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Welcome to 5 th Grade! I’m glad you are here! Presentation for Students. Ms. Jennifer Bouska Carrie Martin Elementary School 2009-2010. Welcome to 5 th Grade!. I’m glad you’re here!. You can experience SUCCESS in 5th Grade by:. Having a Positive Attitude
Welcome to 5th Grade!I’m glad you are here!Presentation for Students Ms. Jennifer Bouska Carrie Martin Elementary School 2009-2010 5th Grade Game Plan 2009-2010
Welcome to 5th Grade! I’m glad you’re here! 5th Grade Game Plan 2009-2010
You can experience SUCCESS in 5th Grade by: • Having a Positive Attitude • Participating in Discussions and Activities • Being Responsible • Doing Your Best 5th Grade Game Plan 2009-2010
“In Pursuit of “Excellence”by Michael Jordan I have a goal of being the best, but I approach everything step-by-step using short-term goals. When I meet one goal, I set another reasonable goal that I can achieve if I work hard. Each success leads to the next. Each time I visualize where I want to be and what kind of person and player I want to become. I know exactly where I want to go, and I focus on getting there. All the steps are like pieces of a puzzle. They all come together, and if the picture is complete, I’ve met my goal. 5th Grade Game Plan 2009-2010
The goal of 5th gradeis to get you ready for 6th grade! Everything we do will help prepare you for middle school. We’ll accomplish our goal one step at a time. 5th Grade Game Plan 2009-2010
Are You Ready for Middle School? • Do you have a consistent 1 hour homework time four days a week? • Do you engage in 30 minutes of free reading everyday? • Do you use an assignment notebook to keep track of homework and tests? • Do you proofread and check for mistakes before turning work in? • Do you complete and turn in homework on time? • Are you able to read and take notes from textbooks and reference materials? • Have you mastered your math facts? (50 facts in 2.5 minutes) • Do you check with all of your teachers for make-up work when you’ve been absent? • Do you have effective study techniques and good test-taking skills? 5th Grade Game Plan 2009-2010
If not, that’s what 5th grade is all about! 5th Grade Game Plan 2009-2010
5th Grade Subjects and Teachers • Reading • Language (Writing) Mrs. Bouska • Spelling • Math • Science Mrs. Broyles • Social Studies Ms. Bouska • Art Ms. Hunt • Music Miss Smeltzer • P.E. Mrs. Mayes 5th Grade Game Plan 2009-2010
5th Grade Subjects and Teachers • Library Mrs. Rusho • Computer Mrs. Lindsey • Classroom Guidance Lessons Ms. Schmitt • G/T Mrs. Flesner • Resource/Speech Ms. McConnell and Mrs. Treloar • G.A.I.N. Ms. Hogue • Literacy Teacher Mrs. Naill 5th Grade Game Plan 2009-2010
Let’s begin by learning about the report card that you’ll receive at the end of each of the 4 quarters. You will earn letter grades in each of the following subjects: Reading Writing/Language Spelling Math Social Studies Science The Intermediate Report Card You will also receive an effort grade for each subject, as well as a mark for Outstanding, Expected, or Needs Improvement for Handwriting, Art, Music, and P.E. 5th Grade Game Plan 2009-2010
Accepts responsibility for personal actions Is courteous and respectful Shows self-discipline Participates/Contributes in class Works well with others Listens to and follows directions Completes work Uses time wisely Displays independence in work habits Has material available and ready Social and Work HabitsSection of the Report Card You’ll also earn marks for Outstanding, Expected, or Needs Improvement in these social and work habit areas: 5th Grade Game Plan 2009-2010
In 5th grade, we have just a few important rules to help us focus on learning: • Good listening will always be expected. • Stay seated during instruction. • Raise your hand to ask questions or make comments. • Respect other people’s space. • Use time wisely and stay on task. • Be sure your behavior doesn’t interfere with any other person’s right to feel safe and to learn in our classroom. 5TH Grade Rules! 5th Grade Game Plan 2009-2010
Positive Behavior Makes a Difference • “Cash for Class” – for shopping! • End-of-quarter movie for students who have completed all of their work • Recognition by Mrs. Weitzel at the end of the quarter • Expected or Outstanding mark on the report card 5th Grade Game Plan 2009-2010
Verbal Disrespect (Arguing, Defiance) Cheating/Dishonesty/Theft Inappropriate Language Fighting/Bullying Unnecessary Roughness Disruptive Behavior Chewing Gum or Eating Candy/Food Misuse of Materials Not Following Directions Being Off-Task or Unfocused Out of Seat Without Permission Talking During Independent Work Time Talking During Instruction Talking Out (Not Raising Hand) Not Returning Home/School Communication Form Not Being Prepared for Class Not Turning Homework In Safety Issues In accordance with the Carrie Martin Responsibility Tracking System, the categories for refocuses in 5th Grade include: 5th Grade Game Plan 2009-2010
Consequences to Avoid • Redirects (warnings) • Refocuses • Students may complete a Refocus Sheet or receive Refocus notifications sent home at the end of each week. • Refocuses are used as a record keeping system. Remember to start each day with a clean slate! • Loss of recess • In-school suspension • Suspension • **Fines (loss of “Cash for Class” dollars) • Loss of privileges for participation in fun activities • Needs improvement mark on the report card 5th Grade Game Plan 2009-2010
