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Rotork YTC YT-2501 Smart Positioner Manual | YTC INDIA

Rotork YTC YT-2501 Smart positioner supplies remote functions and higher liabilities in high temperature and vibration environment. YT-2501 Smart Valve Positioner accurately controls valve stroke, according to input signal of 4-20mA, which is being input from the controller. In addition, built-in micro-processing operator optimizes the positioner's performance and provides unique functions such as Auto calibration, PID control, Alarm, and Hart protocol.<br><br>For any Enquiry Call Us: 91-11-2201-4325, Email at : Enquiry@ytcindia.com, Our Website :- www.ytcindia.com

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Rotork YTC YT-2501 Smart Positioner Manual | YTC INDIA

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  4. Introduction Thank you for choosing YTC product. Each product is fully inspected after the production to offer youthe highest quality.Inorder to fully utilize the product,westronglyrecommend users to read themanualcarefullyandfullyunderstood. Themanualshouldbeprovidedtotheend-user. The manual can be altered or revised without any prior notice. Any changes in product's specification, structure, and/or any components may not result immediate revisedversion of the manual. The manual should not beduplicated orreproduced for any purpose without any approvalfromYoung TechCo., Ltd, SouthKorea. ManufacturerWarranty For the safety, it is imperative to follow instructions in the manual. It is not manufacturer'sliabilityforanydamages whichcaused byusers'negligence. It isnotmanufacturer'sliability for anydamagesoraccidentswhich resulted byany alteration or modification of the product and parts. If alteration or modification is necessary, please contactthe manufacturer directly. Manufacturer warrants the product from the date of original retail purchase of the product forone (1) year, except asotherwisestated. Manufacturerwarrantywillnotcovertheproductsthattheproducthavebeensubjected to abuse,accident,alteration,modification, tampering,negligence, misuse, faulty installation, lackof reasonablecare,repair orservice inanyway that isnot contemplated in the documentation for the product, or if the model or serial number has been altered, tamperedwith,defacedorremoved;damages thatoccursin shipment,dueto actofGod, failure due to power surge, and cosmetic damage.Improper or incorrectly performed maintenance or report voids this LimitedWarranty. For detailed warrantyinformation,pleasecontact the correspondinglocalYoung Tech Co., Ltd office or main office in South Korea. 4

  5. ProductDescription YT-2500/2550SmartValvePositioneraccuratelycontrolsvalvestroke,accordingtoinputsignal of 4-20mA, which is being input from the controller.In addition, built-in micro-processing operator optimizesthepositioner'sperformanceandprovidesuniquefunctionssuchasAutocalibration, PIDcontrol,Alarm, and Hart protocol. YT-2500/2550L YT-2500/2550R MainFeaturesandFunctions YT-2500/2550seriesfreezesat the lastpositionwhen the input signal and/orsupply pressurefailswithoutanyadditionalaccessories,suchaslock-upvalveorsolenoidvalve. LCDdisplay enables users tomonitor the status of the positioner. Thepositioneroperatesnormallyeveniftherearesuddenchangesinsupplypressure andin high vibration environment. ThemethodofAutoCalibration isverysimple. Duetothesmallsize of the positioner, it can be installed on a small actuator. Lowairconsumptionlevelandlowvoltageuse(8.5V)yieldtoloweroperating cost.The positioneris compatiblewith most of controllers. Variableorifice can minimize the hunting occurrenceandoptimizeoperatingcondition. VarioussetsofinformationcanbeinterchangedbyHARTcommunicationprotocol betweena valve and a positioner. Valvesystembecomes more stable by outputting analog feedbacksignal. Variouscharacteristicsofvalvecanbeadjusted–Linear,Quickopen,andEqual percentage. TightShut–CloseandShut-Opencanbeset. PID parameterscan be adjusted in thefield without any additionalcommunicator. A/M switch can changethe flowof thepressure,whetherto senddirectly toactuatororto operateby positioner. Splitrange4-12mAor12-20mAcanbeset. Hand calibration function can be setZero and Span values. IthasIP66protectiongrade. Airfilterregulatorcanbeattachedwithonlyonelinearnipple.Itdoesnotrequireextra piping. Epoxy polyester powdercoating resists against the corrosionprocess. Maintenance of the positioneriseasybecauseofmodularizedinnerstructure. 5

