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“The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe

“The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe. Story Vocabulary. Story Vocabulary. a perture 9. obstinate c atacomb 10. preclude c ircumscribed 11. quack c lamor 12. terminate c onnoisseur 13. tier e mbed 14. trowel f etter 15. utter i ncrustation 16. virtuoso.

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“The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe

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  1. “The Cask of Amontillado”by Edgar Allan Poe Story Vocabulary

  2. Story Vocabulary • aperture 9. obstinate • catacomb 10. preclude • circumscribed 11. quack • clamor 12. terminate • connoisseur 13. tier • embed 14. trowel • fetter 15. utter • incrustation 16. virtuoso

  3. aperture (n) • a hole or an opening The farmer discovered anaperture in his fence that had allowed some cows to escape.

  4. catacomb (n) • an underground tunnel or area with holed for graves Poe delighted in setting one of his masterpieces in a catacomb.

  5. circumscribed (v) • restricted or limited The triangle circumscribed the circle.

  6. clamor (n) • loud noise or shouting The clamor finally subsided when the bell rang and the students focused all of their undivided attention on the teacher! (hint-hint)

  7. connoisseur (n) • A person who is able to be a judge in matters of art and taste My sister knows so much about wine that she might be considered a connoisseur.

  8. embed (v) • to close firmly in some mass The fossil has been embedded in the rock for millions of years.

  9. fetter (v) • To restrict by shackling or chaining The convict was fettered to prevent his escape.

  10. incrustation (n) • being covered with a crust; state of being incrusted The incrustation of self-destructive habits has become the focal point for many self-help groups.

  11. obstinate (adj) • unyielding regardless of reason or logic; stubborn He will not accept advice on many things because of his obstinate attitude.

  12. preclude (v) • to make impossible A low SAT score may preclude your acceptance to Stanford.

  13. quack (n) • an unqualified or fake doctor When I researched the background of the heart surgeon I learned that he was a quack, so I sought a second opinion.

  14. terminate (v) • to bring to an end My supervisor had to terminate the employment of many individuals due to budget cuts.

  15. tier (n) • One of a series of rows or levels I did not know that a wedding cake could contain ten tiers and still remain standing!

  16. trowel (n) • flat bladed hand tool used to work with mortar or to dig holes for plants I had to buy a new trowel when I saw all of the gardening ideas on Pinterest and wanted to try every single one!

  17. utter (v) • to express by speaking The teacher told Billy not to utter another word or she would send him to the office for causing a verbal disruption.

  18. virtuoso (n) • one skilled in the fine arts as an accomplished musician Having played with some of the greatest symphonies in the world, he was known as a virtuoso on the violin.

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