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A Lesson on creativity

A Lesson on creativity . A 3 Part Presentation. 1. The Roadblocks 2. How to Improve Creativity 3. What to do with Creativity . For Your Information….

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A Lesson on creativity

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A Lesson on creativity

  2. A 3 Part Presentation • 1. The Roadblocks • 2. How to Improve Creativity • 3. What to do with Creativity

  3. For Your Information… • Melissa Stroklund: “Creativity can be defined as a process of developing and expressing novel ideas that are likely to be useful. It involves looking at organizational practices in different ways, communicating these ideas to coworkers, and producing an agreement among all parties while maintaining the ability to use the ideas in the organization”

  4. FYI... • Teresa Amabile agrees: “A product or response will be judged as creative to the extent that it is both a novel and appropriate, useful, correct or valuable response to the task at hand.”

  5. What prevents creativity? • Thinking habits and personality types • Poor team functioning • Organizational culture

  6. What Prevents cont… • Too many closed questions • Time pressures • Lack of a clear purpose or focus

  7. Question Time! • Question #1: What prevents your creativity?

  8. Question #2: Do you tend towards any of the preventative behaviors?

  9. How to Improve Creativity • Environment • Getting Focused • Finding the Best Method • Following Others • And more

  10. Environment • Tactile stimulation • Music • Food • Use activity • Change of locale

  11. Getting focused • Warm Up • Set a goal • Don’t stop

  12. Focus cont… • Allow more time • Adapt, modify, steal • Save the evaluation and conversation

  13. Focus cont… • Remember the rules • No wrong ideas • Focus on quantity not quality • Don’t stop to explain or evaluate • Hitchhike on other ideas • No wrong ideas

  14. Prominent Thinkers’ Input • John Baldoni’s • Tin Tan Bee’s • Olivier Toubia’s

  15. Baldoni • Make the purpose clear and consistent- and exciting • Open up channels and include more than the usual suspects • Understand roadblocks and confront them

  16. Bee • Repetition of similar ideas can actually have results

  17. Toubia • Incentives can stimulate creativity and promote results

  18. Better Methods • Freewheeling • Round Robin • Slips or private brainstorming

  19. Methods cont… • Hybrid • Small Groups • 6 Thinking Hats

  20. 6 Thinking Hats • Yellow: • Think positive • Green: • Be creative • Blue: • Take control

  21. 6 Thinking Hats cont… • Black: • Be realistic and avoid blindsides • Red: • Create room for feelings • White • Analyze

  22. Follow the Example of others • Preparation • Incubation • Inspiration • Evaluation

  23. Other Approaches • Look at the problem in different ways • Invite other opinions • Make novel combinations • Make thoughts visible • Think in opposites

  24. Question Time • Question #3: Which of the rules would help you most?

  25. Questions cont… • Question #4: Is there any principle not mentioned that you feel is important?

  26. Questions cont… • Question #5: Have you ever experienced an environment like those described? Did it increase creativity?

  27. Questions cont… • Question #6: What is your favorite hat? • Question #7: What hat should you allow more room for?

  28. Now What! • Innovation • The 6 Gets of Innovation

  29. 6 Gets • Get aligned • What are we trying to accomplish? • Get clarified • What are the expected results? • Get organized • What are our steps?

  30. The 6 Gets cont… • Get help • What do we need? • Get focused • When can we do this? • Get over them • What about my idea?

  31. Question Time • Question #8: Which step of innovation is easy for you?

  32. Question Time • Question #9: Which step is hard?

  33. Recap • 1. The Roadblocks • 2. How to Improve Creativity • 3. What to do with Creativity

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