  6. LabelDescription YT-2500Label YT-2550Label Model Number: ExplosionProof: InputSignal: AmbientTemperature: SupplyPressure: Ui,Ii,Pi,Ci,Li: SerialNumber: Indicates model name and any option (if any). Indicatestheprotection grade. Indicatescurrentinput signalrange. Indicates ambient temperature for normal operation. Indicates therange of supply pressure. Seecertificates for parameter values of intrinsically safe. Indicatesuniqueserialnumber. 6

  7. SuffixSymbol YT-2500/2550 seriesfollowssuffix symbols asfollows. 7

  8. Specification-YT-2500 • Testedunderambienttemperatureof20℃,absolutepressureof760mmHg,andhumidityof 65%.Pleasecontact YTCforthemore detailedspecification. • ExplosionProof certificationis inprogress.Please contact YTCfor most current progress. 8

  9. Specification-YT-2550 • Testedunderambienttemperatureof20℃,absolutepressureof760mmHg,andhumidityof 65%.Pleasecontact YTCforthemore detailedspecification. • ExplosionProof certificationis inprogress.Please contact YTCfor most current progress. 9

  10. PartsandAssembly ThestructureofYT-2500/2550Lisasshown. andYT-2500/2550R is thefeedback lever. TheonlydifferencebetweenYT-2500/2550L YT-2500/2550L YT-2500/2550R+L/Soption 10

  11. Dimensions-YT-2500series <YT-2500L> <YT-2500R> 11

  12. <YT-2500R+L/Soption> Dimensions-YT-2550series <YT-2550L> 12

  13. <YT-2550R> <YT-2550R+L/Soption> 13

  14. Installation SafetyWarning Wheninstallinga positioner,pleaseensure toreadandfollowsafetyinstruction. All inputand supplypressure tovalve,actuator,andother related devicesmustbe turnedoff. Use bypass valve or other equipment to avoid entire system "shut down." Makesure there is no remaining pressure in the actuator. ToolsforInstallation ①Hexagonalwrench ②Screwdrivers(+)&(-) ③Spannersforhexagonal-headbolts Informationfortheintrinsicallysafety Inordertohaveintrinsicallysafetyfunctions,barriersmustbeinstalledinSAFEareaasbelow. Requiredspecof barrierismentioned below. Barrier1 Ui=28V, Ii = 47mA, Pi =329mW, Ci = 0.6nF differentiallybetweenthe linesor2.2nF against ground, Li =300μH,Thesupply circuit is galvanically isolatedagainst earth. Barrier2 14

  15. Ui=28V, Ii = 47mA, Pi =329mW, Ci = 0.6nF differentiallybetweenthe linesor2.2nF against ground,Li=300μH,ThePTMcircuitisgalvanicallyisolatedagainstearth. Barrier3,4 Ui=28V, Ii = 93mA, Pi =582mW,Ci = 0,Li = 0μH,The limit switch circuitsaregalvanically isolated against earth. All circuit aregalvanically isolatedagainsteach other. For the purpose of the safety information in this manual and on the product labes, qualified personnel are those who are trained, instructed or authorized to perform work on electrical circuitsof equipment subject to explosion hazard. The instrument must onlybe installed an commissioned by qualifiedpersonnel. The devicemay be used solely forthe purposes described in this manual. Ifthe intrinsicallysafe versionis operatedwith a higher operating voltage by mistake,the positioned mustno longer beused for intrinsicallysafe application. YT-2500/2550LInstallation YT-2500/2550L shouldbe installedon linearmotion valve such asglobe valve orgate valve using spring return type of diaphragm or piston actuator. forfollowing installation components. ①YT-2500/2550mainbody Beforeinstallation, besureto check ②Feedbackleverandleverspring ③Flange nut (bottom sideof YT-2500/2550L) ④4pcsofhexagon headbolts(M8x1.25P) ⑤4pcsofM8platewasher InstallationSteps YT-2500/2550Linstallationexample 15

