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Summer of the Monkeys. By: Trevor. Vocab Words: Jiggled: to move up and down / to and fro with a quick jerky movement. Bawl: to cry or wail loudly. Chapter 1. Monkeys!!!.
Summer of the Monkeys By: Trevor
Vocab Words: Jiggled: to move up and down / to and fro with a quick jerky movement. Bawl: to cry or wail loudly. Chapter 1 Monkeys!!! Chapter 1 explains how Jay Berry’s family including his sister Daisy, his father, his mother, and himself, start out living a sad life as sharecroppers. But later on in the chapter it tells how grandpa and grandma sends them a letter telling them that they have 60 acres of land that they can use for a farm that they are wanting. They then move to the farm land and start making an farm plot and a log cabin with the trees that they clear out. Later when their cow Sally Gooden jumps the fencing and goes down into the bottoms, Jay Berry is sent to find Sally and bring her back. After he finds Sally he decides to go deeper into the woods with his dog Rowdy. After exploring for a while his dog senses something and ends up treeing something, when Jay goes to see what it is he discovers that it is a monkey. Jay then runs back to the house and tells his parents about the monkey and is told by his father that it was probably the pet monkey that a fisherman lost a long time back.
Vocab Words: Wiry: resembling wire such as in stiffness. Sheepish: embarrassed. Chapter 2 Let the Hunt Begin! Chapter 2 explains how Jay goes to his grandpa’s store and tells grandpa that he saw a monkey. Jay and his Grandpa start talking about how the monkey wasn’t one lost by a fisherman, but instead that it was about 30 monkeys that were lost when a circus train wrecked. Grandpa then tells Jay how each monkey but one is worth two dollars each if they were returned alive. But one of them, which is actually a chimpanzee, will have a 100 dollar reward for his safe return. Jay and grandpa are then set on collecting all of those monkeys for the reward. But since they had no idea on how to capture a monkey, grandpa made a claw trap padded with the help of Jay. Jay then sets off to begin the search for the monkeys.
Vocab Words: Arithmetic: the process of computation with figures. Scampering: to run or go quickly or hastily. Chapter 3 Old Man of the Mountains? Chapter 3 starts off with Jay Berry on his way home to his family to tell them that he is going to catch all of the monkeys and how grandpa helped him make the traps and get everything he needed. It then goes on to tell how Jay Berry learns of the Old Man of the Mountains, and how he takes care of all of the animals and other living creatures on or in the mountains. Daisy then tells Jay how the Old Man of the Mountains is very nice and kind to you unless you harm the creatures of the mountains.
Vocab Words: Quavering: shaking, tremor. Squalling: to cry or scream very loudly. Chapter 4 Monkeys, Monkeys, Everywhere! Chapter 4 talks about Jay Berry and Rowdy going down into the bottoms to set up the traps so they can catch some monkeys. After they set up the traps with the apples nailed into the traps, they hide in the shadows and wait for the monkeys to come. After they have waited for a while Jay begins to think that nothing is going to come when all of a sudden, a monkey just popped up from out of nowhere. And while Jay was still processing this in his head the monkey started to scream and wail and make other noises, then, monkeys just started to jump down from everywhere. After a while the monkeys started going towards the traps, but a human boy-looking monkey commanded all of the others. The monkeys outsmarted the traps a couple of times. At one point when Jay Berry and Rowdy went to get a drink of water from a spring, they came back and the monkey had stolen Jay’s gunny sack, lunch, apples, and his traps. Jay Berry got really mad at the monkey and shot the monkey with his bean shooter which aggravated the monkey. Jay was then chased out of the woods and to his home. After telling what had happened he decided to go to grandpa’s and talk with him. After Jay told grandpa that the traps hadn’t worked grandpa came out with a net and gave it to Jay to catch the monkeys with.
Vocab Words: Superstition: a notion or belief not based on reason or knowledge. Hefting: to heave or hoist. Chapter 5 The Butterfly Net Chapter 5 starts off saying how Jay Berry and Rowdy are running back home and tell Mama and Papa all about the traps not working and what happened with the monkeys. After talking about that for a while, it starts to talk about Jay Berry and Grandpa talking about a net that Jay can use that was given to Grandpa by a crazy butterfly professor that stayed with him for a while. After they talk for a while about the monkeys and the net, Jay gets called back into the kitchen by Grandma to talk about something.
Vocab Words: Tender: soft or delicate. Hooty: to say in crying out or shouting way. Chapter 6 The Net Plan Chapter 6 begins with the conversation between Jay Berry and Grandma about how he needs to eat more and other things going on around the house. After the conversation is over it continues with Jay talking with Mama and Daisy after Jay catches their goose, Gandy, in the net. It then goes on with Jay and Papa talking about how the net works and how Papa says he might help dig a hole for Jay to hide himself in with the net. Then nearing the end of the chapter it talks about Jay and Papa going down into the bottoms and searching for monkeys and digging the hole for Jay.
