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About Video

About Video. Media Concepts. The Spill Resource Page. Starter Question. How was the process for making the Star Wars movie “Star Wars I – The Phantom Menace” different than you expected? How has technology effected the way we make and watch films?. The Spill Resource Page.

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  1. About Video Media Concepts The Spill Resource Page

  2. Starter Question • How was the process for making the Star Wars movie “Star Wars I – The Phantom Menace” different than you expected? • How has technology effected the way we make and watch films? The Spill Resource Page

  3. What is Video? – A new concept • Film/Television • Film was the medium used for creating most audiovisual program for film and TV. • Reason Why? • Portable • Quality Images • Picture and Sound was recorded separately so sophisticated editing is possible. The Spill Resource Page

  4. What is Video? – A new concept • Television was the medium used to broadcast studio programs live and previously produced programs. • Television Not Ideal because: • Heavy and complex equipment. • Quality not as good as film. • Editing was difficult and quality suffered. The Spill Resource Page

  5. Camcorders • Camcorders are a combination of audio and visual recorders. • Technology advancements: • Smaller and easier to use. • Quality has improved to rival film. • Tomorrow – Camcorder demonstration. The Spill Resource Page

  6. Video vs. Film • Film makers think that video is less desirable than film: • Resolution and picture clarity is low compared to film. • Color sometimes lacks richness. • Sound editing was more difficult (until recently). The Spill Resource Page

  7. Video vs. Film • In other ways, Film is less desirable than video: • Flim is more expensive to shoot and process than video. • Film is less tolerant of lighting situations. • Sound is more difficult because it is almost always recorded separately. • Film color balance is expensive and time consuming. The Spill Resource Page

  8. Video vs. Film • Continued.. • Titles and effects cannot be added in real time. • Film editing requires making a negative – although this process is being digitized. The Spill Resource Page

  9. Converging Technologies • Today the two are growing closer together. • Both worlds are working together: • Commercials that are shot on film then converted to tape. • Videotape work prints are made, edited, and completed with a film negative is cut to match the tape. • Special effects are created electronically and then transferred to film. • Audio software is relevant in both areas. The Spill Resource Page

  10. Types of Video Productions • Wide range of productions: • Commercials • Mini-Series • Consumer use – family vacations, birthdays, weddings, etc. • Professional uses for video are expanding. The Spill Resource Page

  11. Video Jobs and Talents • Story Side of Production – Writing, Directing, or Editing • Graphic Talents – Art Design, Set Construction, Costume Design, Make-Up Artist • Operators – Camera, Lighting, Audio • Technical Applications – Audio and/or Video Engineering, Video Production and Management • Business skills – Production Management The Spill Resource Page

  12. The Nature of the Video World • The TV Screen is a window that looks out on a completely different universe. In the world of video: • An actor can open a door in London and walk though it to Los Angeles. • A car can turn a corner and jump forward a week in time. • An actor can fall ten stories onto concrete and walk away unhurt. The Spill Resource Page

  13. The Language of Video Expression • Video communication uses a visual language. • An image is much like a single word. • A shot is much like a complete sentence. • A scene is much like a paragraph. • A sequence is much like a chapter. • Video has its own techniques for creating distinctive styles of expression. The Spill Resource Page

  14. The Construction of Video Programs • You must organize and construct a coherent story. • Three Steps: • Preproduction Phase • Includes Scripting (Storyboarding) • Scouting locations • Gathering Cast and Crew • Planning production equipment and other requirements. • Often longer and more complicated than the production phase. The Spill Resource Page

  15. The Construction of Video Programs • Production Phase • Shooting phase • “Look” of the program divided by director, videographer, and production design. • Director guides performers though their roles. • All associated persons record the footage that will become the basis for the finished product. The Spill Resource Page

  16. The Construction of Video Programs • Postproduction Phase • As important as all other phases • Assembling of shots, sounds, special effects, etc. • Editing Phase • Only the tip of the iceberg… The Spill Resource Page

  17. Vocabulary • Camcorder – an appliance that both captures moving images and stores them on tape or other media. • Digitize – To record images and sounds as numerical data, either directly in a camcorder or in the process of importing them to a computer. • Film – An audiovisual medium that on transparent plastic strips by means of photosensitive chemicals The Spill Resource Page

  18. Vocabulary • Live – Recorded and usually transmitted for display continuously and in real time. • Shoot – To record film or video; also, “a shoot” is an informal term for the production phase of a film or video project. • Television – Studio-based, multicamera video that is often produced and transmitted “live.” The Spill Resource Page

  19. Vocabulary • Video – An audiovisual medium that records on magnetic tape of other media by electronic means; also, single camera taped program creation in the manner of film production rather than studio television. • Visual Literacy – the ability to evaluate the content of visual media through an understanding of the way in which it is recorded and presented. The Spill Resource Page

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