  16. Properbracketmustbemadeinordertoattachpositionerontheactuatoryoke.Please consider followingwhen making a bracket. ①Feedback lever should be leveled at 50% of thevalvestroke. (RefertoStep 7) ②Feedbackleverconnectionbarofactuatorclampshouldbeinstalledatthe positioner that the valve stroke and numbers which indicated on the feedback lever mustbe fitted.(RefertoStep 8) AttachYT-2500/2550Ltothebracket,whichwasmadeinearlierstep,byusingbolts. <Figure2>Pleaserefertobacksideoftheproductforsizeofthebolts.Thestandard sizeofboltisM8x1.25P,andotherboltsizesareavailable.PleasecontactYTCsales department. <Figure 2:Installing YT-2500/2550Lwithbracket> Attach YT-2500/2550L (with bracket) to the actuator yoke – DO NOT TIGHTEN COMPLETELY. Connect YT-2500/2550Lfeedback lever to the actuatorclamp.The gap on theYT- 2500/2550L feedback lever is 6.5mm. The connection bar thickness should be less than6.3mm. <Figure 3> <Figure3> 16

  17. 5)Connect air filter regulator to the actuator temporarily. Set supply pressure of the regulator in order to position the actuator clamp at 50% of valvestroke.<Figure 4> · <Figure4> <Figure5> Insert connection bar into the YT-2500/2550L feedback lever. The connection bar should beinsertedat the 50%point on the feedback lever,whichwould help to reduce hysteresis.<Figure5> Ifconnectionbardoes not pointat 50% point, then adjust bracketorfeedback linkbar position.Failure to position at 50% would lower the linearity of the poistioner.<figure 6> <Figure6> 8)Check valve stroke. The stroke numbers are indicated on the feedback lever. Position connectionbaratthenumberonthefeedbackleveraccordingtothevalvestroke. <Figure 7>To adjust, movethe bracket or the connectionbar. Stroke40mm Stroke90mm <Figure7> 17

  18. Note AfterinstallingYT-2500/2550L,operatethevalvefrom0%to100%strokebyusingair filterregulatorontheactuator.Bothof0%and100%,thefeedbacklevershouldnot touch the leverstopper,whichislocatedonthe backsideofYT-2500/2550L.<Figure 8>Ifthefeedbacklevertouchestheleverstopper,YT-2500/2550Lshouldbeinstalled furtherawayfromthecenterofthe yoke. <Figure8> 9) After the proper installation, tighten all of the bolts on the bracket, the feedback lever, andthe connection bar. YT-2500/2550RInstallation YT-2500/2550Rshouldbeusedforrotarymotionvalve,thatisballvalve,butterflyvalveusing rack and pinion, scotch yoke or complex type actuator, which its stem rotates 90 degrees. Before installation, be sure to checkfor following installation components. ①YT-2500/2550Rmainbody ②Forkleverandleverspring ③1setofbracket ④4pcsofhexagon headbolts(M8x1.25P) ⑤4pcsofM8platewasher 18

  19. YT-2500/2550RInstallationExample YT-2500/2550RonForkLever YT-2500/2550RonNAMURLever BracketInformation YT-2500/2550Rissuppliedwithstandardbracket.ThebracketcanbeusedforForkleverand NAMUR bracket.Pleasesee<Figure9, 10, & 11> formore detailed information. <Figure9> 19

