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Schwartz’s and the GLOBE Cultural Taxonomies. by Sigrid Brevik Wangsness 20 February 2013. Schwartz’s Cultural Taxonomy. Professor Schwartz’s background and research
Schwartz’s and the GLOBE Cultural Taxonomies by Sigrid Brevik Wangsness 20 February 2013
Schwartz’s Cultural Taxonomy • Professor Schwartz’s background and research • What are the three cultural dimensions that Shalom Schwartz has singled out? What is his reasoning for highlighting these three in particular? • What is the difference between intellectual and affective autonomy? Give examples of cultures that represent these two value orientations. • How would you explain the idea of embeddedness, and give examples of cultures that value this ideal.
Schwartz’s Cultural Taxonomy • Howdoes Schwartz describethetwoextremesof his seconddimension? (Exemplified by Spain and Belgium vs. Turkey and Thailand) • What is thedifferencebetweenharmonycultures and masterycultures(Schwartz’sthirddimension)? How do youexplainthat Schwartz describesthe dominant culturesof China and India as masterycultures?
Schwartz’s Cultural Taxonomy • Describetherelationshipsamong Schwartz ’s culturalvalueorientations . (Seefigure 5.1) • Explainthefollowingquote: ”Whereaseachdimensionrepresentsa continuumofpossibleculturalresponses, a culture’stendency to preferone pole of a given dimensionmeansthattheopposite pole is less emphasizedand therefore less important to thatculture.”
The GLOBE Cultural Taxonomy • What is the GLOBE study? • Howbig a research team is it, and what have theyaccomplished so far? • To whatextent is the GLOBE studyindebted to Hofstede? • Outlinethenine GLOBE dimensions and theirmainculturalcharacteristics.
The GLOBE Cultural Taxonomy • Whichexamplesare given as typicallyhigh and lowpowerdistancecultures? How is upwardmobilityviewed in thesecultures? • What is yourreaction to theauthor’sassertionthatuncertaintyavoidanceis relativelylow in Russia, Bolivia and South Korea – and thatdissent is tolerated in thesecultures? • Explainthedifferencebetweenin-groupcollectivism and institutionalcollectivism.
The GLOBE Cultural Taxonomy • How is Hofstede’smasculinity-femininitydimensionrepresented in the GLOBE study? Do you support theirdivisionofHofstede’sdimensionintotwo separate dimensions? Why/why not? • Describe and exemplifytheperformanceorientationdimension. How is thisdimensionlinked to Edward T. Hall’sresearch?
The GLOBE Cultural Taxonomy • Howimportant do youthinkthefutureorientationdimension is? Mentionsomeculturalaspectscommonlyseen in cultureswithlow or highfutureorientation. • Explainthehumane orientationdimension. Giveexamplesofcultureswithhigh and low humane orientation. • Howwouldyouevaluatetheusefulnessofthe GLOBE project?
A Synthesisof Cultural Taxonomies • Whatarethesevenculturaldimensionsthattheauthorsofthischapterconsider fundamental for ourunderstandingofculture? • Do youagreethattheseareessentialissuesthat all cultures must confront? Are theyuniversal issues? • How do theauthorsofthischapter suggest thatyouusethesetaxonomies to increaseyourinterculturalcompetence?