Vocab Words: Tension: the state of being stretched or strained. Caper: a kind of prank/ to jump or skip. Chapter 7 Monkeys in a Net! Chapter 7 is mainly about Jay Berry and Rowdy trying to catch some monkeys with the new butterfly net. After waiting for a while, the monkeys finally start to drop down and go for the apples. Once the little monkeys are in the net Jay pulls on the ring and catches two of the little monkeys. On his way back, Jay and Rowdy get interrupted by the big monkey, and after a while more monkeys get in the way of them. The monkeys start circling them and after a while they start getting attacked by all of the monkeys, while the monkeys are attacking them they open the net and let the other monkeys out. After wards they get home and tell the news to Papa and Mama.
Vocab Words: Caboodle: a pack or group of something. Starched: in a form of stiffness or formality. Chapter 8 A Monkey Named Jimbo Chapter 8 immediately tells you how Jay Berry and Rowdy are coming out of the bottoms all beaten up by the monkeys, it then shows Daisy starting to say that Jay might have hydrophobia which is a disease that turns people into mad-men. Daisy then proceeds to nurse Jay and Rowdy for the next couple of days while they get better. Once Jay and Rowdy are healed they decide to go to Grandpa’s Store. After arriving and telling Grandpa all about what happened between them and the monkeys, they are told that they got a letter from the trainer of the circus monkeys that says the leader monkey is named Jimbo, and that if you make friends with him you would be able to bring him back unharmed. Jay then decides to try and friend Jimbo and the other monkeys.
Vocab Words: Moonshiner: a person who distills or sells liquor illegally. Incubator: an area which is kept at a regulated temperature in which eggs are normally hatched. Chapter 9 The Whiskey Still Chapter 9 is about Jay Berry and Rowdy going down to the bottoms in search of the monkeys to attempt to do Plan # 3. Jay and Rowdy are down in the bottoms trying to call Jimbo and the other monkeys when Jay smells a whiskey still somewhere nearby he hears Jimbo and the other monkeys start screeching and chattering. When Jay goes to investigate he sees the monkeys playing around the still and Jimbo hanging from the barrel with a tin can. When Jay gets close enough to give Jimbo the apple Jimbo takes the apple and eats it, Jimbo then dips the tin can into the barrel and gives Jay the can. Once Jay accepts it and drinks it Jimbo fills it up again. The process continues to repeat itself until Jay and Rowdy get drunk and fall asleep. When they wake up Jay’s pants are gone and he has a major headache. Once Jay and Rowdy get home they get into big trouble and Jay gets sent to his room for the night.
Vocab Words: Buckboard: a light four-wheeled carriage in which a long board is used instead of a body and springs. Bronze: a result metal of tin and copper alloy. Chapter 10 Nurse Daisy to the Rescue Chapter 10 is mainly about Jay Berry and Rowdy laying in bed and being taken care of by Daisy. Daisy, being the “best nurse in the world”, figured out how to help Jay. She said that Jay had to take some castor oil, and when she held it out for Jay to take it he got up and ran to his window to throw up, just as Daisy had planned. Once Jay was better he went to Grandpa’s and told him about how the monkey got him drunk and stole his pants. After they talk for a while Jay and Grandpa decide to go into town to the library to see if they can find any books that might help them to catch the monkeys.
Vocab Words: Muzzle: a device, usually an arrangement of straps/wires placed on an animals mouth to keep it from biting/eating etc. Covey: a brood or small flock of partridges or similar birds. Chapter 11 To the Library! Chapter 11 is all about Jay Berry, Rowdy, and Grandpa going into town in the buckboard. After Jay and Grandpa finish getting prepared for the trip into town they set off in the buckboard. While they are riding along Rowdy keeps seeing animals zipping across the road and badly wants to chase them, but refrains. But, just as they were making a sharp left-turn a mama coon and her babies are waddling across the road, so Rowdy jumps out and chases them. In the end Rowdy gets scratched on the nose. Later on they finally arrive at the town of Tahlequah, where they decide to stay. They finally reach the library and go to the librarian to ask her for a monkey catching book. Once Grandpa finds how to catch the monkeys he tells Jay that he will explain it to him on the way home.
Vocab Words: Dander: Anger/Temper. Twine: a long strand/string made of 2 or more strands twisted together. Chapter 12 Grandpa meets the Monkey Chapter 12 starts with Jay Berry and Grandpa in the store in town buying coconuts for a monkey trap. While they are there Jay also buys some ribbons, a thimble, some jawbreakers, and a shaving mug for Papa. Later on when they are on their way back home, they stop to get a drink from Jay Berry’s Spring. While they are getting a drink the monkeys come and take all of the coconuts and other things they bought and put them in the trees, or ate them. But the monkeys left Jay’s gunny sack, britches, traps, and beanshooter. Once they get home they explain what happened between them and the monkeys and Daisy gets mad at Jay for not climbing the tree and getting the ribbons back.