  20. 1) Standard actuator stem height (H) is 20, 30, or 50 mm. with the bracket asshownin <Figure9,10, 11> Afterchecking“H”,assemble ActuatorStem(H) Actuator <Figure10> <Figure11> *Forexample,when"H"is30mm,A-LshouldbelockedwithH:30holeandB-LinH:20,30,A-RwithH:30 andB-R with H:20,30 marking. 2) Attach bracketed YT-2500/2550R to the actuator by using hexagon-headed and wrench bolts. Size of the bracketholeis6mm.When tightening bolts,pleaseuse spring washer or similar for firm attachment to the actuator, so YT-2500/2550R will not be affectedby vibrationoranyotherimpact. Thedirectionofbracketisdifferentby operatingcondition,butnormally, the positionerisinstalledasshownin<Figure 12.> DirectionA <Figure12> 20

  21. Set rotation position of the actuator stem at zero point, “0%”. For a single type of actuator, it is easy to check zero point, because the actuator stem is positioned at zero pointwhen thereisno supplypressure. Ifdoubleactingactuatorisused,check actuatorstem’srotationdirection(clockwiseorcounter-clockwise)bysupplyingpressure. Install the fork lever as shown in <Figure 13> after setting actuator stem at zero point. Check the direction of the actuator stem – clockwise or counter-clockwise. Installation angleoftheforklevershouldbe45degreesbasedonthelinearshaft.ForNAMUR shaft,the angle doesnot matter. counter-clockwise clockwise <Figure13> 5)After setting fork lever position, assemble lock nuts which are located on the bottom of the fork lever.Make sure to set the height of upper fork lever between 6-11 mm, which islower thanupper bracketheight.<Figure14> bracket 6-11mm ForkLever Actuator <Figure14> 21

  22. 6) Attach YT-2500/2550R to the bracket. Fix the clamping pin on the main shaft’s center of YT-2500/2550Randinsertconnectionbarintotheforkleverslot,soitcanbelockedto the fork lever spring.This sets the alignment of the main shaft of YT-2500/2550R and center of the actuator stem. Bad alignment of the main shaft and the actuator stem lowers YT-2500/2550R’s durability, because too much force will be on the main shaft of YT-2500/2550R.<Figure15> <Figure15> 7)TightenYT-2500/2550Rbaseandthebracketwithhexagon-headedboltsandplate washer. position. ItisrecommendedtotightenfourboltsaftercheckingYT-2500/2550R's <Figure16> <Figure16> 22

  23. Connection Connection-Piping Note Toavoidenteringmoisture,oil,ordustintotheproduct,pleasecarefullymakeselection ofsupply pressurecompressor. It isrecommended to attachair filter regulatorbefore supplyportofYT-2500/2550R. SupplyPressureCondition ①Dry airwith at least 10℃lower thanambient temperature. ②Avoidfromdusty air.Filtercan only sort5 micronorlarger. ③Avoidanyoil. ④Complywith ANSI/ISA-57.31975(R1981) or ISA S7.3-1975(R1981). ⑤Not to be used beyond the range of 1.4 -7kgf/㎠(140- 700 kPA). ⑥Set air filter regulator's supplied pressure10% higher than actuator'sspring rangepressure. PipeConnection ①Makesureinsideofpipeisemptied. ②Donot usepipeline thatis squeezedor hashole. ③ To maintain flow rate, use the pipeline that has more than 6mm inner diameter. (10mm outer diameter) ④ Do not use extremely long pipeline system. It may affect flow rate due to the friction inside of thepipeline. 23

  24. PipingConnectionwithActuator Singleactingactuator YT-2500/2550 series single acting type is set to use OUT1 port.OUT1 port should be connectedwithsupplypressureportfromactuatorwhenusingsingleactingtype ofspring returnactuator.<Figure17&18> <Figure 17:YT-2500/2550L> <Figure18:YT-2500/2550R> Doubleactingactuator For YT-2500/2550 seriesdoubleactingtype,wheninputtingcurrent signal, supplypressureis outfrom OUT1.Please refer to <Figure19 & 20> <Figure19:YT-2500/2550L> <Figure20:YT-2500/2550R> Connection-Power Note Before connecting terminal, pleasemake surethat power isoff completely. Useringtypeterminalto protectagainstoscillationorother impacts. YT-2500/2550 series (except internalPTM type) must useDC 4-20mA.Minimum supply current should be3.2mA for standardYT-2500/2550,and minimum3.8mA should besuppliedforYT-2500/2550withHARTcommunication.Thepowershouldnot exceed24mA. YT-2500/2550 series with PTM option, separate power should be supplied to PTM.The voltageshould be between9~27V and not exceeding30V. YT-2500/2550mustbegrounded. 24

