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This tribe settled in west-central Italy establishing a village along the Tiber River. Latins Visigoths Etruscans Carthaginians. _____ 1. As a scientific group, early humans were called ….. Cro-Magnon Homo sapiens Hominids Neanderthals. Hominids.
This tribe settled in west-central Italy establishing a village along the Tiber River. • Latins • Visigoths • Etruscans • Carthaginians
_____ 1. As a scientific group, early humans were called …..Cro-MagnonHomo sapiensHominidsNeanderthals
A society’s culture would include all of the following except…Religious beliefsskin colorlawstools used
The Stone Age was a period when early man used very crude tools and weapons. Which of the following would not be a period of the Stone Age?NeolithicPaleolithicAustralopithecusMesolithic
What species does modern manbelong in?Homo HabilisHomo SapiensHomo ErectusNo correct answer given
During this period, sea waters froze dropping water levels creating landbridges for early migrations.Ice AgeStone AgeAtomic AgeMiddle Ages
Early humans were scavengers and often traveled in search of new sources of animals, plants, and water. We could describe such people as being..nomadshunters & gatherersshepherdsboth a & b are correct answers
. The shift from food gathering to growing food is called the …..Neolithic Agricultural RevolutionIndustrial RevolutionMesolithic Cultural RevolutionNo correct answer given
Civilization began in the following river valleys except:NileTigris & EuphratesAmazonIndusHuang
Early agricultural societies used thismethod to get water to their crops.reclamationirrigationfloodssprinkler
Societies that built permanent settlements, produced surplus food, and wereable to practice division of labor were often considered to be ……civilizeduncivilizedhunters-gatherersnomads
. The spread of ideas and ways of lifethrough trade and contact with other societiesis known as ………….. cultural diffusionprimary sourcescivilizationdivision of labor
Early civilizations were almost exclusively built along or around this geographic feature.mountainsriversplateausoceans
The end of the Stone Age began when humans started workingwith which of the three Metals?lead, copper, tingold, silver, bronzecopper, bronze, ironsteel, aluminum, silver
Deities, or gods and goddesses were used by ancient societies to explain what?planets & starsunseen forces in naturesuperiority of mensocial authority
A.D. or Anno Domini is Latinfor …………….the Birth of Christthe Death of Christthe Year of the Lordthe Fall of Rome
B.C. is used on calendars todesignate …………the Birth of Christthe Death of Christthe Year of the Lordthe Fall of Rome
This river served as the center of the Egyptian Civilization. It is thelongest in the world and in ancient times flooded at the same time each year.TigrisNileEuphratesAmazon
The Ancient Egyptians developed this form of writing.HieroglyphicsCunieformAlphabetVernacular
This was found in the early 1800’s, allowing modern historians to translate early Egyptian writing.StonehengeRosetta StoneDead Sea ScrollsCave drawing in Europe
During the Old Kingdom, the Egyptians built many of these massive structures that served as tombs.PyramidsZigguratsCitadelsMausoleums
The word dynasty is often used to describe ………..a ruling familya class of prieststhe upper classthe officials that kept records
The site of many of Egypt’s largest pyramids built as early as 4,600 years ago.CairoSinaiGizaAlexandria
The Egyptians made contributions in all of the following fields except:GeometryChemistryMedicineNumber system based on ten
The art practiced by Egyptians to preserve bodies after death was…mummificationembalmingdehydrationreclamation
Wealthy Egyptians were often buried with all of the following except:clothingDead Sea Scrollsweaponsfoodno correct answer for this question