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Drăguşenii Noi Water Supply Project. Since the bilateral agreement signed in 2001 by the Governments of the Republic of Moldova and Swi ss Confederation , the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) has been financing social development projects in Moldova .
Drăguşenii Noi Water Supply Project Since the bilateral agreement signed in 2001 by the Governments of the Republic of Moldova and Swiss Confederation, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) has been financing social development projects in Moldova. By implementing drinking water supply systems, the SDC Water and Sanitation programme (WatSan) aims to improve the living conditions and public health in rural communities. Within the past five years, approx. 28’000 inhabitants of the Hânceşti and Nisporeni districts have benefited from the support of WatSan programme. The new water supply system in Drăguşenii Noi is co-financed by SDC, in partnership with the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC). Pumping station Spring tapping Implementation Preliminary Stage • During 2006 a number of studies were undertaken in Draguşenii Noi, including yield measurements, chemical and bacteriological water analyses, a topographical survey, network design and improvement of the catchment. After collecting the contributions of the WCA members, the construction of the water system began in April 2007. • The new water supply system consists of: • collecting chambers, interconnected by drainage pipes, delivering an average yield of 200 m³/ day • a pumping station • 24 km of PE pipes (from Ø140 to Ø25 mm) for the main network • 3 reservoirs with a usable volume of 115m3 in total • 396 individual connections with all necessary fittings • The drinking water is delivered to: • 393 households • a primary school with 320 students • kindergarten with 50 children • The 396 members of the WCA "Botna" have contributed to the implementation of the project with over 2'000 working days. In 2005 the Drăguşenii Noi local public authorities requested support from SDC and ADC in building a new water supply system (WSS). The assessments showed that the available water was of good quality and sufficient to supply the whole village. The SDC WatSan concept for Moldova has a local community based approach. Active participation of the beneficiaries is always requested during the project implementation. In summer 2006, the village inhabitants created the "Botna" Water Consumers' Association (WCA) and voted in favour ofsigning a contract of cooperation between the Municipality, the Hânceşti District Council and SDC. Draguşenii Noi project financing: SDC € 100'000.-- ADC € 100'000.-- Local contribution € 50'000.-- Situation: Population 2'400 inhabitants Project duration May '06 - Oct '07 Chişinău SDC Office ADC Office Drăguşenii Noi Hînceşti SDC WatSan Office WSS completed Meeting with the population of Drăguşenii Noi Project location
NEW WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM IN DRĂGUŞENII NOI (Hânceşti District) Catchment protection area Reservoir installation Future maintenance Stakeholders After having received the concession to operate the new water supply system from the Municipality, the "Botna" WCA became fully operational. The self-financing of the water supply system is ensured by an efficient billing system (individual water meter for each connection) and a water price that is affordable for the population. The main challenge for the WCA is to ensure the lasting benefits from this project, by guaranteeing the sustainability ofthe water network and its installations, and by monitoringthe quality of the delivered water. Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation - Swiss Cooperation Office in the Republic of Moldova (www.sdc.md, chisinau@sdc.net) Coordination Office for Technical Cooperation / Austrian Embassy Chişinău (chisinau@ada.gv.at) Municipality of Drăguşenii Noi "Botna" Water Consumers' Association Hânceşti District Council Building Company "Planta" SRL Design Institute "Iprocom" Trench digging Individual connection chamber