  25. Please usetwistedcable withconductorsectionarea 1.25㎟and that issuitable for 600V (complying to the conductor table of NEC Article 310.) The outer diameter of the cable should be between 6.35~10mm.Use shield wire to protect against electro- magnetic field and noise. Please donotinstall the cable near the equipments suchashigh-capacity transformeror motor which createsnoise. Terminalbox1 <Figure21:Terminalboxfor standardYT-2500/2550> Terminalbox2 25

  26. <Figure22:TerminalboxforYT-2500/2550+L/SMechanical> <Figure 23:TerminalboxforYT-2500/2550+L/SProximity> Connection-FeedbackSignal Openproductcoverbyopening4M4bolts. Looseterminallockingboltsoffeedback signalfor positiontransmitteronterminalplate. Insertcablesthrough cable connector in YT-2500/2550. Use ring type when connecting terminalsinorder to lock completely. Insert terminal boltsthrough theholesand lock themwith (+) and (-) terminals on the terminalplate.Tighten bolts with 1.5Nm (15kgf/cm)torque. Besurethe polaritiesof theterminals areproperly connected. Connection-Ground Ground mustbe donebefore operatingYT-2500/2550. Insideoftheterminalbox,locategroundterminalplateatthecenteroftheterminalplate. <Figure 24>Useany type ofgroundterminal with the resistance lessthan 100hm. Makesure to use ring type ground cablein order to lock them completely. . 26

  27. <Figure24:GroundTerminal> Adjustment Adjustment - Variable Orifice Huntingcanbeoccurredwhentheactuator'svolumeistoosmall.Inordertopreventhunting, orificecanbeadjusted.Byadjustingorifice,theflowrateofsupplypressuretoactuatorcanbe adjusted.To adjust, use (-) driver tocontrol the orifice.<Figure25> <Figure25:VariableOrifice Adjustment> Adjustment-Option ModulesPCB (PTM/HART) PositionTransmitter (PTM),HARTCommunication(HART),orPTM+HART optioncanbe installed on standard YT-2500/2550 series PCB.Please refer to <Figure 26> for each option's PCB. HARTPCB PTMPCB HART+PTMPCB <Figure26:PCB for EachOptions> PleaseinstallthePCBmodules asfollows. Openthecover andseparate mainPCB board from the body. By referring to <Figure 27>,lock 2 boltson the bottomwith PCB supports. Insert14-pintsexactlyandcompletely. Re-installmainPCBonthemainbody. OptionJumper 27

  28. <Figure27> * WhenHARToptionPCBinstalledon themainPCB,pleasemakesuretoREMOVEoptionjumper <Figure27> After installing PTM option board,please adjust TR_ZERO and TR_END from HAND CAL mode inorder togetaccurateoutputvalues. LimitSwitchAdjustment 28

  29. Auto Calibration and Basic Operation Note Followingprocesswilloperatevalveandactuator.BeforestartingAutoCalibration,please separate valve fromthe entire system,soAutoCalibrationwill notaffectentire valve process. ButtonDescription YT-2500/2550serieshas4buttonsandenabletoperformvariousfunctions. thebelowtable for further description.. Pleasereferto RunMode(RUN) 29