Vocab Words: Pneumonia: a disease causing a lung to swell up. Wampus: strange/objectionable person. Chapter 13 Thor Chapter 13 starts with a huge storm happening. Throughout the storm Daisy is in Jay Berry’s room talking about how she is afraid the storm is going to do a lot of damage and how her leg hurts during a big storm. While the storm is happening Daisy tells Jay about Thor the god of thunder, and how he throws his hammer to make lightning. After Daisy left Jay Berry’s room he tried going to sleep, and when he finally did he had a dream about the Old Man of the Mountains pointing him in the way home when he was lost. When Jay Berry wakes up the storm has passed and he is worried that something might have happened to them during the storm. Then Jay gets to go work with Papa in the Blacksmith’s Shop.
Vocab Words: Dandies: Daisy’s short for dandelions. Cackling: to utter a shrill, broken cry. Chapter 14 Fairy Ring Chapter 14 starts off with Daisy finding a fairy ring, and when you stand inside a fairy ring and make a wish the wish is supposed to come true, and you are supposed to have extremely good luck. While they are all at the fairy ring making wishes they notice that everything is silent. They think that the Old Man of the Mountains is there watching them.
Vocab Words: Corn Crib: a ventilated structure in which unshucked corn is stored. Boiling: to be in a agitated or violent state. Chapter 15 And this Little Monkey Zip, Zip, Zipped all the way home Chapter 15 starts with Jay Berry and Rowdy down in the bottoms calling Jimbo’s name. After a while of calling, Jay started to get upset that there wasn’t any responses that he could hear. But, just when he was about to give up, he heard a low crying sound. He continued to follow the cry until he came to a pocket in the muddy banks. When he looked into the pocket he saw Jimbo wrapped around the little monkeys trying to keep them warm. Jay decided to start helping the monkeys by drying them off and putting them into the sunshine to warm them up. After he had dried and warmed up all of the monkeys, he took Jimbo’s hand and started for home with all of the little monkeys following behind them.
Vocab Words: Telegram: a message or communication sent by a telegraph. Washstand: a piece of furniture that holds a pitcher for watering or washing with. Chapter 16 The Circus Comes to Town Chapter 16 starts with Jay Berry going to Grandpa’s store and telling him that he caught all of the monkeys. After a while Jay tells Grandpa about the fairy ring that Daisy found on the hill. Once Jay got home, Daisy, Mama, and himself sat down for a Bible time after checking on the monkeys in the corn crib. After Bible time they hear a car, and when they go outside to see what it is they see the circus people coming up the drive. They then give all of the monkeys to the circus and Jay gets paid one-hundred fifty-six dollars.
Vocab Words: Kingfisher: a fish/insect eating bird with a large head and a long beak. Bobwhite: a kind of American quail. Chapter 17 The Paint Pony of Guilt Chapter 17 is mainly about how Jay Berry goes to Grandpa’s store and picks which pony he wants. After a long time of thinking, Jay chooses the paint mare even though it’s hind right leg had a cut just above the hoof on the back of the leg. Once Jay is almost home he realizes what his Grandpa was trying to tell him. Everytime that Jay would go to get on the pony it would remind him of Daisy and her crippled leg. Jay Berry then goes back to Grandpa’s store and puts the pony back. Once Jay does finally get home he gives all of the money that Papa, Mama, Grandpa, Grandma, Daisy, and Jay had all saved up to Daisy so she could get her leg fixed.
Vocab Words: Milling: the act of something going back and forth, usually in a certain design or pattern. Flint: a hard stone usually used in striking a fire. Chapter 18 No More Crippled Leg! Chapter 18 is mainly about how Mama and Daisy leave to get Daisy’s leg fixed, while Papa and Jay Berry are left behind. At first Jay tries to cook some food for them to eat, but all of the food ends up burning or over-boiling. While Mama and Daisy were gone it seemed to Papa and Jay that everything was going wrong or not working right. After a long six weeks Mama and Daisy are met by Papa and Jay at the train station. Daisy jumps out of the train and kisses Jay Berry while everyone else is hugging and crying and doing other things. While they are packing up the buckboard, Mama packs Daisy’s crutch to use as a wall ornament.
Vocab Words: Bridle: a part of the harness for a horse. Nickered: another word for a horse neighing. Chapter 19 Happily Ever After Chapter 19 is mainly about wrapping up the story of how Jay Berry got his 22. rifle and paint pony, how Daisy is happy about not needing her crutch anymore, and how everyone is happy and has made their decisions on what to do from that day on.