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Immune Systems Inspired Cooperation in Multi-Robot Systems

Immune Systems Inspired Cooperation in Multi-Robot Systems.  Sazalinsyah Razali (syah) S.Razali@lboro.ac.uk. source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/annia316/754581568/. Contents. Introduction Coordination vs. Cooperation ?! MRS Taxonomy Immune Systems Proposed Approach Summary.

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Immune Systems Inspired Cooperation in Multi-Robot Systems

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  1. Immune Systems Inspired Cooperation in Multi-Robot Systems  Sazalinsyah Razali (syah)S.Razali@lboro.ac.uk source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/annia316/754581568/

  2. Contents • Introduction • Coordination vs. Cooperation ?! • MRS Taxonomy • Immune Systems • Proposed Approach • Summary

  3. Introduction • To propose an immune-inspired approach on cooperation. • To establish an adaptive cooperation algorithm in heterogeneous robot teams. • To determine the effect of the applied approach in terms of efficiency in cooperation. Investigate the implementation of immune-based algorithm in achieving adaptive cooperation in a group of heterogeneous robots.

  4. Coordination: "cooperation in which the actions performed by each robotic agents in such a way that the whole ends up being a coherent and high-performance operation" (Ferber, 1999) Cooperation: "robots that operate together to perform some global task" (Noreils, 1993) Coordination/Cooperation

  5. MRS Taxonomy • System Dimensions • system features that influence team development Coordination Dimensions type of coordination that is achieved in the MRS

  6. MRS Taxonomy(Farinelli, Iocchi & Nardi, 2004)

  7. System Dimensions Communication Direct communication Indirect communication (Stigmergy) can also be in more detail, i.e. topology, range & bandwidth (Dudek et al., 1996) • Team Composition • Homogeneous • Heterogeneous • or using Social Entropy (Balch, 1997)

  8. System Dimensions System Architecture Deliberative - overall long term plan Reactive - individual plan by each robot Team Size explicitly consider dealing with many robots don't consider or the number of robots

  9. Basic Immune Activation & Effector Phases (Nosssal, 1993)‏

  10. Immune System Cooperative Robotics

  11. Proposed Approach Utilize Immune System: with Memory able to retain previous state/action to make the next action Advantage: more efficient with Swarm algorithm able to adapt in wider environment Advantage: more robust

  12. Summary Studying the implementation of immune-based algorithm in achieving adaptive cooperation in heterogeneous multirobot systems.

  13. Thank You! http://www-staff.lboro.ac.uk/~cosr/phd/ -syah- source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/annia316/754581568/

  14. source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/annia316/754581568/

  15. Small grant to buy a few of the e-puck autonomous mobile robots (Switzerland). e-puck Mobile Robots

  16. Multi-Robot Task Allocation The taxonomy of MRTA can be considered as a more detailed Strongly-Coordinated type: Robot - single-task (ST) vs. multi-task (MT) Task - single-robot (SR) vs. multi-robot (MR) Assignment - instantaneous assignment (IA) vs. time-extended assignment (TA)

  17. Social Entropy Het(R) is the function that calculates the heterogeneity of the robots society R, and p calculates the propotion of robots in the corresponding subgroup C to R Partition the robots into several groups, where all members of a given group have similar behaviours.

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