  30. After power connection to YT-2500/2550 series, following message will appear on LCD screen within6 seconds.<Figure28> ProcessValue(PV) Runmode <Figure28:LCDMessage> "RUN" indicates that YT-2500/2550 adjusts valve stroke with receiving signals (4~20mA) and "PV" indicates the process value.In RUNmode, the valve stroke continuouslychanges according to the input signal. There are six types of display message in RUN mode.<Figure 29> <Figure 29:Type of display message> Tochangedisplay,push<ESC>and<UP>atsametime.Thedisplaywillchangeinorder indicatedabove.If<ESC>and<DOWN>pushedsimultaneously,theorderwillbedisplayed in opposite order.By pressing<ESC>, the display will returnto RUNMode. AutoCalibration(AUTOCAL) AutoCalibration(AutoCal)automaticallycalibratesYT-2500/2550inverysimple manner.AutoCalprocesstakesabout2~3minutes,andthedurationoftheprocessvaries upon thesizeof the actuator aswell.There are 3types of Auto Cal.<Figure30> 30

  31. <Figure30> *ItisrecommendedtocalibratethepositionerunderAUTO2 whensettingthesysteminitially. Auto1Calibration Auto 1 Calibration is mainly used when YT-2500/2550 has not been set. The parameter which needs to becalibratedin order forvalve systemto operate,willbecalibrated;however, KP,KI, and KDvalues do not change. ①After connecting power,"READY 6,5,4,3,2,1" message will be appeared on LCD screen. ② Push <ENTER> button for 6 seconds at RUN mode and AUTO CAL message will be appeared. ③Push<ENTER> and AUTO1modewill be displayed. ④Push<ENTER>andAUTO1 willbestarted. ⑤Afterseveralminute,COMPLETEmessagewill beappeared to indicate thatAUTO1 calibration hasbeen completed. <Figure31> <ENTER> 6 seconds <ENTER> <ENTER> Completed <Figure31:AUTO1 Calibration> Auto2Calibration Auto2 Calibration setsall of the parameterwhich needs to be calibrated inorder for valve systemto operate.Auto 2 CalibrationisrecommendedwhenYT-2500/2550isfirst installedon thevalvesystem. <Figure32> ①After connecting power,"READY 6,5,4,3,2,1" message will be appeared on LCD screen. ② Push <ENTER> button for 6 seconds at RUN mode and AUTO CAL message will be appeared. ③Push<ENTER> and AUTO1modewill be displayed. ④Push<DOWN>and AUTO2mode willbe displayed. ⑤Push<ENTER>andAUTO2 willbestarted. ⑥Afterseveralminute,COMPLETEmessagewill beappeared to indicate thatAUTO2 calibration hasbeen completed. <ENTER> 6 seconds <ENTER> <DOWN> 31

  32. <ENTER> Completed <Figure32:AUTO2 Calibration> AutoHFCalibration AutoHFCalibrationsetsalloftheparameters,likeAuto2;however,itisusedforhighfriction valveenvironment <DOWN> 2times <ENTER> <ENTER> 6 seconds <ENTER> Complete <Figure33: AUTOHF Calibration> ManualMode(MANUAL) MANUALMODEisused tomovevalvestemmanually.DuringMANUALMODE,YT- 2500/2550 moves valve strokes, not by input signal.The movement of the stroke does not affectYT-2500/2550 saveddatavalues,anditjustmovesvalvestrokesup/down physically.<Figure34> <DOWN> <ENTER> 6 seconds <ENTER> <ESC> <UP>/<DOWN> Completed <Figure34:MANUALMODE> Tipwhenincreasing/decreasingvalue 32