Homework • Homework is intended to reinforce skills we’ve learned in class. • There will be days that homework can be started during class. On these occasions, be sure to use your time wisely and ask Ms. Bouska questions. • If you don’t have time to do a good job on the assignment, please take it home! • Use the Five Steps to Homework Success! 5th Grade Game Plan 2009-2010
Five Steps to Homework Success 1. Write the assignment down in your planner. 2. Take home all of the materials you’ll need to complete the homework. 3. Complete the homework carefully, proofreading and checking for quality work. 4. Put your homework in a safe place in your backpack or binder. 5. Bring the assignment back to school and turn it in at the assigned time with your name on it. 5th Grade Game Plan 2009-2010
Planner Example Date: ________________ 5th Grade Game Plan 2009-2010
Late Work Policy If your homework is not turned in on time, take a late work coupon home for your parents to sign. You will receive a refocus for not being prepared for class. Bring the signed coupon and the completed homework back to school the next day, and turn them for an exempt assignment. This assignment will not hurt or help your grade. (Each student can use 2 late work coupons each quarter.) If your homework is still not complete and/or you did not bring the signed coupon back, take a zero sheet home to be signed. You will receive a refocus for not turning in an assignment and a zero in the grade book. Bring the completed homework and the signed zero sheet back in order to go to recess the next day. You will need to stay in at recess until the work is done and the zero sheet has been signed and returned. 5th Grade Game Plan 2009-2010
1 Hour of Consistent Homework Time • We expect you to develop good study habits. This is essential for next year! • During the 1-hour homework time, you should: 1) Finish assignments that are due the next day 2) Work on long-term assignments/projects 3) Study for routine tests: spelling and math facts 4) Review for major tests 5) Read, Read, Read! 5th Grade Game Plan 2009-2010
Create Positive Study Habits • Choose a quiet study place. • Read and follow all directions. • Do your work neatly and carefully. • Ask for help if you need it, but do the work yourself. • Listen carefully to what your teacher tells you to read or study. Pay attention to what the teacher emphasizes or stresses. • Know what kind of a test you’re going to have. • Review and recite the facts you’ve learned. 5th Grade Game Plan 2009-2010
Assessments • Weekly assignments and/or tests in spelling, reading, writing, math facts, math, science, and social studies. • District tests in reading, language, and math in September and January • State tests in reading, writing, math, and science in March/April. 5th Grade Game Plan 2009-2010
Guest Speakers One of the requirements in 5th Grade is to invite a guest speaker to come to our class to share a talent, hobby, or occupation for 20 minutes. Your guest can be someone in your family, a friend, or someone you don’t even know (yet!) Try to invite someone who will be interesting to the class and perhaps be able to involve us in some type of hands-on activity and/or pictures. This requirement will count toward your writing grade for 4th quarter, but your guest speaker will come during the quarter you sign up for at the beginning of the year. (We will have 3-8 guests per quarter.) You are responsible for writing a thank-you note to your guest. We will write an end-of-the-year thank you to all of the guest speakers. Let us know if you need ideas for a guest speaker. We can help! 5th Grade Game Plan 2009-2010
Classroom Webpage • We will have a classroom webpage through Wikispaces for Teachers! • http://jen283.wikispaces.com/ • All of our subjects have information on our page. • If you have parent permission slips signed, you will be able to post social studies projects and writing you are proud of on the webpage. • We will not be putting our last names on the webpage. 5th Grade Game Plan 2009-2010
Grading • Our grading scale is as follows: 90% - 100% A 80% - 89% B 70% - 79% C 60% - 69% D 59% and lower F Zeros can really hurt your grade. For example, if you had these 5 math grades: 100, 90, 80, 70, 80, your average would be an 84% for a “B”. Replace one of the 80% grades with a zero, and your average would be a 68% for a “D”. Make a decision right from the start not to let a zero lower your grade! 5th Grade Game Plan 2009-2010
Important Information • You will receive a newsletter every Friday and a Progress Report every other Friday. The progress report is to be signed and returned by the following Tuesday. The newsletter is the best way of keeping track of assignments, tests, and special announcements. • All of our newsletters will be posted on our classroom webpage. • http://jen283.wikispaces.com/ • Use the first 5 minutes of the day to turn in homework and other notes from home, to sharpen pencils, get drinks, and use the restroom. • Use morning break, lunch recess, and afternoon recess for restroom breaks. • You are welcome to bring treats for your birthday. 5th Grade Game Plan 2009-2010
Thank you for your time! Any questions? 5th Grade Game Plan 2009-2010
I am looking forward to a great year! 5th Grade Game Plan 2009-2010