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OASIS Integrated Collaboration Object Model (ICOM)

OASIS Integrated Collaboration Object Model (ICOM). Deirdre Lee Laura Dragan. What is the OASIS ICOM TC?. Chartered in March 2009

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OASIS Integrated Collaboration Object Model (ICOM)

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  1. OASIS Integrated Collaboration Object Model (ICOM) Deirdre Lee Laura Dragan

  2. What is the OASIS ICOM TC? • Chartered in March 2009 • Aim: To specify the normative standards for collaboration objects for a broad range of collaboration activities in an integrated and interoperable collaboration environment. • Encompass and improve on existing collaboration models.

  3. Who are the ICOM TC • New members welcome…

  4. A Network of Knowledge • Interconnected • Universal • All encompassing • Enable global and local collaboration • The right information for the right people at the right time

  5. Problem with Collaboration Tools • Disjoint and incompatible collaboration tools • Technology driven tools require constant context switching to perform a single task • Inability to aggregate diverse types of collaboration data by project, task, or metadata • Proliferation of Web 2.0 content silos weakens corporate governance • Needto collaborate across organizational boundaries with external parties

  6. Many Collaboration Environments exist…

  7. Collaboration Environments are also Informational Islands!

  8. Unified Collaboration Environments? • Soaring costs or technical barriers for integrating silos of repositories • Many collaboration environments are • Vendor-specific • Lack a standard model, interface, and protocol …especially in the enterprise domain

  9. Standard Collaboration Model • Provides a complete range of collaboration activities so that customers, independent software vendors, and system integrators can build contextual collaboration environments using service components from multiple vendors.

  10. ICOM • Objective • To define the classes, attributes, relationships, and behaviour of objects for a broad range of collaboration activities around shared-workspace teamwork, communication, content, coordination, and social networking • ICOM is workspace centric • Workspace is a durable context and place to collaborate. • Examples of contexts are projects, asynchronous meetings, and libraries

  11. ICOM includes diverse classes of objects Teamwork • shared workspaces, discussion forums, real-time conferences, presence, etc. Communication • e-mail, instant message, telephony, RSS • Content • text and multi-media contents, contextual connections, taxonomies, folksonomies, tags, saved searches, etc.

  12. ICOM includes diverse classes of objects s Coordination • address books, calendars, tasks, journals, etc. Social networking • articulated social networks among users, communities, groups, activities, wiki pages, blogs, recommendations, social bookmarking, etc.

  13. Encompass and improve on existing standards

  14. ICOM may be expressed in any language

  15. Merging ICOM data in different languages

  16. ICOM RDF Model

  17. ICOM (RDF) Neologism Store

  18. SIOC4CWE -> ICOM

  19. Nepomuk-> ICOM

  20. Use-Case 1: ICOM for consolidating workspace applications

  21. Use-case 2: ICOM for integrating collaboration objects with business objects in enterprise workplace portal

  22. ICOM Extensions • Email • Calendar • Task • Presence • Conference • User Profile • Community Membership • Address Book • Content • Forum • Access Control • Metadata • Tags • Are you working on a collaboration model in any of these areas???

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