  33. <DOWN>+<ENTER> Decreasestemvaluequickly ParameterMode(PARAM) AUTO CAL optimizes most of the valve actuator controls.However, in some instances, there canbeexceptions.Usuallyhuntingoroscillationoccurswhenthevalveactuatorcontrolsdid not optimize. When this occurs, hunting or oscillation can be prevented by adjusting parameter valuesand DeadZone. 4TypesofParameterandAdjustment ①Dead-Zone(dEAdZONE) ②P-value(KP) ③D-value(Kd) Note Whenparametervaluesarechanged,thepositionershowsthestatusofthechangesinreal- time.Inanotherwords, youdonotneed toreturn totheRUNmode toobserve the adjustments.However, in order tosavethechange, <ENTER> button must be pressed. Dead-Zone(dEAdZONE) Dead-Zone indicates the percentage of error allowance.When there is high packing friction level, hunting or oscillation can be occurred. In this case, by adjusting Dead-Zone, hunting or oscillationcan be prevented.<Figure 35> <ENTER> <DOWN> 2times <ENTER> 6 seconds <UP>/<DOWN> then<ENTER> <ENTER> <ESC> 3 times Completed <Figure35:AdjustingDead-Zone> P-Value(KP1) 33

  34. P-value indicates the ratio of the compensation signal based on the percentage of error allowance.As KP1 increases, the positioner finds the target value quickly, but it is more likely to occur hunting. On the other hand, as KP decreases, the positioner finds the target value ratherslowly, but it is less likely to occurhunting. <Figure 36> <ENTER> <DOWN> 3times <ENTER> <UP>/<DOWN> then<ENTER> <ESC> 3 times Completed <Figure 36:AdjustingP-Value> P2-Value(KP2) KP2is similartoKP1.However, unlikeKP1,KP2 indicates theP-value when the valvestem move upward for the reverse action, and for the downward movement for the direct action actuator. D1-Value(Kd1) Kd1 isdifferential value ofwhichwill be added on to the compensationsignalbased on the percentageoferror allowance. D2-Value(Kd2) Kd2 is similar to Kd1.However, unlike Kd1, Kd2 indicates the D-value when the valve stem moves upward for the reverse action, and for the downward movement for the direct action actuator. PT-Value(PT1) PT1value indicates theminimumtime interval <msec> ofthevalvecontrol signal to operate. If the value is too large, then oscillation may occur. On the other hand where the value is too low, thenthe response time ofthe positioner can become very slow. <ENTER> <DOWN> 7times <ENTER> 34

  35. <UP>/<DOWN> <ENTER> <ESC> 3times Completed · PT-Value(PT2) PT2issimilartoPT1.However,unlikePT1,PT2indicatesthePT-valuewhenthevalvestem movesupwardforthereverseaction,andforthedownwardmovementforthedirectaction actuator. KP_andD_Value The concept of KP_ and D_ values are similar to the P and D value.However, KP_ and D_ value affected when the target stroke value is about to be reached within +/- 1% of valve strokedeviation. HandCalibrationMode(HANdCAL) When userwants to confirm the calibrationof the positionerafterAUTOCalibrationhasbeen completed, user can manually calibrate the positioneraswell byenteringintoHandCalibration Mode. Zero-Point(PZ_ZERO)and End-Point(PZ_END)forValves InPZ_ZEROmode,thezeropointofvalvecanbeadjusted,andinPV_ENDmode,theend pointof thevalvecan be adjusted.<Figure37> <DOWN> 3times <ENTER> 6 seconds <ENTER> <UP>/<DOWN> then<ENTER> <ESC> <ENTER> Zero-PointAdjustment <UP>/<DOWN> then<ENTER> <ENTER> <DOWN> End-PointAdjustment <ESC> Completed 35

  36. <Figure37:PZ_ZEROandPZ_ENDAdjustment> Zero-Point (TR_ZERO) and End-Point (TR_END) for Transmitter In TR_ZEROmode,the zeropoint of transmitter can be adjusted,and in TR_END mode, the end pointof the transmitter can be adjusted.These points should be adjusted when output signal isnot constant,and/or the user wants to set transmitter output signal and actual stroke not equally. The connection should be done asshown in <Figure38> and the procedure can bedone asshown in<Figure 39> <Figure38:Connection> <UP>/<DOWN> then<ENTER> <DOWN> <ENTER> Zero-PointAdjustment <ESC> <DOWN> <ENTER> <UP>/<DOWN> then<ENTER> <ESC> Completed End-PointAdjustment <Figure39:TR_ZEROandTR_ENDAdjustment> End-PointRatioforValve(PETRIM) When reverseacting <RA>actuatorisused,End-Point can beadjustedwithin10%of total stroke,without adjusting valve's Zero-Point.<Figure40> <DOWN> 4times <ENTER> <ENTER> 36

