredsofnewdomainendingsthat areanexcellentalternativetothetraditionaldotcomdomain.Let's takeacloserlookathowthingshavetakennewturnsandTLDswill belike.
Dotcomwasaleaderbackthen Although there were multiple other options aside from dot com such as .net, .org, etc. people still wanted to go for .com domains, which wascomparativelyexpensivetothealternatives.Sincetheinception oftheInternet,.comhasremainedtobethemostpreferredTop-Level Domain (TLD) because that is what people recognize easily. Another interesting part is that .com domain has turned a default status in people'smindbecausetheyuse.comwhenfindingaspecificURLand thisbecomessomewhatproblematicfortheevolvingTLDs. Nowbuyingthedomainofyourchoiceisexpensiveaswellasmostof themaretakenandyou'llhavetowearyourcreativehattocomeup with a creative name that could cost you low or shell out bucks to purchase the domain name you desire. For instance, internet.com was purchased for $18 million in 2009, while Facebook bought the domainnamefor$8.5millionin2010.
WebHostingandNewTLDs Organizationsthatarenewtothewebhostingworldwillgettoenjoy theevolveddomainmarketandtheyreallyneednotbeconcerneda lot about acronyms such as 'ICANN' and 'TLD'. But they still must analyze the current trends and understand the phase of evolution likewhatexactlybroughtthingsatthisstage. The changes in the domain world has now enabled companies to createadomainnameoftheirdreamsastheycanusethenewTLDs andpurchasetheparticulardomainneeded.AfterICANNremoveda number of restrictions imposed on the formation of new TLDs, hunderedofnewextensionsweremadeavailableinthenextcouple ofyears.Nowuserscancreateadomainnameoftheirchoicerelated to technology, hobbies, geographical location, etc. Some domain extensionsthatwentontobecomepopularincludes.dentist, .academy,.gallery,.guru,etc.Thisfurtherallowedwebhosting serviceproviderstooffersservicestoalargegroup.
Apartfromthatyoucandoonemoreadditionalthingtocreateyour domain.Forinstance,ifMusicplayer.comisalreadytakenthengeta bit creative and add number, location, hypen and so on to establish yourdomainsuchasmusicplayer123.com,musicplayerindia.comand soon. AboutWebWerksIndiaPvt.Ltd.: Web Werks is an India-based CMMI Level 3 Web Hosting company with5carrierneutraldatacentersinIndiaandUSA.Startedin1996, Web Werks has served several Fortune 500 companies with successful projects in the areas of Web Hosting, Data Center Services, Dedicated Servers, Colocation servers, Disaster Recovery Services,VPSHostingServices,andCloudHosting. Forfurtherinformationcontact: Web Werks India Pvt. Ltd. www.webwerks.in