  37. <UP>/<DOWN> then<ENTER> <ESC> 3 times Completed <Figure 40:PE_TRIMAdjustment> Normal/ReverseFeedbackSignal(TR_NORM/REV) The feedback signal from position transmitter can be viewed as normal or as reverse.For example, actual inputsignal of4mA canbeviewed asoutput signalof20mA.<Figure 41> <ENTER> <DOWN> 5times <ENTER> 제로점변경 <ENTER> <DOWN> <ESC> 3 times <Figure41:TR_NORM/REV> ValveMode(VALVE) ActingAdjustment(ACT) The positioner can be set asD/A(Direct Action) orR/A (Reverse Action.) <Figure42> <ENTER> 6 seconds <ENTER> <DOWN> 3times <UP>/<DOWN> then<ENTER> <ESC> 3 times <ENTER> Completed <Figure42:D/AorR/AAdjustment> CharacteristicsAdjustment (CHAR) 37

  38. The positioner'scharacteristicscanbeset dependsonuser'spreference.<Figure 43>Thereare 3 types of characteristics-Linear (LIN), Equal Percentage(EQ),and Quick Open (QO).Followingdiagram,<Figure44>,graphicallyshowseach characteristics. <Figure43> <ENTER> <DOWN> <ENTER> <UP>/<DOWN> then<ENTER> <ESC> 3 times Completed LIN/EQ/QO <Figure 44:CharacteristicsAdjustment> User Characteristics(USER SET) Whenuserhasaspecificcharacteristicwhichisnotincluded characteristic curvecan be made byselecting16 pointsof the curve. inabovesection,the <Figure45> <ENTER> <ENTER> 6 seconds <DOWN> 3times <UP><DOWN> then <ENTER> <UP><DOWN> then <ENTER> <ENTER> <ENTER> 6 seconds <ENTER <Figure45:USER SET Adjustment> TightShutOpen(TSHUTOP) <ENTER> 6 seconds <DOWN> 3times <ENTER> 38

  39. <UP>/<DOWN> then<ENTER> <ESC>3times then <ENTER> <ESC> 3 times TSHUT OP allows the valve to open completely when the input signal reaches around 20mA.<Figure46> <Figure46:TSHUT OP Adjustment> TightShutClose(TSHUTCL) <ENTER> <ENTER> 6 seconds <DOWN> 4times <UP>/<DOWN> then<ENTER> <ESC>3times then <ENTER> <ESC> 3 times TSHUT CL allows the valve to close completely when the input signal reaches around 4mA.<Figure47> <Figure47:TSHUTCL Adjustment> SplitRangeControl(SPLIT) <ENTER> <ENTER> 6 seconds <DOWN> 5times <UP>/<DOWN> then<ENTER> <ESC>3times then <ENTER> <ESC> 3 times Thevalvecanbecontrolledbythreeinputsignal-4~20mA,4~12mA,or12~20mA.<Figure 48> <Figure 48:SPLITAdjustment> ViewMode(VIEW) Inthismode,usercansetthepositionertodisplaydifferentinformationsuchasstrokevaluein percentage(%) or in values.<Figure 49> <UP>/<DOWN> onfirmthe changes,then<ESC> <DOWN> 4times <ENTER> c 39

  40. <ESC> Completed <Figure49:VIEW Adjustmentand DescriptionTable> ErrorandWarningCode YT-2500/2550series provideserrorand warningcodesif there is/areproblem/s. ErrorCode Error code will be displayedwhen the positioner cannot be operated. 40

  41. WarningCode Warningcodewillbedisplayedwhenthepositionerhasapossibilityofnotoperating. MainSoftwareMap 41

  42. 42

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